Chapter 3: Talent


It is now Vishnu's turn. He felt nervous, What if he isn't talented enough?. Sure from where he came from he can be said to be the no.1 genius but here he didn't know.

Steeling his resolve to become strong he placed his hands on the affinity crystal. After a second, a red light lit up from the crystal, but before even another second, another black light lit up. Seeing this all the people there felt amazed. 'Dual Element' is the thought of everyone. Every single dual elemental cultivator has at least mid-level affinity so it is sure that this young man gonna pass this and if he happened to have at least 3-star aptitude his future will be bright.

Before anyone could even react further a purple light lit up from the crystal again.

Everyone was too stunned to speak anything. An eerie silence enveloped the whole place, No one dared to say a word just looking at this young man too stunned to speak. The first one to break this silence is the man who is in charge of inspecting the affinity crystal.

"E.. Elemental affinity for fire and darkness exceptional level and lightning high level."

"what!" Almost everyone shouted in surprise. This has never happened before. A triple elemental cultivator with 2 exceptional and 1 high-level affinity. To add more, from the 3 elements two rare darkness and lightning elements are there. What sort of luck is this? Did this young man save a world in his previous life or what?

The old man rushed toward Vishnu, Looked at him then at the crystal which is still emitting the 3 lights. Vishnu is already looking at the crystal too stunned. he had never thought this would happen, But he slowly regained his calm. 'Yes I was the most powerful in my previous world even before reaching 22 years of age so this much is expected.' As he said all kinds of things to calm himself down he slowly retreated his hands from the crystal and then looked at the old man.

The old man also looked at Vishnu closely. This young man who has shaken this whole event is now calmly looking at him. His long black hair gently resting on his shoulders and his Blue eyes are without any excitement.

He who has conducted this test dozens of times now is founding it hard to talk to this young man.

"Shall we start the next test?" Vishnu asked. Not even waiting for any reply he went towards the aptitude test. He didn't lose himself in the excitement as he know that talent is just that, without real power talent can be crushed easily if one didn't get any time to grow. So the most important thing for him is to become powerful so that nobody could threaten him.

The old man also regained his calm and stood next to Vishnu as he placed his hands on the aptitude crystal.

White light burst out from the crystal and entered every corner of his body after a moment it faded and now nine rings appeared in the crystal.

This time the old man could no longer keep himself calm and directly asked Vishnu "Who are you?"

Vishnu looked stunned. 'what do you mean by who am I?, I'm just a regular guy.' But Vishnu didn't voice it out just stared at the old man with dead eyes. He no longer knows how he should react. Should he jump in joy, cry? How should he express himself.' As these thoughts came to mind he only thought of his sister. 'How happy would she be if she knew that he could be the greatest talent in the whole world? How would his father react?' then unknowingly tears started to pour out of his eyes.

He just realized that he has no one with whom he could share his joy right now, he is all alone in this different world. He has been suppressing his sorrow since the day his parents died and after getting revenge when he thought he could finally be happy, his sister also left him now he is in this unknown world all by himself. he is always been keeping himself busy after arriving here whether by reading or chatting with that old man from the book store. he also worked himself to exhaustion so he wouldn't think about anything and directly fall asleep but now all his emotions reigned free.

All the people there looked at the young man who is just crying. Are these tears from happiness? but the young man is giving out a sorrowful vibe. What could have happened that this young man who could become one of the greatest figures in the future is crying like this on such a happy occasion for him

The old man looked at Vishnu then patted him on the shoulder.

Vishnu jolted awake from his thought, he looked at the old man then regained his emotions under control.

"Let's discuss further inside the sect." the man said before giving out instructions to carry out the test. He just took Vishnu with him and went up the mountain.


From afar one could see that the elemental mountain isn't pointed like normal mountains but is like a circular platform at the top like someone has cut the upper part of the mountain. And that is exactly the case. The founder of the elemental sect has cut the mountain top before leaving the world.

As Vishnu went up the mountain, he could see houses and people going up and down the road from time to time. Every time they passed by a person he/she would bow toward the old man.

After running for about 20 minutes they reached the top. It has a diameter of 2km. , and there is only a single manor there.

As they entered the manor the guards blocked them.

"Elder Edgar"

Before the guards could ask any further the old man Edgar replied "Tell the sect master that I am here to discuss something important."

The guards didn't comment any further and one of them silently entered the manor, after 2 minutes Edgar and Vishnu entered the manor.

Inside the manor, there is a long table in a large hall, and at the master chair sat a muscular middle-aged man. His short brown hair and black eyes made him look somewhat ferocious. As Edgar and Vishnu entered the hall the muscular man smiled at them but his eyes observed Vishnu for an extra second. He could guess why has this elder come to him with a young man on the entrance test day. This young lad must be incredibly talented, but he didn't think too much about it.

Edgar then seated next to the sect master but Vishnu just stood behind him. He knows that his position is much lower here so unless told he couldn't sit. He didn't become arrogant just because he knows that he has great talent. For that talent to bloom it'll need enough time.

"Sect master jin as you might've guessed I came here to introduce this young man to you" to this the sect master just nodded.

"But even if you might have guessed you're still far off from the truth" Edgar smirked. jin frowned hearing this.

"Sect master this young man here has an exceptional level affinity for fire and darkness also a high-level affinity for lightning." stopping here he let sect master digest this information.

Sect master couldn't help but be stunned hearing that.

Edgar continued "And the most important of all he has 9-star level talent"

This time sect master sucked in a cold breath. What in heaven is this? exceptional level talent in two elements and 9-star level talent. How could heaven be so unfair?

Then sect master thought of something and assumed a serious expression.

"how many know about this?"

hearing this Edgar felt something is not right but he still replied "All those who were at foot of the mountain for entrance...." reaching this point he also realized. If this young man with earth-shattering talent joins their sect, then this world's power balance might get turned upside down in a few dozen years. so how could other factions just let that happen?

jin nodded seeing this. seemingly to agree with Edgar's thought.

"He is to become a gold-level disciple starting now"

Edgar also understood. Their sect has 3 levels for disciples: bronze, silver, and gold. Likewise, the elders are also divided into the same category. He belongs to the silver-level category. Now that Vishnu has been directly promoted to the gold level disciple, his position within the sect is the same as his, that is a silver level elder.

Jin took out a piece of paper then send some of his energy into it. Vishnu looked at this curiously, seeing him like this, Jin laughed then explained "This piece of paper here is called transmission talisman, Almost every qi refining cultivator gets one once they reach that stage. you'll also soon get one. With this, one could communicate with another who has the other pair of this talisman no matter where they're on this continent."

Vishnu marveled at this, Although he knows a little bit about talismans from reading books it is still something new to him, and felt magical seeing this in person.

Soon twelve people arrived inside the hall. All of them wore the same black robe with golden embroidery.

"These here are 12 of the 15 gold-level elders here" the sect master introduced. Edgar has already left the hall, this is not a place for him to join.

"According to our rules gold-level elders usually gives a test to disciplines who catches their attention and if he/she passes the test that gold-level elder will take that person as their discipline, but in case multiple gold-level elders take interest in a single disciple that discipline could choose one between them and doesn't have to go through the test phase." Jin explained.

"So now, who is interested to take this lad as their discipline?" Jin asked looking at twelve individuals. These people are the most feared inside the sect and in the outside world.

three hands went up almost simultaneously.

one was a red-haired woman, who even when wearing the robe one could still feel the curves inside.

another was a black-haired middle-aged man with a thick mustache.

The last one was a white-haired man who looked to be in his early 50s and with a sword hanging on his waist.

Jin looked as if he expected this reaction.

"First let me introduce you to these elders so you can choose carefully. This red-haired elder is Veronica, a fire attribute cultivator, and the next to her with a mustache is Hao Li also a fire attribute cultivator from the Li clan. They are the only 2 fire attribute gold-level elders here, and they are almost equal in power. And lastly the only gold-level lightning attribute cultivator Elder Lomio." Jin then looked at Vishnu with a smile.

Vishnu could easily conclude that only those who have the same affinity as him choose him and either there is no darkness affinity gold-level elder there in the sect or they are not present at this moment.

As Vishnu pondered whom to choose the gold-level elders waited patiently, After all with the kind of talent this kid has if no mishaps occur he'll be in their ranks soon.

"I've decided sect master."