Chapter 5: Cultivation

'Before I start with my lesson tell me all you know about cultivation' Arthur first wanted to know up to what extent Vishnu knows cultivation so that he could teach him efficiently.

"First comes Body Refinement stage where we use the energy to refine our Skin, Muscle, Bone, Organs, Meridians and then Full body. This is the order otherwise it'd lead to consequences. After this comes the Energy gathering stage where we gather energy from energy stones and store it within our body(dantian), at first it is in the gaseous state then we'd have to liquefy it."

'You've got the first part correct. The first stage of cultivation is Body Refinement and the order to refine our body is correct too but after that, you're somewhat wrong. The 2nd stage of cultivation which you're calling the Energy gathering stage is universally known as the Qi training stage. It is further divided into 4 stages - Early, Mid, High, and Peak.

In the Early-stage as you've mentioned we absorb Qi from Qi stone and store it within our dantian which is just below your belly button. Once you can store Qi in your dantian means you've reached the Early stage.

To reach Mid-stage you just have to fill your dantian with Qi. Once it has reached its full potential means you're in the Mid-stage of Qi training. Till now Qi is in a gaseous state.

Then to reach the High stage you have to create a single drop of liquid Qi in your dantian.

And to reach Peak one has to turn all the gaseous Qi in their dantian to liquid and absorb more Qi and turn it into liquid till your dantian becomes full.' Arthur patiently explained all of this. One needs to have a clear vision of where the destination is to take the correct paths.

"So I'm currently high-level of qi training stage, as I've produced a single drop in my dantian."

'Yes, It is pretty impressive that you've reached this stage at your age without the help of any pills or any proper cultivation methods'

"Well I did have a cultivation method dad used, it has been passed down in my family but nothing special I guess"

'Show me that method so that I could correct any abnormalities you may have in your foundation, It is still early stages so a proper foundation can be built even if something goes wrong otherwise once you've reached higher stages only regret will remain'

Vishnu didn't have the book for his cultivation method so he ordered maids to bring a pen and paper to write.

Arthur looked at the method carefully not missing a single detail. With the amount of experience he has, he could easily detect if this cultivation method is going to pose a problem for Vishnu in the future.

'Excellent, Although average it didn't contain any abnormalities that might cause harm in future so it could be switched out easily. So now we have to choose a cultivation method for you. The problem with you is that you're choosing all three fire, lightning, and darkness element for your cultivation so we have o pick a cultivation method that goes well with all three elements. I'm pretty sure your sect doesn't have anything that'll fit you perfectly but as you have this grandpa with you, you'll be able to cultivate using the best of the best cultivation method out there in the universe.' Arthur smirked clearly showing Vishnu that he should be thankful to have him.

Vishnu just smiled, knowing full well what the old man wanted.

"Thanks gramps, but what is this universe you keep talking about?" Vishnu genuinely felt confused about what that meant. Is it all the stars in the night sky if it is it is pretty impressive.

'No rush, you'll eventually learn what that means for now focus on cultivation but know that the world is bigger than you imagine it to be'

"But gramps now that you're giving me the required cultivation method and will teach me further, Is there a need to stay in this sect?"

'Brat I can give you the cultivation method and I can also teach you in lightning element as that is also my element but what about other elements. At my cultivation level elements don't matter but you have to build a solid foundation and learn all sorts of different fighting arts of fire and darkness elements and as I am only in my soul form I couldn't teach you in fighting arts, just give you the knowledge.

On top of that, you need to learn about alchemy, I don't know anything about it so you have to depend on this sect plus sects are safe compared to the outer world where you can be robbed or killed in your sleep so stay here for some years build your foundation then venture outside to get some experience.'

"Okay then, The sect has a branch of the alchemy association. I'll go there tomorrow to become a member then"

Alchemy association is a continent-wide organization. Almost all the alchemists are members here and every major sect has a branch of it in their sect.

'No rush, I'll also have to give you a cultivation method for alchemy too, I don't think they'll have a superior cultivation method' Arthur has seen too much. To know some high-level, unique cultivation method is nothing.

"Gramps how come you know about the alchemy cultivation method when you aren't an alchemist?"

Hearing this Arthur couldn't help but think about a blue-haired black-eyed figure. Every cultivator needs to be an alchemist or have an alchemist supporting them otherwise it becomes harder to go beyond the mortal level.

The guy who was his support was a genius, to say the least. In that era he dominated all other alchemists and with him, He dominated almost all the other cultivators. They were a duo that the world feared and respected.

'hah! It's a long story, I'll tell you some other time for now just know that the cultivation methods I'm gonna give you are so precious that If high-level cultivators hear of this then this whole continent might be erased for it.'

Vishnu sucked in a cold breath. What is this? Just for cultivation methods billions of people could die. Now he didn't know this but he'll later learn that the methods he is cultivating are so precious that some beings would even wipe out galaxies to secure them.

'Let's start then, you need to know that there is more to cultivation than just elements. After the Qi training stage comes core formation here you turn all your liquid Qi into a core and one person could form multiple cores and it depends on what type of Qi one uses. for you, it is fire core, lightning core, darkness core, and alchemy core. But suppose someone doesn't have a great affinity to elements or they're not interested in forming elemental cores they steer toward weapon cores like sword core, spear core, or even fist core. There are more types of core but you don't have to think about those your advantage is your talent and affinity.

First, you need to know that every single element - fire, water, wind, earth, light, darkness, lightning, metal, and wood are all present everywhere. Some places have an excess of some elements or some may less for example if you cultivate near a volcano you'll be able to cultivate 3 times faster in fire element compared to other places. such places are thus secured by sects and your sect should have these spots also as they're named elemental heaven sect I'm guessing they should have a spot for all nine elements.

Now like with Qi stones different products help you in elemental cultivation. There are fire stones that'll help you in absorbing fire Qi and eventually forming fire core. These kinds of products are also divided in terms of effectiveness and quality - low, mid, high, and exceptional. The type of core you produce will eventually depend upon what kind of product you used in creating your core.' Arthur was through with his explanation.

"Gramps, What type of cores did you have?" Vishnu was curious, this old man who claims to be the strongest of his time what kind of cultivator was he?

'Oh! I had a lightning core, wind core, and sword core' Arthur didn't think too much. Having 3 cores is not a big deal in his opinion as he knew that having more cores didn't mean one is more powerful than the other but it does bring versatility in combat styles and having more options is always a good thing.

"Woah! so one can have both elemental core and weapon core too?" Vishnu didn't think that but now he heard this it does make sense and he wanted to try creating a sword core too. It has been his weapon of choice till now and he didn't want to abandon having more cores. In his mind, more cores mean better and this exact thought will lead him in an unexpected direction in the future.