1. Shi Ning First place

Yorkshire High school

A high school where all kind of rich brats can be seen .. It was the annual result day .. In the hall, where notice board is placed is filled with crowd...Many emotions could be seen at this moment..

Suddenly someone shouted "Shi Ning you got first place again"...Genuine happiness could be seen on her face...She was best friend of Shi Ning , the famous Goddess in school who's also known as "beauty with brains"..

Someone sneered from behind "so what she got first and have some beauty but still she can't compare with our Minmin" ..

Xu Mingyu is from the first tire Xu family which is one of the most prominent and influential family in nation Z .. Being the young lady of Xu family made Xu Mingyu too proud of herself .. She has some capabilities and considered as a beauty but in front of Shi Ning she pales in comparison except for family background because they don't know which family Shi Ning belongs as they never heard... So others who want to ride Xu Mingyu's coattails often use Xu family as a Shield to flatter Xu Mingyu.. In truth Xu Mingyu envies Shi Ning but pretend as nothing happend..

Suddenly the person at first who shouted exitedly sneered with disdain at Xu Mingyu and her pets "Ningning can you smell foul smell of burning in the air ..Some people are really very capable , when they can't compete with our Ningning in terms of intelligence and beauty they try to use their families.."..

Shi Ning put her hand on her friends shoulder to calm her down trying something coax her " Ohk dear baby Yuyu don't get agitated by some insufficient people who are worthless.. I known my baby is the best ..Now let's see where do you want to have your treat.. Aren't you asking beforehand if I got first place again I should treat you a meal ..now let's go.."

"Whatever my baby Ning says is right" replied the friend..

The friend was also from the top first tire Long family .. Her name was Long Fuming...

She was good at studies but not as good as Shi Ning and she is beautiful but her beauty was pure which can make others feel the calmness, on the other hand Shi Ning's beauty can be compared with a proud empress whom you can only worship and fear , there was a different arrogance and aggressiveness in her eyes and her straight nose would give a proud impression and her peach pink lips can make others head over heels ..Her beauty was total demonic in comparison Long Fuming has an angelic beauty..