
Ella felt a sort of relief that she had not in a while. She was finally able to do somethings that she had been meaning to. A day away from work was all she needed and she had had that yesterday without interruptions. What was even better was that she did not think about him. It was a fully immersive experience. A thought provoking class even if her professor hated her like she did something to him.

But now that it was all over, she could not wait to get back to work and see him. She was conflicted as to the next course of action to take. Why didn't she just call him up right now, she asked herself. She was feeling all sorts of needy and such right now. In more ways than she cared to admit. The crazy part about all of this was that there was no rest for her even at home. It was always Fred and Alex doing their best to make her feel the effect of not having someone in her life.