Reading between the lines of things isn't always easy, especially when one is dealing with two sometimes temperamental demons. This was another thing that I'd begun to learn as I spent more and more time with Jade and Saffron. While they had mostly gotten along, I was beginning to see cracks in their partnership. While they worked well together most of the time, socially they were complete opposites.

Not to mention that I now suspected there was much more under the surface which tied them together with a bond so strong that I could scarcely imagine it.

These thoughts remained as I stretched and sat on the couch. The things that I had recently seen and heard had embedded themselves within my mind now, fascinating me far more than they should have.

Jade had made the claim to me that Saffron had been cast out because of him. I wasn't quite sure of what to make of that statement, and he wasn't giving me any more information about it. I did ask him later that night, but he'd refused to elaborate on it, so I'd tried to just let it go. Saffron's anger towards him would probably blow over eventually, and things would return to normal.

Aside from all of this, I was rather excited that day too. I'd finally gotten out of my cast and could walk like a normal person again. My leg was almost completely healed, and I was looking forward to hiking near the house and exploring the woods since it was going to be nice the next day. Once it became warm enough, I would also be able to enjoy that wonderful pool.

What I wasn't counting on was the looming blow up between my two dark companions, and would reveal what I believed to be a little more of the truth.

I was a bit restless, so I stood again and looked at the porch, pondering whether I wished to go out there in my continued effort to relax. The house felt so large and empty without Jade and Saffron around. They had left a little earlier with Jade claiming that there was something they needed to attended to, and I would be safe within the house until they returned.

I didn't question anything about this, simply agreeing and watching them leave. I doubted that I'd ever want to know what business they were dealing with. Nothing involving demons would likely be pleasant.

I walked out to the porch and sat in the swing, taking in the beauty of my surroundings. I again considered what I had gotten myself into here. It belied this beauty around me to acknowledge that I was living with two demons, one of which I had formed a dark contract with.

Yet I was feeling no regrets about anything. I was coming to care deeply for them. They had become the family that I was longing for, and I believed that they would always be here for me.

But as I sat there, I became aware of shouting coming from the foyer. I slowly stood up, opening the door to the living room. Yes, it was their voices. They had returned, yet now appeared to be in quite a nasty argument.

"Do not play such games with me! Tell me what the hell you're planning here! I know that there has to be more to it!" Saffron was yelling.

"You are truly that jealous? How petty of you Saffron." Jade retorted.

"We've never needed anyone else before! Why would that have to change now?" Saffron challenged.

"Must you be reminded that jealousy is an ugly thing?"

"I am not jealous!"

I stood still, a bit shocked by what I was hearing. There was no doubt in my mind that they were arguing over me. Saffron did sound extremely jealous too. But that didn't make sense. Why would he be so jealous of me all at once?

Jade wasn't concerned at all as he regarded him, "Calm yourself. It's bad enough she's probably heard all of this." he informed him.

There was silence for a long moment, then I heard the door to Saffron's room slam shut. I let out a relieved sigh. Thank goodness that was over.

But I was also mystified by this sudden argument between them. I hadn't heard them have such a heated exchange before, and Saffron's jealousy was so blatantly obvious that it was rather frightening.

Jade stepped into the den room, "It seems you overhead all of that. I do apologize, though I'm certain you understand that even we have our occasional disagreements." he said as he walked over to me.

"I guess. But what was that all about?" I inquired.

"It's nothing for you to be concerned with."

"It is if he hates me. I do live within the same household as him." I contended.

"Not at all. Saffron doesn't carry any dislike towards you. If anything, it's me that he doesn't like, especially at this moment."

"Just what is it between you two? Why did you become partners in the first place?"

"Would you really want to know?"

"Would you tell me?"

Jade smiled, "Then why don't you ask me? If you command it, I have to tell you. All you have to do is say the word."

It wasn't until then that I began to realize the power I that would hold over Jade. I wouldn't know that I held it over Saffron as well until much later, but I would learn it from Jade that night. In the end, I was the master in this household, as well as the relationship between the three of us.

Yet I still hesitated. Did I really want to know these things? Would it change my perception of the two I believed I was coming to know?


"If you don't want to know, you'll just continue to wonder about it and I'll keep reminding you of it." Jade teased.

I confess that his words angered me. No one was ever going to control me again now that Leo was gone, nor would they make me feel insecure or helpless.

"Tell me." I ordered.

My left eye became warm as I issued that command. I would later understand that it was the contract within it glowing, signifying the bound of master and servant between me and these two demons.

Jade smiled as the contract within his eye lit up in response.

"As you wish. I'm sure that you heard me before when I said that Saffron fell because of me." he answered.

"I did."

"You see, I am a true demon through and through. I deserved what I got because I carried desires that angels should not have. I did things that were not holy, and that included taking another angel's purity, which is quite forbidden."

Now I was getting a bit of the picture, "You mean..."

"Yes." Jade confirmed, "I used Saffron, but I would not have expected such feelings to arise in him as they did afterwards. Saffron had seemed quite pure. Those seemingly innocent feelings that he developed led him to be put on trial as well for the things he did for me, and even though he knew very well that he could've saved himself, he refused to. Instead, he chose to fall with me."

I really didn't think that I wanted to know how much these two were involved with each other now. Perhaps they weren't anymore, but they were bound together through a mutual sin of lust and more than likely jealousy. That much was obvious.

I can't really say I was completely disgusted in learning this either. Being a human who was involved with a man like my husband had once been, such things were actually common knowledge for me behind closed doors. All humans had their secrets, especially in our time.

But I would've imagined that the angels were probably beyond disgusted when they discovered the truth.

"I guess I could see why he'd be jealous of me. I have your attentions now." I stated as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"It's not completely jealousy. He's just afraid of being left behind. It's rather ludicrous of him to believe such. He is bound to this contract as well and he knows it. But I suppose that's just Saffon's way. He does carry a terrible jealous streak, and that has always been his crutch in everything he does." Jade explained.

He held me a little tighter as he spoke. It was like he almost feared what could come of that jealousy in the future.

Perhaps I should have taken such as an omen, but I chose to ignore it in an effort to help mend the perceived rift between them.

"Perhaps I should try to talk to him later. He did seem rather upset, and we do all have to live together." I suggested.

No, I hadn't the first clue of what I'd say to Saffron, but I was willing to try.

Jade brushed it off, "You could now if you wanted. I doubt it's in Saffron to turn you away."

It was a tempting idea, but I couldn't do so. Even if I was the master there, I still carried a small bit of fear towards them and the anger they could show. That was why I chose to wait until later when Saffron would be calmer, and I could speak to him on my own.

The rest of the evening would pass quietly, although Saffron still remained far removed from us. It felt strange to have dinner without him. Not that I minded Jade's company, but I was used to the two of them being there.

I thought about checking on Saffron, but couldn't bring myself to do it. I guess that I was still a little scared of what might happen. But finally, as Jade and I sat out on the porch together, Saffron emerged to join us.

Night had fallen by that time. In the dim lights from the ceiling, I flipped through my book and thought about all I'd learned that day. Jealousy, love, forbidden feelings. When I'd prayed so hard for an avenging angel, I hadn't expected to get these two. This whole thing almost felt like a human drama.

The sound of Jade's voice brought me back to reality.

"So, you finally decided that you are done sulking?"

I glanced up to see that Saffron had entered the room. I glared at Jade as he heard him speak.

"I'm not in the mood for your bullshit right now." he stated as he sat down in the chair near the swing that I was laid out on.

Jade just smiled and went back to what he was reading, not the least bit concerned with Saffron's remaining hostility towards him. He never seemed to be worried over such things.

Coming out to this porch was quickly becoming our habit in the evenings. The three of us often sat out there in silence and read books or had conversations about smaller things. It was simply us enjoying having each other's company. At least, that's the best way that I could describe this relationship at this early stage.

But that night, it was quite obvious that it wasn't going to be anything like the routine we'd fallen into.

Jade spoke again after a few minutes of silence, "Tell me, why did you decide to come out then? If you wish to sulk, then remain hidden."

"That is not my intention at this moment. I wish to speak to Faith alone, so I'd ask you to leave us with some privacy." Saffon responded.

"I could, but perhaps I have no desire to allow you that." Jade challenged.

"Please do not start another fight Jade." I requested.

I was beginning to become more comfortable in my skin about intervening, and I had the sense that I may be doing it a lot if these two continued disagreeing like they were tending to do.

Jade stood up, "Very well. Then I will leave you two to your own devices." he relented, that cocky grin still playing on his face. He then vanished.

To say that I wasn't a little bit nervous would've been a lie. I really hadn't expected Jade to leave me alone with Saffron so easily. Not to mention that Saffron wanted to talk to me alone. I wondered what it was going to be about.

Saffron shifted a little, then stood up and walked over to me. He was quiet as we looked at one another, though his eyes reflected confliction. He glanced back at the door before finally speaking.

"I really didn't want him to listen, and I doubt that he will now, so there is something I wish to get off my chest regarding you and our current arrangement."

"Yes?" I asked as I sat up, still keeping my eyes on him.

Saffron let out a long breath, "It's not that I don't like you. Far from it. But... with the way that things are..." he couldn't seem to finish.

I supposed that it was time for me to say something to all of this. If anything, just to have things return to the normal that they had become.

"Saffron, I'm not worried if you're jealous of me. I think that I could understand after what Jade told me."

"He told you?" Saffron's eyes widened. He looked utterly shocked and I'd dare say embarrassed.

"I didn't get all the details, but it was enough for me to understand why you wouldn't like me being here, and I wouldn't ever blame you for such feelings." I reassured him.

Saffron quickly shook his head, "No, no! It's not that. It's just... a little complicated right now."

I watched as he took a seat beside me. I'd never thought that I'd see something like Saffron look so torn. But remembering what Jade had told me, I had the feeling that this was just how he was. Saffron wasn't as much a demon in personality as he was for being cast out.

"You're really devoted to Jade, aren't you?" I guessed.

"I don't know if one could call it devotion." Saffron corrected, "Perhaps it's more of longing for him. That longing has been there as far back as my memory goes. I guess that's why I've carried no regrets for what happened to me."

"Jade mentioned that you fell with him."

"I did."

"Then you must feel some love for him, even now."

Saffron sighed, looking out at the darkness. He appeared to be considering his words carefully before responding to my assessment of things between them

"I've never really understood my own feelings for all of it. From the first day we met, I saw Jade as one high above me. He was a high-ranking angel, born into what I suppose humans would call the nobility of Heaven. But, he was... different too. Jade did things his own way, and eventually he began doing things that were against the laws of Heaven. That's how I got involved."

"How's that? Because he was involved with you?" I asked.

Far be it for me to say anything else besides 'involved'. It would've sounded too strange to me at the time. I was still letting what had gone on between them sink in.

"Not exactly. At least, it didn't started out that way. The truth is, I caught him one night." Saffron explained, "Jade was a little too cocky even in the Heavens, and he'd taken up a dangerous offer there. At the time, there was an angel that was getting ready to be tried and cast out. He propositioned Jade to kill the other angels that could speak against him, and in return he'd give him his heart's desire. Needless to say, Jade took the deal, and that one night, I stumbled upon him killing another angel."

Saffron paused again as if his mind were reliving the memory. I was a bit horrified at the notion of Jade killing angels. Even though I knew he could be a killer, I just didn't think that way of him. Still, one should never judge a book by its cover, which was a lesson I kept forgetting there.

"What did you do?" I had to know.

"There wasn't much that I could do. I thought that I was going to die there too. Most angels who would kill their own kind won't let the witness to it come out alive. But Jade didn't even attempt to harm me. Instead, he offered me a way out. However, it wasn't good for me either. He wanted to keep me as a lover. If I denied him or told the truth, he'd kill me." Saffron explained.

I was easily reading between the lines, "But you didn't truly do it because you were forced to, did you? You said you were fascinated with him."

"That is true." Saffron acknowledged, "Nothing I did in those next few months was out of fear as much as it was out of need. I knew fairly quickly that I was in love with Jade, and it left me conflicted. Angels are not supposed to fall in love with each other, especially not two like us. Jade knew that he'd eventually get caught, and he soon offered me a way out. He'd take the blame for violating me. In return, I would not be cast out. But I couldn't let him in the end. When he was caught, I willingly admitted what had been going on and was cast out with him."

"I understand now why you'd be jealous of me. You loved him first." I surmised, reaching over and brushing some of his hair back.

"It's not truly jealousy. It's more of worry about this; about what he wants to do."

"What do you mean?"

Saffron turned to me, holding my hands between us. It was a loving gesture, along with the gentle smile he now gave me.

"Jade is very complex when it comes to his planning. It was never by chance that he heard your prayers for help. Jade's looking for something more for us here. I cannot say exactly what it is, but there are no ill intentions with it. That I can assure you of, in case you have your doubts."

"I supposed, but what are the intentions here?" I asked him.

Now I was very curious. Besides, it bugged me at times how Jade always carried such a superior air to him when it came to our contract. I half wondered if my power over him would allow me to get the answers forcefully, though I hadn't acted on such yet.

"Well, I'm afraid I can't tell you that yet. I still value these limbs you know." Saffron teased.

"Come on. You can't tell me that he'd actually hurt you." I insisted, pulling my hands away so that I could cross my arms.

Saffron laughed, "You're such an interesting girl. I am quite glad that we're here now. This kind of life is much more enjoyable." he responded before kissing me.

I blushed as he pulled away, though I had no intention of protesting. It was obvious that both Jade and Saffron could be affectionate when they wanted to be, and I confess that I wasn't adverse to the idea of having both as lovers too. My soul was already damned by my previous actions.

"And I'm happier than I have ever been since coming here with you and Jade. I finally feel like I belong somewhere, and I know that the two of you will keep me happy and fulfill my deepest desires." I confessed as I remained close to him.

Saffron let out a low chuckle, "You needn't worry about such things with Jade either." he whispered seductively, "When he cannot give time to your desires, then you'll always be able to have me."