Ch. 47

While Kenji was busy with Frost, Kanae and Querehsha were having their intense battle.




Because of Kanae's speed, Querehsha was having a hard time catching up, until she resorted to a poison mist around her.

Meanwhile, outside the poison mist, Kanae seems to have an idea and grabbed both of her katanas and places both of their bottoms on each other, forming a straight line.

With her fast speed, she rotates her katanas until they reached a speed where she can blow the mist away from her.

Unfortunately, Querehsha was nowhere to be seen, and before Kanae could react, a swarm of insects attacked her from all sides.

Thankfully, Kanae was a bit resistant to toxins, so she could still maintain herself, even after all the swarm.

"Haaaa!" Getting annoyed by the swarm, she put her katanas back to their sheaths before clapping her hands in full force.


All the insects were blown away, leaving only Kanae and the shocked Querehsha.

At first, she thought that the swarm of insects could handle her, and it seems like she underestimated Kanae.

"Hmf doesn't matter if you've wiped them away, I'm only warming up." Querehsha arrogantly remarked.

"Says the girl who got punched in the face," Kanae smirked, earlier during their fight, Kanae managed to land a hit on her nose, breaking it till it soon heals.

Querehsha growled in anger, before the swarm of insects that were surrounding Kanae earlier, was resurrected from the dead, and not only was it resurrected, but it also grows stronger, just by the scene of the insects growing a pair of hands and feet, then growing taller than Kanae.

Kanae unsheathes her katana and got ready for the battle.

"I admire your strength woman, tell me what is your name?" Querehsha started a chat.

"Aren't you supposed to tell me your name first?" Instead of telling her name, Kanae took the opportunity to ask who her opponent is.

Querehsha frowned at the show of disrespect, "Hmpf, do you think I'll tell my name to a mere mortal?"

Kanae just shrugs, "Well then, don't expect me to tell you my name, you aren't worthy to know it." She mocks.

Querehsha's face twitched in anger, before commanding the evolved insects to attack her.

At the same time, Kanae used her surroundings to her advantage against the insects.

She was throwing multiple cars toward the insects, and many other things using her Ruler's Authority.

Querehsha only then realized who her opponent was when she saw the Ruler's Authority.

She squinted her eyes, "You're those despicable's Vessel!" She hissed in anger.

She didn't expect to encounter a Ruler's Vessel sooner after she arrived.

Kanae was shocked when her opponent knew about the Vessels, and there is only one thing that came to her mind.

"You're a Monarch, aren't you?" She pointed her katana towards her and asked with a glare.

"So what? Am I supposed to congratulate you or something?" She scoffed.

"No, you're supposed to be running away now since I'll kill you right here and now!" She gets ready into a stance, then her aura spreads towards her, while dark purple shone on her eyes.

"Bring it on, then," Querehsha said before attacking first with a quick punch towards Kanae's face.

Unfortunately, Kanae was much faster and dodged the punch before countering her with a slice.


Querehsha dodged and grinned, before spitting at Kanae.

Kanae was confused about such a move, but still dodged, and when she saw that the spit landed on the ground before sizzling away.

"Acid?" Kanae muttered.

"Oh, it's not acid, darling. It's a toxin." Querehsha said, which confused Kanae but still focuses on the battle.

She needed to finish this fast, Kenji might need her help.

"Haaaah!" She gripped both of her katana while using Ruler's Authority on her daggers, that she kept on her waist.

While Kanae and Kenji were fighting the monarchs, the Japan Hunter Association was panicking and calling all available hunters.

Unfortunately, this battle isn't something that normal hunters can handle.

So, almost all hunters they sent were either killed or was sent to a nearby hospital.

Back in the battle with Kenji.

Hana forced open her hand, breaking the ice that froze her hand.

While Kenji flew in the air, giving himself an aerial advantage.

"Che, you think flying will help you with this?" Frost scoffed before casting a spell that covered everything in ice around them.

Luckily, no one was injured since Iroh just woke up and used his fire to keep the ice away from him and the fallen hunters.

An ice spear then formed on the ice floor behind Hana, before rushing towards her.

It was only then that they knew why Frost did this. It was to establish his territory around them, giving himself an advantage.

But Kenji doesn't mind this, he's more worried about his mother, so he didn't hesitate and threw her away from the fight while also destroying the ice spear with his bare hands.

"What? Noooo!" Hana pouted and called out. She can't believe her son will do this to her.

Although she just doesn't want to admit that she really can't do anything inside the ice-covered surrounding.

Meanwhile, Kenji knew that he can't rely on his anti-magic suit this time, since he left it at home.

He's just gonna dodge the ice attacks before knocking Frost out.

Yes, just knock him out. He's not gonna kill him. Because he needed information.

And getting it from the monarch himself seems to be a good idea.

"It's you and me now, pal." Kenji cracked his neck and his fingers before staring at Frost.

Frost didn't say anything and striked first, with a quick cast, he formed an ice blizzard towards Kenji.

And since it was created with magic, it is obviously fatal to him.

Sometimes he wanted to curse the one who invented superman for giving him this weakness.

Even staying in the sun doesn't help him get magic immunity.

Though it gave him a slight resistance to magic, but it is still his weakness.


Please visit my p@treon to read 5 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www. p a

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