[ The present time]
Ms. Hikari was at her classroom checking the student's names after she came across the name 'Rin Kurenai' and remembered the visit his mother had with her and said "ah, why'd she have to say it like that" she could've at least given me an escape route from all the tension, gosh she was so scary and.. so talkative...?, plus what will I do if the mistress of the spiritual bloodline, gives the school a small rating, or maybe a negative response? maybe Ms. Hyra will finally give me a punishment after all these years...' were the words she gobbled up in her mouth before she let out a long but silent sigh and looked outside the window, she could see a silhouette of a boy with white long hair that's tied up by a blue ribbon and bangs that were covering half of the boy's face.
Ms. Hikari then thought ' I guess I'll have to keep an eye on him'.
[ the same time at the school cafeteria ]
'ah, why do I have a feeling a dozen of eyes are watching me?' Rin thought while getting himself food, then added 'I should probably, not come here next time, I think going back home from school and eating there is more safe then coming here' Rin thought while walking towards one of the sides of a table and sat, before he could even have a bite of his food, a third year suddenly said, "huh, so your the fourth son of the spiritual bloodline, meaning to say, your the one, that family thinks so highly of " she said while taking small bites of the food from her plate, after she said All that, her friends started to look at her with confusion, it was then when they noticed something, a person whose beauty is as pretty as a goddess appeared from the right side of their friend. After just noticing the beauty, Rin immediately jolted, he noticed that everyone on that table was already looking at him, he started sweating quite a bit and thought 'how the heck did she even figure that out?' he thought sarcastically with a stop then added 'ah, can't I at least have a peaceful afternoon??', after he thought that, one of the people from the table suddenly said "uh, miss what can we do for you?" he said those words with a confused tone and another said "oh, please Yuseo, no matter how pretty he looks, it's still clear that he's a boy" she said while slapping Yuseo then added "so~, Kiramei said your the fourth son, so is it true that your a blue phoenix?, or was that just a made up rumor? hm?~ " she said while giving a seductive look.
Rin thought, ' it's just the start of my classes here, and is someone already trying to seduce me?? ah mom, you seduced dad until he fell for you, can you help me so that I won't fall for this trick too?? this is so annoying', but after thinking of things he said sarcastically "ah, yes I am, but was the fact that they have a blue phoenix too hard to understand?" when he said all this it was a bit provoking for the one asked him but instead of getting provoked, She then said "no, it's not really that hard to understand the words, but the thing that I can't understand more is why you went to secluded training." she said this while looking at her plate that's already almost empty, poking a slice of a carrot and moving it from this side to the other side of her plate, but after that no one talked anymore, the one to break the silence was Kiramei, the one who gave in and initiated the conversation, she then said "can't you at least be a little nice when you're talking Mika? when you talk you have this hateful tone, plus he's the person my one and only's family thinks highly of so could you please stop that?" she said this with a bit of anger and annoyance but Mika responded with a "but..!" before she was cut of again with a "stop. it. now. It's better of when we leave." from Kiramei, who said each of the words with a stop and the last sentence with a not too fast and not too slow pace then left, it felt like she was angry about something that couldn't be said, while the others continued eating Mika suddenly stood up and went to chase Kiramei who walked out and said "hey! wait...!", while the three of their friends were still at the table.
Rin said while looking at Mika who chased after Kiramei "what about the three of you? not running after them?" he said sarcastically and continued eating.
Yuseo then said "I'll chase after them if it makes me full but because it doesn't, I won't " he said smiling and continued eating again.
another said "I don't know if it's rude or not but I really wanna know the reason, why did you go into secluded training?" he said while having a serious face looking directly at Rin, the other whispered "hey! you heard what they talked about earlier, don't ask something so personal Akashi! you'll offend him!" although he whispered it, it was still clearly heard by Rin.
but then Akashi said " I know that Hakami! that's why I said, I don't know if it's rude or not!" he turned towards his plate and took another spoonful.
suddenly Rin said "actually it's not really rude to ask me at all, but to be exact, the reason why I don't want to let them know the reason of me going to secluded training was because it is a little bit scary to hear, but if you want to know it's a bit long" Rin looked up at them and said "is that ok with you?" with a stop he then said "do you still want to know?"
the three then nodded with serious faces, and as Rin heard that they wanted to know so badly he then continued "the reason I went to secluded training was because I needed to control my abilities, because a blue phoenix and a regular phoenix are different when it comes to abilities" with a stop Rin then added "and since a blue phoenix is also known as a soul phoenix, it wasn't really called soul phoenix for no reason, for example if the blue flames of the blue phoenix eats a living being, almost instantly the flesh is turned into ash and the soul won't be able to escape, instead when the flames disappear the soul gets caged until the flames gets out again, although it can't escape it can still wander around if the user allows it to. The flesh of the being can be restored again if the user wants to use them as dead armies, the more resentful energy they have the stronger they are" when Rin finished this sentence, he noticed that the three of them were shocked, so eventually Rin thought if maybe all this talk about evil stuff is creeping them out, so he immediately said "but of course that's out of tone and demonic... but I'll tend to avoid using blue flames, so no need to worry." he said reassuringly while he continued eating.
Yuseo said "huh, so that's why, so basically you can control the dead and cage souls?" he asked while he continued eating, "yes, I can, but although I can cage souls, I can only cage the resentful, evil or demonic ones" said Rin.
The other two noticed that Rin was already almost done eating along with Yuseo, so they continued to eat while having small talks untill they were done eating and said their goodbyes, since Yuseo, Akashi and Hakami were third years and Rin had to go to the academy's library.
The bell rang and lunch time was already over, the students were already going back to their classroom.
Rin was going back to his classroom when someone called him "good afternoon Rin, how was lunch?" said Ms. Hikari smiling.
" It was fine, what about you Ms. Hikari?" said Rin while smiling back.
before Ms. Hikari said anything back she thought 'oh gosh he's really pretty up close, too pretty actually!, I couldn't even see it clearly since his bangs are way too long!!, I already knew he was pretty but this is too much for a boy, ah gosh genes these days are too strong' before she came back to her senses Rin called her saying "Ms. Hikari??"
"oh uh, well I was thinking if you were already going back to class, because, uhm... if you are we can go there together..." she said with a hopeless tone and thought 'gosh damn it, I thought I already stopped with the awkwardness, ah guess I have to get over it again' she then gestured to Rin and pointed to where the classes was while she smiled and said "let's go?" and went to the direction of their classroom along with Rin.