CH 14

For a time, the entire room has been filled with the aura of 2 people, and the 2 people are constantly fighting. The air in the handover part fluctuates!

"Sure enough! You are not a trainer, but someone who cultivates ancient martial arts. No wonder you can see my injury at a glance …"

"Let's say, someone from Li Family sent you? Is there anything to do with me, don't involve the child of Ye Chenxi."

Ye Qingmei coldly snorted, said slowly, at the same time, her aura was inadvertently stronger again inadvertently!

"Me? I'm not a Li Family person."

Chu Qing shrugged, but Khan began to appear slowly on his forehead. Ye Qingmei's strength is indeed not what he can now contend, at least it is impossible to want to contend on the aura.

Huh, but why don't you worry about who you are for a while!

"you are not?"

Ye Qingmei brows slightly wrinkle, she can naturally tell that Chu Qing is not lying, but not lying does not mean the truth.

"So, what is the purpose of approaching Ye Chenxi?"

"Is there any purpose for her to approach me …"

Chu Qing laughed bitterly for so long, it was Ye Chenxi who had been actively entangled with him. Only today's thing was he who offered to help. Now it is said that it suddenly feels a big head.

Seeing Chu Qing's appearance, Ye Qingmei suddenly remembered the look of her baby daughter. If it was really like what Chu Qing said, then it is really possible that Ye Chenxi actively entangled Chu Qing.

"So, where did you learn from this ancient martial arts?"

"Is this martial art called ancient martial arts …? Then it's a long story, that year, I accidentally fell off the cliff, and then in a cave …"

"Stop and stop, forget it. Since you don't say anything, I won't ask."

Ye Qingmei heard that Chu Qing was talking nonsense, so she didn't ask anymore, and looked at Chu Qing where she was laughing, she couldn't help but have a headache.

"I'm asking you once. Are you by her side really not going to hurt Ye Chenxi?"


Chu Qing's face was finally a little more serious, without the cynicism he just had.

"If I really want to be against her, as long as I don't rescue her when the car accident just happened, it is estimated that she will be injured before death, not to mention there are a few people who chase her."

"Okay, then I believe you tentatively, if you let me know you treat her …"

Ye Qingmei's face was ruthless, but it seemed to remind him of Ye Chenxi's appearance, and suddenly he couldn't say anything.

"Forget it, you can call Ye Chenxi in. I still have some things to tell her."

Chu Qing's face is surprised, is this done?

"Wait … wait, Aunt Ye, what's the matter?"

"What is the right thing?"

Chu Qing has a black line on his face. It seems that Ye Qingmei has completely overshadowed her own physical condition about her daughter's relationship.

"Of course to see a doctor!"


Ye Qingmei remembered this. It turned out that the real purpose of the youngster in front of him was to see her.

"Come on, let me see my daughter's vision."

"Pu, Aunt, your daughter and I are just ordinary friends."

"Hey, Aunt knows, haven't I been young when Aunt?"

Chu Qing: "???

Ye Qingmei is more like a strong woman than Ye Chenxi, or a man in this World. Knowing that Chu Qing wants to see him, he does n't have to tweak. With the fine voice, Ye Qingmei directly puts her body only One robe was untapped and left aside.

"Come on, if you can't solve it, I have to think of other ways."

Although Ye Qingmei said so on her lips, she did n't expect anything in her heart. After all, Chu Qing is excellent and only a youngster who is under 20 years old. He is able to achieve such achievements in cultivation, which is already amazing. , I really dare not go to extravagant Chu Qing for any achievements in medicine.

"Okay, then I'm here."

Chu Qing looked at Ye Qingmei's perfect naked back and couldn't help breathing, but he quickly adjusted and began to observe her injury seriously.

On Ye Qingmei's left shoulder, there is a huge pitch black shadow, emitting a strange black, the surrounding meat has become purple, and also exudes a slight fishy smell, which makes Chu Qing interested.

"You don't have to be taboo, you should do whatever you want."

"it is good."

In fact, without Ye Qingmei, Chu Qing wo n't let go, after all, he is a man in the bones, so he wo n't be like a man in this society.

"Aunt Ye, you turn around, I have to look at the front."

Ye Qingmei hearing this, turned around, exposing the tall double peaks, the delicate figure did not change a little because of the birth.


Chu Qing has completely forgotten the matter of men and women at this time, but put all his attention on the perception, and his eyes slowly emerged a light.

Finally, he locked the five dark dots on his chest. These five small dots are very small. Like pinholes, careful observation may not be able to find out, but in the state of Spirit Vision of Chu Qing, it is still clearly captured. To those few dots, there is a faint energy emanating from it.

(End of this chapter)