Ch. 66

(Sung-Jin Woo PoV)

'If you disregard my slightly abnormal strength and regeneration, It's embarrasing to even call myself a hunter.' Walking on the pedestrian line, I thought to myself.

'Inside a dungeon, I always got myself hurt, and even had near death experiences.' I still continued walking.

'The job where your life is on the line, The Hunter....I'm not doing this because I like it.'

'I barely pay my sick mother's medical bills with what the Hunter's Guild pays me. For a normal person with no particular talent, I had no choice but to become a hunter.'

Finally, I reached a construction site, where a gate was swirling inside.

"Why do I have to live this life...." I sighed, one of the reason why I chose to become a hunter was because of my Idol, Superman.

I was saved by him back then, when me and my sister was almost kidnapped by child traffickers.

Since my father died in an S-rank dungeon, and my mother who fell into a incurable disease that appeared when Gates appeared, Eternal Slumber.

"Yo! Sung, you arrived!" A man greeted me when I walked inside.

"It's cold out there, isn't it? Good job!" Although the man looks like he was looking out for me, the mock in their eyes shows their true intentions.

Almost everyone in this place, mocked and gossipped about me behind my back.

"Haha, it's nothing, I'll be in your hands today too!" I laughed and replied.

It's not like I could tell them to back off or something, after all, I was known as-

"Look, it's the world's weakest hunter."

Yes, I'm the world's weakest hunter.

I'm so weak, that I almost died in an E-rank gate. Even newbie hunters could raid E-rank gates with just one or two scratches.

I ignored everyone around me, and finally arrived at the coffee shop

"Hi may I have a cup of coffee?"

"Ah, Hunter Sung Jin-Woo! All the coffee ran out just now."

'Not even a coffee, feels bad, man.' after that, I turned around, and heard the guy speak again, but I ignored what he's saying.

"Ah! Jin-Woo! You're hurt again!" When I heard her voice, I smiled warmly.

Unlike all this old geezers, Miss Ju-Hee was the only one who truly cares about me. She's a B-rank healer. Whenever I'm hurt inside the dungeon, she was always there to bring me back to my peak, and I also kinda like her.

(3rd PoV)

Another year has passed, and his marriage is almost near, as it is a few months away from now.

Kenji was in the training room, practicing his powers, while at the same time, he was thinking a lot of things.

"I wonder if me and Kanae had a child, will he/she also inherit our powers? After all, the Platinum Kryptonite affects someone's DNA to give them Kryptonian powers." Kenji with his hand on his chin, muttered silently.

"Huh, a food for thought." He continued.

So far, the Rulers and Monarchs has been quiet, it was as if they were planning something.

This is why, Kenji was even training till now, he just wanted to be sure that he won't be defeated by both.

After all, he just made enemies with the 2 sides, Monarchs and the Rulers, and he's gonna make sure he eliminated both sides.

He doesn't want someone watching or controling him, and his loved ones, he wanted to be free from both sides.

With them alive, he felt like he was chained and acting according to their expectations.

As Kenji was thinking about life and such, he suddenly felt something ringing in the back of his mind.

"What's happening?" Kenji ask to himself.

(Sung Jin-Woo PoV)

"M-my legs, it won't move?!" Miss Ju-Hee fearfully said.

What could go wrong? If only we didn't let curiousity get to us, then this'll never happen.

These moving stones, it was as if we're fighting A-rank monsters.

"It must be mana exhaustion, you used too much mana trying to heal mr. Sung." The leader of this expedition said.

".... Mister, you should take Miss Ju-Hee out of here." After a few seconds if contemplation, I finally said that.

"I said I would stay!" Mister Song tried to convince me.

"Then who will help Miss Ju-Hee out of here?" I retorted before continuing.

"There's no time! Go!" I shouted.

Mister Song looked at me with reluctance, while Miss Ju-Hee was shocked.

"No! Jin-Woo, I'd rather stay!" She shouted at me.

"I promised to buy you dinner, didn't I?" I said, while rammaging through my pocket and taking out my card.

"Eat it first." Then I offered it to her.

"I'll get my payment from you when I return." I continued.

Ju-Hee was tearing up and shouted at me, "This is no time for jokes-" However, Mister Song struck her at the back of her neck, making her unconscious.

"...Sorry, there isn't any time left." Mister Song said, as he carried Ju-Hee over his shoulders.

"Mister Song.... Please take care of her." I sadly said.

"Yeah, I will." Mister Song said for the last time before walking away.

'Thank God, at least I'm the only one dying.' I mused to myself.

"I would've gotten myself an insurance if I knew this would happen." I chuckled to myself.

When I looked to my side, and saw a sword, I grabbed it and pointed it towards the giants.

"If I'm gonna die, then at least I'll take one with me." I said.

"Huff, come!" With determination, I painfully said.

However, the giants were too strong and before I could react, one of their spears was thrown on me, and penetrated me from the insides.


Then the giant twisted his spear, throwing me on top of the altar.

'I- I don't wanna die! I can't leave my sister and my mother at home, I still need to take my sister to watch his idol's movie, Superman.' As I was lying on the cold floor, I thought to myself.

'Superman... I wish you could save me right now, but unfortunately, I'm already dying. I just wish I could see my family for the last time.'

As I was seeing the giant who was about to strike me for the last time, the blue flames that surrounded the altar went out and the time seems to be halted.

Then, something that I've only seen in games has appeared in front of my vision.


[You have completed all the necessary requirements of the secret quest 'Courage of the Weak.']



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