Ch. 14

(Before you read this, Let me guess first. After reading this chapter, you'll drop this book and rate it 1 star then complain about how the mc is a pedophile and some shit then you will use your ALT accounts to rate this book 1 star then you will tell your friends, not to ready this shit.

All I wanted to say was, thank you for accompanying me from the start until to this day, you have my permission to drop the book after reading this chapter.)


The next day, Kenji woke up and went to shower. After showering he went downstairs and saw his dad on the table with a tall box on his side.

Chikashi noticed him and greeted him, "Good morning, son. Eat first, I have something to show you." Kenji did as he was told and ate his breakfast followed by Kanae and Hana who just woke up.

Once they're done, Kenji asks, "What is it, Dad?" Chikashi smiled and took the tall box on his side and presented it to him.

Kenji confusedly looks at the tall box, is it his birthday? Chikashi noticed his confused look and explained, "It's your costume. Open it." When Kenji heard him, he brightens up and opens the box.

Once opened, he saw a mannequin wearing a blue and red costume. Exactly a Superman costume like he requested but he changed it a bit.

First of all, the underwear is not outside like the original costume.

Second, it looks more like armor rather than a cloth. That's because he requested it too. He doesn't want to wear something that chokes his body like spiderman. He prefers something like this.

(The cover is the image.)

Once done checking it up, he stand up and hugged his dad first, "Thanks, dad!" He said before also hugging his mother since he could feel her stare at him when he is hugging his dad.

"Wear it!" Chikashi encourages him. Kenji smiled and nodded before doing the iconic superman wearing his costume like in the movies.

He disappeared and appeared but nothing changed on his body making everyone confused.

"Where's your costume?" Chikashi asks confusedly.

Kenji smiled and slowly opens his shirt on his chest with both his hands revealing the superman costume.

Once done, he's finally on his costume while everyone just stared at him dumbfoundedly.

"What was that?" Hana couldn't hold it anymore and ask.

"Nothing just felt like doing it," Kenji replied. They just shake their heads and ignored that scene.

"So, what does it feel like? Do you feel uncomfortable?" Chikashi asks.

Which, Kenji shakes his head and said, "Nope. In fact, I feel really good!". Chikashi sighed in relief.

"So, ready for your first raid?" Hana changes the topic and asks Kenji.

Kenji nodded, although he knew that he was being schemed, that doesn't mean he was not excited.

He can't wait to crush some monster's skulls with nothing but his bare hands.

Suddenly he noticed Kanae was looking a bit down so he asks, "What's wrong, Kanae?" Which startles Kanae and her eyes darted around nervously, especially at his parents.

He noticed that she started getting more nervous and keeps fidgeting. So, he held her soft hand, and they went upstairs but not before thanking his dad one last time.

They went inside his room and asks, "What's wrong?" Kanae stopped fidgeting and sighs sadly.

"It's just that, I felt useless..." Kanae talked.

(Kanae PoV)

When both me and Kenji went home after almost being killed if it wasn't for Kenji-kun.

I felt useless. That was the 2nd time he saved me without asking anything back.

I tried to talk to him if he wants something from me but all he said was, 'Being by my side is all I want from you.' Although it was sweet it was crushed by his next words,

'Because you're my friend.'

Although I was saddened by it, at least being by his side is enough for me even though I'm not the one he's gonna love.

And besides, we're still kids and I haven't confessed yet so there's still a chance for me.

But I'm weak, does he still want me to be his friend if I'm weak?

I'll just be a burden to his life. Once he's achieved enough fame I'll just be a pebble to his eyes.

After all, he's the youngest S-rank ever. I even heard his feats and I'm so amazed.

"What's wrong, Kanae?" I was startled when I heard his voice.

It was so smooth, so charming and so handsome like a prince charming.

I wanted to confess to him right here, and right now, but I was nervous, I could see his parents being disappointed in him by having me as his girlfriend.

After all, I'm just a weak gir-, Eh?!

I was startled when Kenji-kun suddenly held my hand softly and dragged me upstairs.

We went to his room and asks me again, "What's wrong?".

"It's just that, I feel useless..."

(3rd PoV)

"It's just that, I feel useless. After all, you've been saving me ever since we've met." Kanae told him.

Kenji was just a bit shocked, he didn't expect that her thoughts about him will drag into this.

"What are you saying? I don't mind, after all, we're frien-." When he was just about to say friends, he noticed that Kanae lost some light in her eyes.

Kenji narrows his eyes and realization hit him.

'I see, I guess she really liked me, I thought it was just some silly childhood crush.' Kenji sighs.

"Hey, Kanae," Kenji called out.


"Do you like me?" Kenji suddenly said which startles Kanae.

"W-w-w-what are you saying? Of course I-I- I don't like you or anything." Kanae was frantic, not knowing what she was saying right now.

"I see," Kenji said with a disappointed expression.

When Kanae noticed this, she finally realized what she said and fear took over her.

"N-n-n-no I didn't m-m-mean that!" Kanae tries to explain which makes her look cute.

"Then do you like me?" Kenji asks again.

"I-I..." Kanae doesn't know what to say, she wants to confess to him right now.

"...yes." Finally, Kanae gave up and confessed.

Kenji grins and said, "Then do you want to go on a date with me?"

"" Kanae was shocked, she thought she was gonna be rejected but she didn't expect this answer.

"I said, do you want to go on a date with me?" Kenji repeated.

"A-a-are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" Kanae just wanted to confirm.

Kenji nodded which makes Kanae beet red while smoke was coming out of her head right now.

Before they knew it, Kanae fainted on the spot.

Kenji just scratched his head at this and muttered, "I hope she's not dead."


(You can drop it now.)

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