Chapter 29

Teacher's Conference

There was unrest among Lavaria and Artins, considering the events which unfolded right in front of them. Artins straightforward called an emergency meeting for all the teachers. Shumal wasn't back yet from her trip to the wall so they waited for her return.

Artins was pacing rapidly in the conference room unable to sit down. He hadn't consulted his father yet, but he knew he would have to soon. Besides, he knew if the word got out that some unknown force was controlling people from the Dark Realm, it will plunge their world into utter chaos.

Shumal entered the room looking rather tired. "Is everything alright? Why the sudden call-up?" She asked rather dryly.

"Did everything go smoothly with your trip? All are students safe? Did you see or sense anything unusual about the Dark Realm?" Artins asked in one go as he stepped closer to her.

Shumal looked confused: "Well, it's the Dark Realm we are talking about, nothing is usual or plain about it but I didn't see or feel anything out of the blue. The usual darkness, some creatures flying about inside, and the same odd feeling of someone watching us from the shadows. Other than that everything went fine."

"None of the students experienced anything unusual as well?" Lavaria asked in a concerned voice.

"Well, most of them were excited to see it as youngsters their age usually do. But, that's it, I didn't see anyone acting strangely if that's what you are asking. What happened, can someone explain to me now?"

Artins narrated the whole incident with Serene and how a Schlangto was fixated on her as if calling her while an unseen force was pulling her towards the Dark Realm.

"Hmm, that is extremely strange. Is that why you took her separately? Did you know this will happen?" Shumal asked.

"Yes, she came to me yesterday and told me that this has happened before as well. So she was afraid that it might happen again and she was not wrong. We need to find an answer to this. If it's happening to her, it can happen to anyone. How can something do that, I mean monsters don't have magical powers to pull people or is there a kind we don't know about? Besides, isn't the spell suppose to protect us from this kind of stuff?" Artins replied.

" Don't forget what was buried and sealed there other than monsters all those centuries ago." Mariela's words made everyone turn to look at her.

"It was 500 years ago, how can it be still alive?" Sarim spoke up.

"The fact that it can't die is the only evidence you need for it to be still alive. Besides from what I have heard, it had a strong power as well. We will have to discuss it with elders because most of the information about it is classified." Mariela responded.

"But why now after all these years? What must have changed? And, why Serene?" Lavaria asked.

"The only thing that has made sense to me is Serene is linked to Sahala. Since Sahala is Serene's ancestor and was the one to seal that thing and the Dark Realm. She might probably be the key to unlocking the spell." Artins replied in a serious tone. Shumal gasped at his words while a deadly silence fell over the room.

"You can't be serious, Artins. Breaking the spell that has held for 500 years and giving our world some much-needed peace. We don't even know what creatures have been lurking in the Dark Realm for 500 years now. Utter chaos will break out if that spell is broken." Shumal's eyes were wide open in horror.

"We have to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. Mariela, please seek guidance from the council of elders and find out everything about the spell Sahala and Orison cast. Plus find out about that thing as well. We have to make this a priority." Artins told Mariela who nodded in return.

"Lavaria try to find out everything we have on Schlangtos. How do they live? What do they eat? How do they reproduce? What's their status on the Intelligence Meter (IM, for short used to estimate the intelligence of creatures)? We need to know a damn thing about them." Artins ordered Lavaria. "On it."

"We have to train our students keeping in mind what they might have to face if that spell is ever broken. We can't ignore the possibility of it happening in near future. Plus, we have to keep Serene away from the wall. Someone has to keep an eye on her until we figure out what's causing it. Also, her father doesn't know yet. So try to keep this information as classified as possible for now."

"You must also call a meeting of Slayers. Talk to Rizar, and tell him to be vigilant and keep an eye on the Dark Realm. This might be linked to the increase in disappearances of people, lately." Artins asked Lavaria.

"Well, I am not a fan of Rizar but I will talk to him and ask him to increase patrol on the wall," Lavaria responded.

"None of us is a fan of that stubborn leech but we have to take precautionary measures before it's too late. Don't mention Serene to him, just tell him that we have been seeing a lot of unusual activity in Dark Realm and some strange occurrences have happened. Moreover, let's not spread this information among the students. We don't want them to be panicking. Let's continue with lessons like nothing has happened." Artins told them before dismissing the meeting.

Artins' mind was in turmoil. He had to speak to his father who was away nowadays on some personal matter. He knew they were not really on great terms with Faes. So, if anything happened to Serene under their watch, it will mean a full-on war between Haxum and Fae Realm.

He wanted to mend broken bonds and Serene was the key to that. She was different from usual Fae Folks. There was no air of superiority around her. She had a caring heart and her powers were unique. She would bridge the gap between these realms which were so torn apart. That was exactly the reason he had put Ayrden with her. He had faith that the future will be brighter than the past and they will emerge victorious no matter what it holds. He just had to shape these young souls.