Ch. 16

After the Akano family was informed, they both immediately abandoned what they were doing and rush to the location of the A-rank gate.

Once they reached, Hana immediately sucker punched Shigeo who was thrown a few meters away. It'll not be a surprise if Shigeo died by that punch, after all, he's just a normal man, and facing a punch from an S-rank hunter is no joke.

"Hon, calm down. I'm sure Kenji will be okay." Chikashi immediately calmed her down.

Hana heaves a breath before calming down. "What if he got injured inside?" Hana said in a worried tone, this is the first time she felt powerless since she re-awakened.

"Hon, getting injured inside a dungeon is pretty much normal." Chikashi hugged the woman, although he is also a bit worried for Kenji, he knew that as a man he should never show weakness in front of her wife.

'And besides, Kenji is as strong as hell, I'm sure he could figure something out.' Chikashi mentally relieves himself from bad thoughts.

"And we'll also make sure the Japan hunter association will never get away with this." Before Chikashi looked calm but when he said this, his eyes turns cold, and his aura bursts out, stunning everyone in the vicinity.

Soon, a Sedan car skidded and Bon came out while sweating a bit.

"I'll personally find out who's responsible for this!" Bon immediately said to the cold Chikashi who was hugging his wife.

"You mean him?" Chikashi pointed out towards the floor that is dyed in red blood making Bon shocked a bit.

If his guess is right, then this blood sprayed belongs to Shigeo.

Bon just shook his head and said, "We'll try to compensate you." Which was rebuked by Hana.

"Compensate? Do you think my baby's life can be compensated?" Just like Chikashi. Hana also bursts out her aura making everyone faint in fear, pain, and shock, and while some of them fainted in pleasure.

"N-n-no! I didn't mean that." Bon immediately decline her words and tried to find some fitting words that'll make the 'demoness' calm down.

But no matter what he does, he can't seem to think of a reason so he just shuts up.

"Hmpf." Hana turned her head to the side and stared at the red gate.

"Baby, please be careful." Hana anxiously said while Chikashi just patted her shoulders and hugged her from behind, also praying for Kenji's safety.

Unknown to them, Kenji was just strolling around the desert.

-A-rank Gate, Desert-

"Damn! I didn't expect I'll be transferred to where the sun hits the most." Kenji said while grinning.

He feels so good being bathed in sunlight while strolling around. So far, he hasn't met any monsters.

"Where the hell are they?" Kenji said while looking back at the red gate.

"And why did the gate turns red? I should've listened to history lessons." Kenji shook his head, he was too excited that he didn't bother researching on google about gates.

Suddenly, he saw a shark's fin swimming under the sand.

"What the? Sharks on sand?" Kenji chuckled while waiting for the shark to strike him first.

Without even waiting for a minute, the shark immediately jumped out of the sand and opened its mouth to swallow him whole.

"That's kinda small." Kenji confusedly said while staring at the small shark that was about to swallow him.

He expected the monster to be at least bigger than the spiders he fought at Disneyland.

"I'm kinda disappointed." Kenji shakes his head before punching the shark on its cheek turning it into a red blood mist.

"Jeez, at least bring me some strong monsters," Kenji said while walking away.

Without even managing to walk for at least a minute, another shark's fin came and tried to attack him which he just punch to death again.

Soon many other sharks also followed and attacked him, which caused him to retaliate and it took him an hour to finish them all.

"That'll be the hundred," Kenji said while his gloved fists were smoking hot.

It was then that he noticed that the sun's heat was intensifying burning the sand, slowly turning it into shimmering glass.

"Wow! It feels good!" Kenji smiled while staring at the sun, even his eyeballs are enhanced like superman.

Suddenly, another shark appeared in his vision, at first he thought that It was just another normal shark but when he focused, he noticed that it is much bigger compared to the previous ones.

Suddenly, the shark's mouth opens and when Kenji thought that the shark was gonna bute him off, he saw a yellow ball of light shine and release a beam, turning every sand into shimmering glasses.

At first, Kenji thought about dodging but then he sensed that the beam of light felt very familiar to him, so he decided to stay and tanked it.

And it seems like his guess is right.

"Hmm? Isn't this sunlight energy?" Kenji muttered while putting his hands behind his head and relaxed.

"This feels good," Kenji said and before he knew it, the beam slowly decreased and finally, it stopped completely.

"That's it? C'mon, give me more!" Kenji grinned while glaring at the shark.

*huff* *huff*

"You're out of breath? Since when did sharks get exhausted?" Kenji confusedly asked before deciding to finally finish him off.

"Thanks for the charge, though," Kenji said his words before slapping the exhausted shark to death.



Before the shark was about to be smacked, it released a loud strange noise which irritates Kenji more and killed him.

Like any others, the Shark turns into a red mist of blood.

Soon enough, Kenji heard loud rumbles behind him that causes him to look back and stare in shock.

Right in front of him are the same Sharks but these are different, they're bigger, and all of them are full of muscles.

How does he know? Well, their fins have a trace of muscles and their below are six-pack abs.

"Strong." Kenji safely nodded before dodging a jaw of a shark.

"And fast," Kenji added when he saw that the shark that attacked him was very fast compared to the previous one.

Now that he looks at it, one shark stands out, out of all of them.

This shark is so different that Kenji could see the shark was standing like a human and had muscular arms.

He looks like King Shark from 'The Suicide Squad' movie except that he is muscular and has 8-pack abs.

Kenji then stares at the horde of sharks with King Shark which he will call, for now, standing in the middle of them.

"I hope you guys are ready for a dance." Kenji grins while slamming his right fist on his left palm producing a shockwave that pushes the sands back and shatters the glasses on the floor.


Please visit my p@treon to read 5 advance chapters and if you want to support me. ( don't forget to change @ to a.

500 Power stones - 1 Bonus Chapter

1000 Power stones - 2 Bonus Chapters