The Party

"I look like a peacock" Theodore complained.

"no, you don't. When we get to the party, you will see that others are even more dressed than you."

Theodore remembered when his mother had convinced him and his father to dress formally for that darned dinner only for them to get there and discover that it was just a casual affair.

"Azazel are you okay?" Gad asked.

"I am okay"

"I am sorry if I crossed my boundaries back then when I asked you to kiss me." Gad apologized.

"Its okay, don't fret. We were just doing a lesson weren't we?"

"yes we were" Gad smiled.

Theodore held Gad's arm tightly, "you have to promise me that you won't leave my side tonight"

Gad patted his hand, "don't worry, I won't leave your side even for one minute tonight."


A knock sounded on the door, Gad opened it. It was Phidius.

"Master" Gad greeted.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes we are."