Chapter 22

Zeph's POV

I changed into a black V-Neck shirt and black and white slim-fit trousers. Then I looked in the mirror to style my hair and saw my nose. The bruise had turned purple, like her hair. Well, at least she wasn't whiny or a loser as I had expected her to be. I liked her fighting spirit.

I was ready but this was going to be such a nuisance to spend the whole evening fraternising. Suddenly I felt like my shoulder was being crushed. I cringed before turning around to find Mikasim standing there with his hand on my shoulder.

"Bro, you were so good with that sword, give me a few tips as well," he beamed at me. "I hardly won plus Sarim Sensei will train everyone." I tried to shrug him off before leaving the room.

"But but, we are a team and we should look out for each other. I will always protect you against other werewolves and vampires. In return, all I ask is some tips coz I clearly suck with weapons. So, please! please! help me." He pleaded with his eyes making a baby face. How was I supposed to say no to him?

"Ok, I will give you a few tips and help you train," I gave in. "Yes, yes, yes" and he hugged me so tight that my bones almost turned to pulp making it impossible for me to breathe.

"L...let me go," I almost choked out and he finally released me from his ironclad grip.

"You gotta stop hugging me like that, I don't have super strength," I reminded him.

"Oh! yes sorry about that, I get carried away when I am happy and since I am only used to living with other werewolves it will take some time to adjust." He was apologetic.

The banquet was being held outside on the grounds. As soon as, we stepped outside he saw Serene and Ayrden and rushed to meet them. Serene was dressed all in black. It's my colour but surely I don't own it and she looked beautiful. I averted my gaze as soon as I saw her looking at me. I went to find Ralph and Xin Li, who were standing with a bunch of other people.

"Hiya!" Ralph waved and rushed towards me. "So, you finally decided to bless us with your presence," he teased me.

"Well, not my fault that I almost got crushed by a werewolf." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Woah, what happened?" He asked in a serious tone. "Nothing much, Mikasim showing his appreciation."

"Oh! ok ok, well he seems like a colourful guy good for you, he will keep you in good company when I am not around. Anyways, come meet Alvene." He introduced me to the girl who duelled with Sarim.

We shook hands, I wasn't sure why Ralph was introducing me to her. "Alvene was the only novice to be picked from Folkshel Realm last year and you saw what a splendid fighter she is," Ralph chuckled embarrassing the girl.

"Well, I am not that special, I just like to work hard."

"But, the way you handled those batons was nothing ordinary. I have never seen a more skilled baton user." Xin Li pipped in. They weren't wrong though, she had a knack for weaponry.

"She is being modest, she is the best fighter among our batch. " Replied the guy standing with her. He was tall and had broad shoulders. His long silvery hair was tied in a neat ponytail and he had a tattoo on his face.

"Please, please! teach us as well," Ralph stood in front of her with his hands clasped making a puppy face.

What a drama queen he was. She burst out laughing at his face and nodded: "As your senior, I will be overseeing your training sometimes but Sarim Sensei is highly skilled. He will guide you all and mould you into excellent fighters." She smiled at us.

"We should get going, see you guys around. Have fun." Alvene and the guy left.

Ralph was swooning. "Don't tell me you like her," I gave him a look of utter disbelief.

"Well, what's not to like, she is so beautiful, has a great personality, and is full of talents." Ralph quipped not blinking at all.

"What other talents? You only saw her fight once. And, did you see the size of the guy she was with? Probably her boyfriend, he can squish you in a second." I pointed out the obvious truths.

"Zeph, you are such a mood dampener," he scowled at me. While Xin Li and I began to laugh. "Let's get something to eat," as I put my shoulder around his neck and pressed hard to cheer him up.

The smell of the freshly cooked food wafted toward us and my mouth began to water. There were tons of different kinds of food laid on tables. We grabbed some mint drinks and barbecue.

As I was about to take the first bite I saw Serene a few feet away from me. A girl was shouting at her, while she was trying to explain something. Then out of nowhere, she threw the drink she was holding on Serene's face drenching her hair and dress in a yellowy liquid.

"Serves you right for trying to screw with my boyfriend, you bitch." She shouted before walking away dragging Mikasim with her who was standing right next to her.

Some of the senior girls standing nearby began to laugh at Serene, who was on the verge of tears standing all alone. I had no clue what she had done to incur the rage of that girl but I felt pity for Serene. More and more people were gathering to see what the ruckus was about. Ralph nudged me forward with a serious look in his eyes.

I don't know what came over me. I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the crowd and took her inside the hall. She was sobbing, softly. I didn't let go of her hand and took her upstairs. We stopped in front of the girls' washroom. She glanced at me with tear-filled eyes, she looked like a mess.

"Thank you," she whispered before disappearing into the washroom.

I kept standing outside because didn't want to leave her in this condition. A few minutes passed and Ayrden came running upstairs. "Oh! my God, where is she? I left her for a few minutes to go grab some food." She stammered clearly out of breath.

"She is inside." I pointed towards the washroom. She wasted no time and rushed in. I knew she was in good hands now, so I left and went downstairs.

"Is she alright?" Ralph asked me as soon as I reached the ground.

"She was a mess but her friend is with her now. I am not a fan of royals but I absolutely can't stand bullies." I was furious.

"No one knows what happened but Mikasim is involved and Artemis has taken him and his girlfriend Tanzil with him to his office, he looked rather furious." Ralph filled me in.

"Well we will know soon enough, let's head back. That's why I hate parties, always so much drama." I turned back and headed for my room.