Ch. 28

(If this fanfic reached at least 50 in the power rankings this week, then I'll post a bonus chapter.)


After registering his guild, it was time to go home. After getting inside his car, the car blared in the engine and finally drove off.

It took 15 minutes to arrive back home, due to traffic. Finally, he drove his car to the garage and went inside his house, and found that no one is in the living room.

Kenji used his X-ray vision and looked around the house and finally found Kanae, in the gym, practicing katas with her twin katanas.

From Kenji's observations since Kanae awakened, her speed is her major strength.

(A/N: Honestly, In the manhwa, Kanae only showed her speed, so the rest of her strength is unknown. So that's why I'll make some things up to make her qualify as an S-rank.)

Once seeing her in the gym, Kenji didn't hesitate and also went to the gym.

And there, he found her sweating heavily all over her body, making her abs glisten in sweat, which Kenji gulped.

Currently, she is only wearing a sports bra, showcasing her abs, and her tattoo.

Kanae, who was breathing heavily, noticed that someone was at the entrance of the gym, so she didn't hesitate and threw her katana toward it.

Kenji obviously wasn't shocked by this, during their sparring lessons, he instructed her to always be alert and show no mercy to her opponents.

Back to Kenji. Kenji easily caught the tip of her katana in the middle of her fingers, "That's good, always be aler-." He didn't even manage to finish his sentence when Kanae was already in front of him with her katana ready to cut him down.

Kenji saw that she was grinning while staring at him. Kenji smirked at seeing her like this again. Whenever they fight, Kanae always felt pleasure in fighting Kenji since his body is immune to her physical attacks so she could go all out whenever she wants.

Kenji knew this side of her and instead of hating it, he even loves her for it, no not because he is a masochist or something, he doesn't know what it is called but it goes something like he loves her more because she is showing her true nature which is a battle-thirsty woman.

Kenji was dodging all her attempts, although he could tank it, he felt that it was no fun in it, after all, it's much more fun moving your body than just standing still.

"Why... Won't... You..... Hit...." Kanae was almost out of breath, due to her training earlier and then fighting without resting, so it's pretty obvious she'll get exhausted.

Kenji just chuckled at her attempt and finally decided to fight back. He first dodged one of her attacks and used his knee to strike her abdomen. Of course, he's holding back, he doesn't want to turn his girlfriend into meat paste, doesn't he?

Kanae was shocked at Kenji's counter-attack and didn't manage to react fast enough to dodge his knee.


Once his knee hit her abdomen, Kanae was immediately out of breath and slowly kneeled on the ground while holding her stomach in pain and pleasure?

"Cough, cough! You really don't hold back, do you?" Kanae said with staggering breath.

Kenji chuckled, "Oh darling. You don't know how much I hold back." Kenji shook his head and said. What he said is true.

He hasn't found an opponent who could take his punches without holding back.

Now, he's waiting for the Rulers and Monarchs to arrive in this world. He's itching for a satisfying fight.

Who knows, maybe they could scratch the itch that he's feeling these years.

Kanae who just got her ass whooped, was resting on a bench while drinking an energy drink.

"So, how was it." When Kanae noticed that Kenji was walking toward her, she then asked him with expectations.

Of course, Kenji wouldn't disappoint, "Amazing, in just a month, you've improved your speed and skills in katana." Kenji nodded sagely while speaking.

Kanae felt happy, she too also felt that she improved leaps and bounds because she managed to slice Kenji's suit with her katana.

This is the first time she did that, so she's really happy, although it is not enough to catch up to him, at least it is enough to at least stand by his side.

Kenji knew what she was thinking and her goal of catching up to him, but he just ignored it, not because he is looking down at her but because he knew that she needed it to improve herself more.

And besides, if he told her to stop her goal to reach him and tell her that even if she's weak, she could stand by his side, it might hurt her pride as a woman and girlfriend.

He knew how complex a woman's mind is. So he didn't bother her goals. Whether she could catch up to him or not, for him as long she is by his side, that's enough for him.

While Kenji was musing to himself, Kanae was looking at her calloused hand and then stared at Kenji's hand and saw no callous, his hand is smooth like butter.

When Kanae saw this, she felt like laughing, aren't woman supposed to have smoother hands than men but why does it feel like she is the man here.

If Kenji knew what she was thinking, he might use his laser vision to burn his hand just for her.

Once Kanae got enough rest, she then looked at Kenji and smiled, "Round 2?" She asked eagerly.

Kenji smirked at her and said, "You're on." And that's just like that, they sparred with each other for the whole night, until Kanae can't raise her arms anymore.

While Kanae was sleeping on the bed, Kenji was on the balcony, thinking about his loved one back in his world.

He's wondering if Elijah has finally reached his dream to become an astronaut.

Then, there is also his daughter, Ellie. He wonders what she's up to now. Kenji hopes that she's living a good life along with her husband.

Soon, Kenji noticed that it was already past midnight, so he decided to set his thoughts aside for now and go to sleep.

He went back to his room and quietly sneaks into the bed, trying to make sure that Kanae won't wake up.

Once, he lay on the bed, he went and hugged Kanae and buried her face in his chest.

Meanwhile, Kanae as if sensing that her boyfriend was by her side, smiled and snuggled in more to his chest.


Please visit my p@treon to read 5 advance chapters and if you want to support me. ( don't forget to change @ to a.

500 Power stones - 1 Bonus Chapter

1000 Power stones - 2 Bonus Chapters