"Why should I get in the car?"

Chu Qing smiled like a warm spring breeze, but there were countless heads in his heart.

How is this soul of a deceased has not yet dispersed woman again! ?

"Why get in the car?"

Ye Chenxi smiled slightly and continued: "Couldn't you just consider it for your family?"

"Oh … that's what it is."

Chu Qing still smiled, opened the door and sat on the co-pilot.

"That's right, my wild man."

Ye Chenxi has a satisfied smile on her face, but next moment her smile will be stiff on her face!

The temperature inside the car seemed to rise from the air, and the skin on the body seemed to be faintly needled. This was the instinctive reaction of her body when facing danger.

"Are you … threatening me?"

Chu Qing was still smiling. His finger lightly touched the crystal jewelry in front of the car, as if observing it. However, when Chu Qing's finger left, the crystal jewelry emitted peng sound light sound A bunch of powder!

"No … not a threat."

The smile on Ye Chenxi's face was a little stiff, and it was more of an unbearable sense of humiliation. Does her man now press her head?

"Not a threat, what is that?"

Chu Qing got up slightly, and the whole person pressed on Ye Chenxi's body, closing the window.

But I have to admit that Ye Chenxi's body is really quite predictable, maybe sleeping her once is really not a loss, of course, he slept Ye Chenxi, not Ye Chenxi slept him.

Ye Chenxi swallowed her saliva. At this position, she was completely confident that she would stun Chu Qing with a single blow, but the seemingly uncomfortable sense of acupuncture made her dare not to act blindly without thinking!

"I mean … I can help you elder sister and your mother. I know that her company seems to have some minor problems recently."

"and then?"

Chu Qing was lying on Ye Chenxi's body like a rogue, which made Ye Chenxi feel as if the two peaks were jumping out of their uniforms and were having difficulty breathing.

"We can start with friends, so that I will take care of your parents' business …"

"So … are you pitying me?"

Chu Qing chuckled lightly, but still like that rogue.

Ye Chenxi's eyes were irritated. Looking at him, take a deep breath and said: "No, since you don't eat the underground set, then I will dignified and pursue you, is this not enough?"

Chu Qing pondered for a while, slowly nodded, he could see that Ye Chenxi's own mind was not bad, only because she grew up in the environment of the underground forces for a long time, so she would perform worse.

"Okay, let's start with friends."

"Oh, by the way, actually I welcome you and me … that, but of course, it's me on top!"

Chu Qing smiled, and then straightened up.


This guy...

Ye Chenxi sorted out the clothes wrinkled slightly because of being squeezed by Chu Qing. A strange expression appeared in his eyes. Looking at him, coldly snorted, he slowly ignited the car and left the school.

Since he was just a friend, Chu Qing didn't mind making friends with Ye Chenxi. After all, as Sword Immortal, Chu Qing was famous for making friends when he was outside the world. His character is recognized in the outside world.

"Then where are we going now?"

"Go eat. Oh, yes, I have something to ask you …"

Ye Chenxi looked at Chu Qing, the expression was complicated, and he seemed to stop talking.

"Why? Is there anything you can't say?"

"I want to ask … Do you also cultivate ancient martial arts?"

"Ancient martial arts?"

Chu Qing was stunned for a moment, only to realize that the ancient martial arts that Ye Chenxi said was cultivation Spiritual Qi, only because he was cultivated in a different world, so this made him not respond for a while.


Chu Qing lied and looked ashamed.

"Pu! You are cheating!"

Ye Chenxi's eyes almost caught fire. If she wasn't driving, she estimated that she wouldn't be able to bear the steering wheel and fight with Chu Qing fiercely in the next moment.

If you haven't cultivated, is that crystal jewelry just broken by the wind?

"Anyway, I just don't have a cultivation technique, how about it?"

Chu Qing looks like a city wall in a face race, no matter what Ye Chenxi said, it is not painful to return to it.

"pu chi."

Ye Chenxi laughed suddenly.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I'm laughing that you are really different from other boys. The other boys have thin skin like paper, but your skin is thick like a city wall. It can be compared with the famous people in the previous life."

"Hi, what can you do with your skin? Can you eat it?"

Chu Qing shrugged carelessly. Since he became a friend with Ye Chenxi, he did n't need to be ashamed anymore. This is what he really does when he treats his friends. Anyway, in the face of Ye Chenxi, Chu Qing is better than anything. Lin Dong, or Ye Mao of the Empress, are more comfortable together.

"Well, yes, but the people of our ancient martial arts family all pay attention to one word of morality, so they still care more about their faces."

Ye Chenxi said with a smile, she suddenly felt that when Chu Qing was with him, he was even more relaxed than with the elders in the family, or those playmates, maybe this is her real unknown. One side.

Whether she is the woman in charge of the position of the heir to the ancient martial arts family, or the big man who plays a decisive role in the underground forces, but she will not be able to change that childishness after all this year.

"Actually, I secretly investigated you, your family situation and so on, but there seems to be no record of any ancient martial arts family."

"Since I ask you what you don't want to say, then I won't ask, maybe this is your personal secret …"

Ye Chenxi slowly said, but this point Chu Qing is also well-informed. As the heir of the ancient martial arts family, how could he not use the family power to investigate him, even if Ye Chenxi did not have this thought, the people in the interest circle around her For his own safety, he will spontaneously investigate Chu Qing's life to ensure Ye Chenxi's personal safety.

Chu Qing wanted to say something more, but next moment, his complexion changed, Spirit Qi in dantian was instantly mobilized by him all!

"Be careful!"