The New Manager

"Keep your voice down." He told her in a whisper as she grabbed her by the arm and dragged her into his office.

"I fired you because you were bad at your job." He told her.

"That's not what the managers think." She told him.

"What exactly did you tell them?" He asked her, his voice laced with fear. "And what is this nonsense that I have never seen before?" he asked her.

"If you were good at your job then you would know what that was but you're not." She told him plainly. "you're not good at any job and I don't think you should have the right to tear everyone else down to make them feel the way you feel every single time that you look in a mirror," She added, slowly letting him have a piece of her mind.

She did not know where this was coming from but boy was she going to let him have all of it.