Chapter Two

Touching the protective cover, it softly bounced her hand away as she pressed on it. Xavius took a few step back and landed a few shots from the magic runes and the protective cover deftly absorbed it. Then, she took a few meters back and jump kicked it. This time, the protective cover bounced her a few meters away.


Touching the film again, she murmured. "Physical attack would be bounced off while magic attack would be absorbed to strengthen it. This is interesting."

Looking left and right, she headed for the gate where she saw the metal rectangular thing beside it where she figured the mechanism might be.

Xavius pried open the mechanism door and squatted to study it.

There was a one meter tower mechanism and under it are countless magic runes inscribed on the metal. Some of the words are unknown to Xavius but some a bit familiar in it's shape of wording.

Xavius: Nani Σ(゚Д゚)ノノ!!

Xavius: Did she become illiterate? ORZ

Putting aside the illiterate matters, she looked at the runes and tried to decipher it. "There are one, two, three… seven runes. I know one of the two are for physical attack resistance and the other is absorbing the magic particles. What are the other five for?"

Other than the tower-like gadget, she glimpsed a few crystal gems attached firmly on it.

"What type of crystal is this?" Narrowing her eyes, Xavius tried to search for all the crystal she knew but couldn't find it. As we all know, different crystal have different ways of uses. For example, the Pierro crystal. It was crystal formed deep underground and was used for communication. There are also rune communication but it can only send voices but using Pierro crystal can send picture. The name Pierro was taken from the magician who researched it.

Having no recollection of it, this may be a crystal found after his time of death. It is a big world after all. Who knows what other hidden treasure that nature made.

Another things is that, "Should I pry it out? I want to research it (☆▽☆)"

Although her hand was itchy, Xavius still understand that things can't just go the way you want it. What if she pries it apart and something happens.

Xavius closed the mechanism door and went to the back of the manor. Although it's in the middle of the jungle, the manor was really clean. No wild vegetation sprouted here and there. Not even vines or weeds in the front lawn but was clean and neat. The back of the house was even more impressive. It was really suitable for training an army.

Standing at the front of the training lawn, it was almost as big as the palace training field.

Stroking her chin, Xavius contemplated: "Is the 'master' in the military? Such a wide training place, I feel like I went back to the time when I became a guest of Trueton Kingdom."

Trueton Kingdom, one of the biggest and strongest kingdom, known for their military feats. Although they do have magicians working for the kingdom but there aren't as many as Sword Caster.

Back then, people can go and test to see if they have any magic particles in the body. If you have magic particles, there are two choice. Either became a Magician or a Sword Caster. A Magician have many roles to play. They can become a healer, an experimenter, an attack type magician or all three of them together. A Sword Caster, like it's name, focus more on swords rather than Magic. Magic is more to support them in fight.

Most people choose Magician as it has broad choice of profession but Trueton Kingdom are like an odd ball. Most of their people would choose to become Sword Caster as their kingdom focused on military. Even their Emperor would have to have a high military rank before becoming an emperor. Because of their military ways, their kingdom have military discipline traits and was one of the safes kingdom.

When Xavius was young, before he was hailed as one of the 13 Great ArchMage, he was invited to become a temporary instructor. Of course, not a magician instructor but as an attack type magician. Although he was proficient in all three, Trueton Kingdom was more interested in his attack mage than they were in his other profession.

And the first place after he came to Trueton Kingdom wasn't anywhere else but their training ground. Remembering all that experience made Xavius grit his teeth and grumble about 'those mull headed madman'. After all, he had to have mock practice with all their high ranked military men and even their emperor, who was supposed to attend to his emperor's work, by the time he could stop fighting, it was already in the middle of the night could he sleep in peace with aching muscles.

Remembering it all now, Xavius tsked: Stupid good memory. Wish I could forget all that experience.

Of course, as a magician that would hold grudges, he had all the people that fought him that day unable to leave the toilet for the whole day. It didn't end there too. The fight crazed sword casters would come back the next day and challenge him again and again and with him relieving his grudges in all sorts of ways until the day his last day of being an instructor ended.

Trueton Kingdom said that they would welcome him at any time.

He swore in front of them that he would never come back with a laugh with all of them that last night. And it was true that he didn't have time to come and visit that kingdom as he was busy with traveling and his experiment. Being an attack magician at the Trueton Kingdom probably made him avoid attack magician profession as much as a kid would avoid eating vegetables.

But that doesn't mean he was weak as he could still blast off a highly dangerous attack with a flick of his wrist. Xavius doesn't like to admit it but his attack mage profession came to a whole new level because of the mock training with the Trueton's.

Standing in the middle of the field, Xavius had a feeling of unreal. As if he was back at that time when all he had to do was to fight with those mull headed fighting madman Sword Caster, beat them all up and prepare to have his revenge on the next day. But it was already past.

She regained back her mind and continued what she planned to do. Since there are no things that could help her in naming these runes, Xavius could only use two ways to test all the seven runes. Physical attack and magic spells.

The first rune had no reaction whatsoever at all. She figured that it might be a supporting runes or it may need a medium to activate the magic rune. The second one was a physical attack resistance rune which bounced her fist and it had no reaction to magic spell as was expected. The third was a rune that would absorb magic particles, no matter it is an attack spell or other type of spell which made Xavius fascinated.

"The one who created this is really a genius." Xavius couldn't stop playing with the rune for a while. It was so fascinating and that rune could really help her when her experiment blow up and absorb all the dangerous magic particle since this rune could absorb everything.

The fourth was even more fascinating. At first, it didn't give her any reaction but after Xavius blended the runes with absorbing magic runes, only then did it produce a reaction by transforming the absorbed magic particles and strengthen the runes even more into blocking. After tweaking a bit, the two runes completely turned into her own runes as it absorb magic particle, it could transform into any way she wanted, either an attack, support the runes or healing.

Xavius aimed her hand casted a high level spell with a word, runes from all different directions appeared and shot blue light attack towards the runes, immediately after, it absorbed and Xavius snapped her fingers once and the runes transformed it into, with a mischievous smile, a big flash of light that could blind the surrounding creatures for 30 seconds.

Hearing the wailing sounds of those curious creatures, Xavius laughed hard. Especially seeing a few big creatures stumbled on each other and got knocked out as a result.

After the flash light dispersed, the magic particles then turned into healing magic and heals her curious audience.

She had noticed when she was doing the second runes, more and more curious creatures became interested with the light from the runes and surrounded the place from afar even though they couldn't get in. Their curious nature also prickled her nature that loves to prank and she just had to do something but Xavius wouldn't do any harm to her audience. After all, that wouldn't be polite.

Dispersing the magic rune, Xavius continued with the fifth runes and found that it was a high level illusion runes that was improvised from the old runes and was even better than the old one. Squinting her eyes towards the runes, she murmured, "No wonder I felt like something seems familiar." Lifting her head towards the sky, Xavius smiled in relief. "At least, it's still in the same world and not in the parallel world. That's a relief. I'm not alone then."

Brimming with happiness, she tested the sixth runes. Letting out a small magic mana towards the runes, Xavius fell into silence. Although the magic power wasn't absorbed, it also wasn't repelled but would flow along the runes. Then she had a thought.

Xavius conjured a small lightning runes and it soon was lit with a small ball of lightning dancing in the palm of her hand. The other hand contained the tested runes, combined the two and the wildly sparks ball of lightning soon became tame as a newborn kitten.

"This magic rune actually serves to smooth out the flow of magic into a constant state. In this way, none of the magic particles would leak but would strengthen other runes more.

In fact, this magic rune is the chain that is holding all the other runes without blowing without having a magician to control it. Simply wondrous! I am becoming more and more looking forward to this era!"

But the last rune had her scratching her head. Although the first rune were also unresponsive but at least Xavius knew that she had to use a medium to see it works.

"It seems that I have a lot to understand how things are in this era. Pretty sure there is a lot."

Stretching out her body, grumbling young body sure is good. Such a long time working and it's as easy to get sore like in old age.

"If I remembered correctly, there's no food in the manor." She paused, "Then again, could a puppet even digest what they eat? This body do have complete the nerve endings and all. I just don't know if it can be used."

Xavius slapped away the worry and walked with a skip. "No matter. If it goes wrong when it comes to it, I'll just deal with it."

Walking towards the gate, she tore open a space through the barrier and stepped out of the barrier enclosure. Looking back, what she saw wasn't the manor but a land full of forested land, the same as the surrounding. If it wasn't because she came out of that place herself, Xavius couldn't even guess that it was an illusion.

Simply amazing, there's a crazed light flashing in Xavius eyes. "Things just keep getting more and more interesting. I wonder what these young zorain of the new era had achieved."