The Arizona sunset cast a gloomy glow over her auburn hair. It was almost like a dream, as we watched the sun set and talked about the things we wanted to do. But this wasn't one of those days; I would usually find her on her porch, waiting for me. I was already uneasy that she hadn't called me to get anything for her but I felt there was no reason to overthink it. I soon got to find out that she had left Arizona without telling anyone.
Fast forward to a year or two from that period, she was selling out shows and going on tours. It looked so unreal and this made me focus even more on my dreams.
It was like clockwork when I turned on my phone to check what was happening on the internet today and there she was. I didn't know if it was fate but she had left me for almost 10 years now but her face was still fresh in my mind. That and the internet's algorithm always found a way of shoving her right back in my face.