If there was any doubt that all of this was coming to an end, Jade's appearance was enough to dispel it. For the first time since Faith Evans had died, he and Saffron were face to face with my incarnation still alive.

Saffron kept his hold on Raziel, a knowing smile slowly crossing his face as he regarded Jade, "So you figured me out already. You've gotten much better at such things." he teased.

"Same old tricks Saffron. Now put the boy down." Jade ordered.

"And why would I do that? I can't imagine that you'd care if something happened to him. After all, he's gotten pretty close to this girl's soul as well." Saffron responded.

"It doesn't matter to me whether he lives or dies. However, this fight is between us and you've caused enough injury to him to where he won't stand in the way." Jade pointed out.

Saffron gave in, finally letting Raziel go.

"Very well. I suppose enough is enough with a Halfling." he conceded.

I cringed as I saw Raziel drop to the ground. He groaned as he tried to sit up, coughing up some blood in the process. Saffron had been very serious about killing him, and if Jade hadn't shown up when he did, he may have succeeded.

Noah managed to get up and rushed over there, "Dad?!" he cried, helping him sit up. He quickly took off his jacket so that they could hold it over the wounds on his neck.

"It's alright. I'll be okay." Raziel breathed.

Jade stepped in front of me as he continued facing Saffron, "Did you really think that you could keep this up forever? You know that I've been following ever since that day. You've never been that far from me." he went on.

"Of course. I've always counted on it. Wouldn't you say that it's fitting for us to fight over the one you so graciously decided to let yourself love? I know how long you've really followed this soul. It's no wonder you were so excited when she began calling out for revenge." Saffron responded.

I stared at Jade. If what Saffron was saying was true, then that meant that...

"I also have never been the type to give up on what I want, and that all stemmed from far back then. However, this time I am willing to see things as they are, and I don't intend for you to leave here in one piece." Jade warned.

The air was growing colder by the second, signaling the fight that was imminent between them. I slowly managed to pull myself to my feet, taking a few cautious steps back from Jade.

Raziel noticed me, waving an arm at me, "Get out of here. Don't worry about us, just go!"

As much as I hated the thought that I'd be leaving them like that, I knew that I had no choice. My legs began moving on their own, my mind not even registering where I was going. I could hear crashing sounds and growls behind me as I raced through the station, the sounds of my running echoing through the huge, empty space. I had to get away. I couldn't let Saffron get to me. If he did, then it was going to be all over. I was going to die.

I finally stopped behind one of the old pillars, trying to catch my breath. My lungs were burning, and as I leaned with my hands on my knees, I realized that I was still holding the dagger Saffron had given me.

Saffron's words echoed in my mind as I looked at it. If I used this, then all of this would be over. Yet I still hesitated as I held it up, my hands shaking hard in fear of the pain to come.

"You really are a weak soul, aren't you?"

Something cold grabbed my arms, pulling them forcefully behind me. I cried out in pain and heard the dagger clink as it fell to the hard floor.

"Let me go!" I yelled.

Leo's vaporous form leaned over my shoulder, a sadistic smile on his face and his white eyes wide. It made him look like a madman.

"And why would I do that? I've been waiting nearly ninety years for this Doll." he sneered.

I knew he wanted revenge for what I'd had Jade and Saffron do to him, but I still tried to reason with him.

"I'm not her. I didn't ask for you to die." I breathed.

"Of course you did. You may not have her name now, but your soul is still my dearly departed wife's!" Leo declared, throwing me down onto the floor.

I barely had time to react before I was thrown up against the nearby wall. My back hit it so hard that it literally knocked the wind out of me. Now I was sure that I was getting ready to die. With Jade and Saffron busy fighting, and Noah and Raziel so badly hurt, I was completely alone and at the mercy of the evil spirit that was once my husband in the past. There was no way out.

But just as I tried to brace myself for more pain as I was thrown back to the floor, I suddenly felt something very warm come over me. I managed to raise my head and was shocked to see large blue wings around me. It took a moment before it dawned on me who was shielding me.

"Cass." I breathed.

Cass was kneeling over me, and had rammed a flaming blue spear through the middle of Leo's spirit.

"Enough of this! Return to the Hell that you belong in for your deeds!" he ordered, yanking the spear out of Leo.

The wound in Leo's spirit glowed brightly, and he screamed as he disappeared in a flash of light.

"You're late." I managed.

"I'm sorry. Jade managed to get ahead of me, and I had to double around once he began fighting with the other." Cass apologized.

"How did you find me?" I breathed as he helped me to sit up. My head was still spinning a little, and I had the feeling that I was bleeding in a few places.

"I've always been able to. You and I have always shared a connection. But enough of this for now. We need to get you out of here." Cass responded, standing up and holding out a hand to me.

"What about Noah and Raziel? There they okay?" I asked as I stood with him. I still felt a bit shaky as I did and had to hold onto his arms.

"Malakai's here and he's getting them out. For now, you should be more concerned about yourself. If you end up dying before that contract is destroyed, then this is going to keep repeating." Cass warned me.

He was right. I couldn't let myself die there, and now, it seemed that I had at least one strong saving grace by my side.

I looked around us, taking in how dark it had gotten, "How can we get out of here?"

"Come on. We can go through one of the tunnels. All of them should lead outside. But we need to hurry. Those two are getting closer." Cass answered as he took my hand.

The two of us began running down the long tunnel, following the old tracks. I knew that this was probably the only way that I was going to make it out alive. But as we came to the end of the tunnel, we both stopped as a bright flash of red light appeared in front of us. Cass quickly pulled me back behind him.

Jade landed several feet in front of us, "Going so soon Cass? You wouldn't be thinking of retreating with her, would you? That would be breaking your word." he chided him.

"We both know that neither you nor Saffron will break this contract yourselves, and if you believe that you're willing to let the girl go, then step aside. I have every right to take her now." Cass responded.

"I don't believe that I ever said such a thing to the likes of you. Besides, do you really think that you're going to get past Saffron?" Jade countered.

"Jade..!" Cass started.

Another dark presence suddenly made itself known. I watched in horror as the shadows began moving and wrapped around us. As they did, Saffron landed beside Jade. His dark wings almost blended with the shadows, just like Jade's.

"Not so fast White Light. I don't believe that you have permission to remove this one yet." he stated.

"Do you think that I fear the likes of you? I've banished many Fallen, and my job here has been specifically to get the two of you back into Hell and rescue this girl." Cass countered, cutting through the shadows with the fiery sword that he'd pulled from his belt.

"Is that so? How interesting, and here I would've thought that it would be the Lord of the Dark who would be the one to do that." Saffron commented.

"Lord of the Dark?" I repeated softly.

"Perhaps he's lost interest in both of you. I cannot imagine him caring much for two of his right hands to be after one soul for so many years." Cass suggested.

"Perhaps not. But I do know that he isn't very happy with the current situation. Did you really think that you'd keep getting past him on this? This girl means nothing to him." Jade added as he looked squarely at Saffron.

"More than likely not. However, she has been my entertainment for over eighty years now, and I never said that I intended to give her up without a fight. I'm sure that you've learned that now. That's part of the reason that you won't fight me like I know you can. You know that when this contract ends, you've lost her forever." Saffron reminded him.

It was only then that I realized that there were shadows wrapped around Jade's wings. Apparently, Saffron was winning this fight. That wasn't good at all. I hoped that Cass would be able to defeat him now.

"You've gone soft Jade. You gave up to him!" Cass angrily accused.

"Perhaps it is not in me to go against my soul's connection. However, not everything is always as it seems, as you know all too well in what we are." Jade responded. A knowing smile crossed his face, "But also, the only thing that I'm doing now is keeping up appearances, and providing entry."

A bone chilling cold began descending on all of us. Saffron tensed up, and I could've sworn that there was fear in his eyes. Cass also became very tense, his grip on his sword tightening.

I fell to my knees as the shadows around me let go. I'd never been so cold before. It was completely unnatural, and I knew instinctively that something very evil and powerful was coming.

Following Cass's gaze, which was also with Jade and Saffron's as they turned to look behind them, I saw the darkness turn even blacker, and out of it stepped a very tall and intimidating figure. He had skin paler then the moon, and hair darker then the blackest night. Dressed in black leather, there were six massive black wings coming from his back. His regarded each of us quietly, his violet eyes unnaturally calm.

"I don't believe it. You actually called upon him?" I heard Cass whisper.

Jade smiled as he regarded the dark angel, "It's been a long time, hasn't it, Lucifer?" he greeted him.

It felt like my blood froze in my veins as he said that name. This was Lucifer, the ruler of Hell? He wasn't exactly what I had pictured; a red being with the horns and hooves. Instead, he was darkly beautiful.

Yet, that made sense to me as well. He had once been a high ranking angel in Heaven, and now, he was the King of the Deceivers. I had no doubt that those looks lured his victims in.

"It has. However, I would not have expected the situation at hand to turn out as this." Lucifer responded. His voice was smooth, and colder then ice. His gaze turned to Saffron and his eyes narrowed in anger, "And you. You call yourself a demon with such stupidity?"

"I believe that you would know my motives in all of this, or have you forgotten why I was cast out to be one of the Fallen in the first place?" Saffron countered.

He was acting smug, but I sensed fear from him. They all seemed afraid now. I could understand it too. This was one creature that shouldn't be messed with.

"I have no interest. This little girl's soul is of no importance to me, especially for its past, and my coming here was more to retrieve what's rightfully mine." Lucifer told them.

"So it's time to go. Why am I not surprised?" Jade sighed.

"You've both had your fun. Now return." Lucifer ordered them.

Jade smiled at me, "It looks like the end came quicker than I thought. Good luck Kitten. You're going to need it."

But Saffron wasn't going so easily, "You think that I'm going to give her up just because you showed up? I've chased her this long, and I'm not leaving here without her!" he declared.

"Do not push me Saffron. I am in no mood." Lucifer warned. His deep, cold voice felt like it penetrated my soul. A glowing red chain appeared around Saffron's neck as he spoke. He could barely struggle against it as Lucifer pulled him over to him, "If you're so intent on this, then why don't you watch me destroy this creation? Perhaps that will give you incentive to return"

I barely had time to react before Cass had moved in front of me and held me tightly to shield me with his own body.

Then, there was fire. A lot of fire.

I didn't know it at the time, but apparently, this was something that Lucifer often did. He would open his mouth and a torrent of fire would blow out. Of course, all I could really feel was the heat because Cass was shielding me. But suddenly, I realized that there was a burning pain in my left eye.

It was all I remembered before I passed out.