Hell hath no fury

She did not know what else to tell him but that. She really was grateful for him coming through for her. Guess she really did have poor choice in men huh, she told herself. Why was she always getting herself in these hard to get out of scrapes that should not have happened in the first place, she wondered.

Basically, she was supposed to be smarter but as she had proven to even herself time and time again, she was not. She could not see past her nose, she concluded because if she could indeed see, she should have known that there was something off about him. She should have known that he was bound to do something that would hurt her.

Heck, the man had ignored her5 for the last couple of months until he felt the need to pick her back up again and use her as he saw fit. And like a lap dog that she was; a blind lapdog that she was, she had eaten it all up. Down to all of his lies. He had made her feel like she was important only to dash her whole hopes against the rocks.