The Shadow man

"My darling boy, are you okay?" the queen fussed over Alistair.

"Why did you give him the locket?"

"Because I knew you might not want to come back and only that locket could change your mind"

Alistair looked at her sadly "Why can't you just let me go?"

"How can I do that Starlix. You are my son, a prince of Salvatore. Your place is here not gallivanting in a human kingdom"

"But I am not your son. Calix is right, I am just the lowly son of a servant. I don't even know who my father is. I don't have Royal blood in me, I am not a prince"

"That's enough Starlix. You have broken a lot of laws, you deserve punishment but because I feel you have gone through enough pain. I will forego it. Now go to your room"

The queen told some of the vampires standing guard in the throne room to escort him to his room. 

"Take him back to his room and make sure he doesn't go out except I permit it"

"I thought you said there would be no punishment?"