[2] The "goddess"

The teenager woke up to the sound of a camp fire crackling, he tried his hardest to make his eyes open. When he could finally control his eye lids and was now able to open his eyes, he then slowly turned his head to face the side. As soon as he faced the side he thought he had seen a goddess.

His eyes widened from the view of the goddess's face but he realized something... something important that he swore he needed to remember. At that moment, he thought ' wait... the person that saved me.. wasn't it a guy? then why...? ' and quickly reverted his eyes to the goddess's body and as expected it was a guy's build... although it was a guy's build, his body was unlike the other guys with biceps that were large, instead his body looked like a pampered mistress of a wealthy family! fair skin and a small waist, of course one man to another man would think that the person right next to him right now is a girl because of his fair skin and his long hair!.

Although his hair was long... it wasn't as long as the time he had first seen this goddess, it was still tied up in place but.. the bangs and his tied up hair was a lot shorter than the time the goddess showed up to help him. He thought 'why did this goddess cut his hair?... was it intentional...??' after thinking about the fact that the goddess had cut his hair, he still struggled to ask him why.

The "goddess" or Rin seeing that the person he saved is awake, looked at the man and said "if you can't say a word then don't force it. plus once I find out the reason why you can't move or talk yet and fix it, I'm sure you'll be able to stand up and talk again ... but I doubt you'll be able to use magic as soon as you recover." The teenager was still looking at Rin as if he was in a trance but as he looked at Rin he thought ' he's not going to take my score... is he?..' As soon as he finished thinking, the "goddess" then walked closer to him, as he was laying down, he felt afraid at the thought of him getting eliminated but he could not do anything since he still couldn't move an inch, so instead of moving he closed his eyes and braced himself for what was to come next. Although he prepared himself, he noticed that Rin was going for the tree next to him and took a black and cyan colored haori off of a tree branch, Rin then said "If.. your wondering of what happened to my hair, you should probably look at the state of your leg, it's terrible" while Rin put on his haori and looked back at the unknown man.

Rin thought as he sighed ' he's still not able to move his lips and if I can't find a way to fully heal him... but tomorrow's the end of the exam, if he doesn't recover now, terrible things are expected to happen.' and said "I can't help you get back your ability to use magic... but I can heal you. My hair... is one of the reasons I'm able to do so. If by any chance you are worried that it won't grow back, don't worry knowing myself, It will." Rin said walking towards him. As Rin walked closer to him, the teenager flinched and looked at Rin as if he was an enemy, since the rules were as simple and as short as ever to easily memorize it.

Rin thought 'maybe he isn't too bright.. I've already helped him enough for him to see me as an ally, does he really think I'll take his score at such a state of his??' he then gave a look of disappointment and said "if you think I'll take your score then I'm sorry but I won't, that won't happen unless you want to take mine as well" he said with a stop, then suddenly reached out towards the person's injured leg as if he were to pull something off as quickly as he could. The teenager let out a groan, closed his eyes and gave a pained face, his brows knitted and face darkened while he bit his lip.

"Why. Would... You.. Do That!!??.. Agh!" as he struggled to talk, he was immediately cut off by a sharp pain on his leg, he froze to the thought of it being something that he hadn't known before, especially the thought of it being a snake or a spider biting him. Rin then quickly pulled the thing that was biting him and said "You said you wanted to know why'd I do that? look! this is the thing that is making you unable to move, talk and use magic!" he said this reasonably as he showed the unknown person the leech that had bit him, the leech's mouth still bloody. "Agh! what the heck!- ack!" he shouted from the pain that the leech has caused and as chaos from the both of them arose, As Rin started to get irritated he shouted "OKAY! Alright already!! I'll take the leech away from you! just be quiet!" As the teenager obeyed the command he stopped shouting and stopped moving.

"Right. We got off on the wrong foot. let's start this again shall we? I am Rin Kurenai.. and you are?" Rin said as he slowly pulled the leech away from the teenager, still irritated. As the leech was already a half meter away from him he said "My name is... wait your name's Rin?" Rin replied almost immediately as he stood up. "God! why would I not be Rin?! Yes!! I am! I'm Rin Kurenai, the fourth son! did you not know that already?! is it because of my hair?? my face? my eyes!? even an idiot can easily tell that I'm Yukari Kurenai and Omori Kyou's child!... gosh if I hadn't went to the place you were in, I wouldn't have to face such a huge bother!" Coldly, the boy said "What do you mean!? you mean your okay with me dying!? do you even know who I am? I'm the Second son of the Imperial household!" As Rin heard this he was quite shocked and said "what...?" as he held the leech.

Rin was as shocked as he was and said "You are.. the second?... then you must be Shibuya Kaho"

The unknown teenager then said "Yes... I am."

"huh.. I'm sorry but I never knew you were so dumb..." Rin said as he gave a displeased look at Shibuya, then added "well.. now that you can talk I suppose you'll allow me to start a small discussion?" As Shibuya heard the first sentence he was quite provoked, but although he was provoked he couldn't do anything because of a reason or two. After a short while he then said "alright... what is it?" then looked back at the fire. As Rin was given permission to do so, he then said "the leech that was on your leg earlier. It wasn't an ordinary leech, as I said this leech is the reason why you couldn't move or use magic. Just like the other beasts they have their own specialties but this one isn't, it was forcefully made by magic. You can easily call it an empowered leech as it only eats magic that is flowing in a user. This one is one of the leeches that was biting you, do you even know how many bit you? six, six leeches bit you as you were drowning in the quicksand, these leeches do not live in watery parts but Instead they live in quicksands" He stood up walked towards the fire and burned the leech. As the leech was burned, magic began to flow all over the place this magic was supposed to be strong if it weren't for the leech enveloping the magic. As Rin finished throwing the leech in the flames he then looked back at Shibuya and said with a quiet voice "five... five people are within this area surrounding us, if we don't quiet down now I'm afraid our only choice out of here is transportation towards another terrain." As he heard that there were people around them, his eyes widened quite a bit and slowly stood up while using the tree for him to get assist.