Ch. 7

After the boring ride on the Ferris wheel, of course, they wake the mother and daughter duo first before proceeding on looking for the next ride.

During their search, Kenji could hear Shina muttering to herself, "I'm such a useless adult, I let a child look over me instead of me looking over them." He just patted her back but instead of comforting her, it intensifies her muttering.

While they were walking around, "Kyaaaa!" Which caused them shock and look at each other.

Chikashi was the first one to move and said, "You guys stay here!" He then nodded at Hana and they both called their bodyguards to escort their children and Shina before running off to the scream.

When they were both running, they could see many people running the opposite of them which means somewhere in the scream earlier something bad is happening right there so they hasten up.

When they reached the source, they saw a massive gate with spider monsters coming out of the gate while dead bodies were scattered everywhere in the park.

"Dear!" Hana called out and Chikashi nodded and searched for a survivor while Hana ran towards the spider monsters and when she is close, she stomped her left foot forward, her back going downwards which forces her right arm with a closed fist to speed forward.


Huge amounts of air waves were cast out due to the strong impact of her punch which cause the half of the monsters to fly back, dead.

Meanwhile, Chikashi found at least 5 survivors and now he is healing them while waiting for the hunters to arrive.

Back to Hana, she was fighting all the monsters with her fist while dodging some of them.

Dodge, Punch, Kick, Elbow, and repeat, Monsters upon Monsters we're flying everywhere like a leaf in the wind.

When she was about to be cornered, she punched the ground with her full force causing a 10-meter radius huge crater on the ground while the monsters were flying back at full speed giving Hana a space to breathe.

Suddenly, a spider spitted out a venom behind her very fast, and before she could react, a barrier formed behind her which blocked the venom saving her.

When she looked back, she saw her husband, Chikashi with a glowing orange eye and hand just like in the old days, when she fell in love with him due to his braveness in saving her from a boss.

Meanwhile, a spider sneaked behind Chikashi and was about to attack him when suddenly, a blur appeared and smack the hell out of the arachnid.

It revealed, Hana with glowing red eyes and aura while smiling at him which caused Chikashi to smile back, he was also saved by her back in their days. Then they both nodded at each other and faced their front with their back against each other.

Looking around, they were surrounded by the arachnids, some big, while some small, and some were even as big as a truck.

They both dashed forward and attacked every monster surrounding them.

Meanwhile, Shina, Kanae, and Kenji were both running away with the bodyguards protecting them from the front and behind when suddenly, an arachnid as big as a car appeared and attack everyone behind while countless small spiders appeared in the front cornering them all.

But waves of flame appeared and swallow every small spider.

And when they look the source, they saw a man with a huge build with a grey beard and hair, warmly looking at them.

Meanwhile, Shina who was shocked finally looked at their savior with a grateful expression.

"Hello, there little ones, what are you both doing here?" The man asks, to which Kenji answered first.

"We were just walking around, sir.".

"I see, then where are your parents?" The man asks again.

"They're back there fighting these monsters. What is your name, sir?" Kenji asks, to him this guy looks very familiar like he's seen him somewhere.

The man smiled and said, "Iroh, my name is Iroh, but you little ones can call me uncle."


Back at the source of the Gate, both Chikashi and Hana were both being cornered by the arachnids.

"Damn! Where the hell are the Hunters?!" Chikashi yelled in anger, both he and his wife has been fighting for an hour and the reinforcements haven't arrived yet.

Then suddenly a sea of flames consumed the left side of the monsters making big of them sigh in relief that the reinforcements have arrived but when they look at the one who cause it, they were shocked when they saw him there and behind him are his son Kenji, Kanae and Shina.

"What are you doing here?!" Hana was the first one to speak in this silence.

"We're here to save you, mom!" Kenji replied.

Chikashi just shakes his head on this, they already knew his strength but that doesn't mean they'll not worry about him especially since he has Kanae by his side.

Suddenly, a spider as huge as a car sneaked behind Kanae and was about to attack her when red hot beams sliced through its body.

When they looked at the source they saw Kenji with an angry expression while his eyes were glowing in dark red.

"Kenji-kun..." Kanae was fearful when she was almost at death's door when suddenly her childhood crush saved her like a knight in shining armor making her crush him more.

Kenji just sighed before the dark red light on his eyes died down a little bit and when he turned around he saw more arachnids coming out of the Gate.

"There's more," Kenji whispered but everyone could hear it clearly making them all turn at the Gate.

The first one to attack was surprisingly, Kenji who disappeared and appeared in front of a spider who was late to react before being punched into bits waking them up except for Kanae who he turned around before dashing at the monster earlier.

As if a signal, Iroh, Chikashi, and Hana attacked while Shina just defended her daughter just in case.

Kenji was rampaging, with his freeze breath, countless spiders got frozen before shattering into pieces.

Punching spiders in one hit was easy for him, sometimes his eyes glowed dark red and got beams sliced through them even the structures behind were not spared, good thing the civilians were already evacuated by nearby patrol polices.

Unknown to them, a Japanese blogger was recording them live all this time.

[NoToNTR: Damn, I didn't think we'd see the 'Shaman' Akano Chikashi and the 'BoulderFist' Akano Hana fight again after their retirement, and is that their son, the famous 'Youngest Awakened' Akano Kenji?]

[NoobMaster69: Damn right they are, especially their son, he looks so cool when he saved that girl.]

[SmolPP: A Family of Hunters, huh? This is the first time I've seen someone have 3 awakened's in one family.]

[VampireLover: Maybe they're the descendants of a God?]

[LaLa: Shut up @VampireLover Gods don't exist. Change my mind.☕]

[God: Don't make me come down there you punk.]


A few minutes later, the Hunters finally arrived, and when they saw mountains of spider corpses with a 14-year-old looking kid sitting atop the corpses while looking at them, his clothes dyed in red while his glowing dark red eyes were staring at them making them shudder in fear.


Please visit my p@treon to read 5 advance chapters and if you want to support me. ( don't forget to change @ to a.

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1000 Power stones - 2 Bonus Chapters