4. Small businesses

They still have afternoon classes so Shi Ning was about to leave . Suddenly Fuming asked why isn't she paying bill and even the Manager came to bid them good bye without asking them to pay the bill..

Looking at her curious eyes Shi Ning said without much thought "This is my restaurant"

Fuming cried out in shock "whattttttt"

"So the mysterious shot is from your family?"

"No, It's not my family, but me . I established my own some small business's after returning to the country..It is one one of them.. As you know I like skewers so ...with a grin she looked behind at the restaurant..."

"Wait let me digest it first.. You established a restaurant wait a chain of restaurants as you like skewers [shocked jpg.] .. And you .. How can you say it a small business , when it's is making tons of million's.. Even you said you have other small business's .... Then it means you also have some large scale business too , am I right?" She looked at a certain someone curiously..

The one replied " yeah I have other business's also , but most of them are overseas so I left them under my brother's manage ....."

Fuming was shocked at her rich friends "low profile Richness" that her mouth fell agape...She hurriedly spoke in a flattering tone "Hey! My miss moneybags why don't you bless me with some of your propitiousness money..He..hee.."

"Hey Little bootlicker.. Stop flattering.. aghhh...it's making me feel like vomiting... And beauty believe me don't flatter anyone in future its make you look so fake just like those evil white lotuses and green tea's I [vomiting jpg. ].."

Just like that they left for school while bickering with each both..

After they left, There was two pair of glistening eyes who were observing them from top floor opposite to them.. One of them had a easy to get along look with some aloofness and arrogance which is giving him a noble aura but also looked like someone who could shake your eternity and the other one had a aloof aura that could suppress any other person giving them a extremely supreme and chilling vibe..Both of them can charm any women or man just by a look..

The easy to get along person was Long Yun who was older brother of Long Fuming , the top bachelor and "Ceo of Long Corporation's". .But in reality he was a wolf in sheep's skin. Ruthless and calculative enough to gain favor or achieve anything... His ruthless personality was known to everyone in corporation world but they pretend as they don't know....

The aloof one was Bai Tian, who was handsome enough to make others feel inferior and worship him...As he did have a look of total immortal being.. He has many mysterious identity's that even the most closer person to him, his grandpa and Long Yun even don't know... They just know he is too outstanding.. And he's also the young master and next family head of mysterious Bai family..

In XX building ; nth floor

" Hey! How long are you going to stare at them ? I think your little darling even don't know that there's a white eyed wolf is eyeing her from her childhood.. " " C'mon Tiantian if you don't make her aware about your passionate sweet love someone will take her away soon.." Long Yun said teasingly..