Ch. 11

"Shigeo!" Bon immediately interfered.

He called up the guards and escorted him out, but while Shigeo was being escorted, he was glaring at Kenji intensely.

"I am sorry about that." Bon apologized, he wondered why Kenji was angry at Shigeo, have they already met?

In fact, he was right, it was that time when he fully opened his super hearing and he heard the name Matsumoto Shigeo and how he's purposely assigning weak hunters to a false information Gate.

For example, he sent some E to D-rank hunters to a 'D-rank' gate which in truth was actually a B-rank gate.

Shigeo believes that by making weak hunters experience life and death, they'll reawaken and make them stronger while at the same time making Japan strong.

And to make them loyal, most E to D-rank hunters are poor so he'll come in and shower them with money by laying their bills, housing, and even their medical treatment.

That way, they'll feel indebted to him and make Japan stronger than other nations.

Truly a madman, Kenji thought. He just shakes his head and stared at Bon who was looking at him.

"Is there something with my face?" Kenji innocently asks.

"N-nothing, nothing." Bon waved his hand while scratching the back of his head with his other hand.

"Then, let us proceed," Kenji said while walking towards the door.

"Umm, etoo." Bon seems like he was having a hard time speaking so Kenji asks him.

"Is there something wrong?" Kenji asks.

"Uhmm, that is not the room for the next testing, it is this way," Bon replied while pointing his finger towards the opposite of Kenji.

"I know that, I was just looking around." Kenji shamelessly lied before walking towards the door that he pointed to.

The rest of them followed while ignoring his shamelessness.

Once they entered the next room, Bon explained, "This is the Defense testing room." Then he continued, "We'll test your toughness now."

Kenji was then told to walk in the middle of the room.

"Stone testing," Bon said before countless stones from pebbles to boulders were thrown at him.

All this was brushed off by him. "Flames," Bon shouted again and a sea of flames rushed toward Kenji who was also unfazed by this.

Then they proceeded to continue testing his durability with freeze, tsunamis, guns, machine guns, and bombs, Bon was eager to try to nuke him but just one glare from both his parents stopped Bon from doing that, he values his life more than his curiosity.

After that, they gave him spare clothes because his clothes were destroyed during the testing.

Bon wanted to test his durability against magic but he just brushed it off when he saw he could tank every attack they throw at him, magic might also give the same result, and besides, there's no strong mage available at this moment.

"Strength, check. Mana/energy, check. Durability, check." Bon said while checking the paper he was holding.

"From our testing earlier, we could make you an S-rank hunter. Not only you're the youngest hunter, but you'll also be the youngest S-rank in the whole world!" Bon said while not hiding his excitement.

"Then, thank you for your help, we'll be leaving now so please excuse us," Kenji said before bowing slightly.

"You're welcome! And yes, you can go now, please take care!" Bon nodded and said but then he remembered something and shouted.

"Wait! You forgot your cloth." Bon said before whispering to his assistant.

Soon after the scientist left, he came back with a properly folded cloth and handed it to Kenji.

Kenji nodded before taking the cloth while looking both at his parents who were smiling warmly at him.

After that, he held their hands and left the hunter association. When they went outside, the flashes of lights from cameras intensified while reporters were constantly asking questions.

"Sir! When will you be participating in clearing dungeons?" One of the reporters asks.

"Please wait for the association's announcement," Kenji answered.

More questions were asked but the Akano family just ignored them and went inside their Limo.

"Excited?" Chikashi asks his son.

"A little bit," Kenji said, earlier he was a bit nervous about the magic resistance test but good thing they thought that his durability against physical means also applied the same to his magic resistance.

A few minutes later, they were finally at their home. Once they were inside, they saw Kanae playing with his toys all alone.

"What's up?" Kenji greeted her.

"Kenji!!" Kanae excitedly yelled his name before running up to him and smashing him with her hug.

"Lonely?" Kenji ask which Kanae nodded while burying her head in his chest.

After a few seconds of hugging, they sat on his bed and Kenji recounted to her what happened earlier.

"Why do you hate that Shigeo guy?" Kanae asks.

"I just feel like hating him." Kenji shrugged his shoulders.

Meanwhile, Kanae just stared at him with a deadpanned expression while her face was asking 'Really?'.

She shook her head and firmly said, "Then if you hate him then I'll hate him too." Before hugging him again.

"Really, what's with the hugging?" Kenji was confused, for the past few days, Kanae has been frequently hugging him from time to time.

"Nothing I just felt like it," Kanae answered while still burying her head in his chest.

Kenji just let her be, as much as she likes her hug, she is still a kid for god's sake.

A few minutes later, "Let's go and eat dinner." Kenji said while removing the sticky girl who fell asleep on his chest.

"Waaah?!" Kanae was woken up by the movement.

"Let's go." Kenji firmly said before holding her hand and walking outside the living room.

After they ate their dinner the Akano and Tawata families slept soundly that night.


Please visit my p@treon to read 5 advance chapters and if you want to support me. ( don't forget to change @ to a.

500 Power stones - 1 Bonus Chapter

1000 Power stones - 2 Bonus Chapters