Chapter 7: Chen Jiaxin

The Elemental mountain is 49 km tall and is considered one of the tallest on the continent but it isn't the only mountain in the area as it is part of the elemental mountain chain. Before the Elemental heaven sect was established here it was called Olympus Mons but when the founder of the sect arrived here and discovered that this mountain range has cultivation ground for all elements so he decided to create a sect here and he has the power to do so. After establishing the sect and designating cultivating grounds for all elements he chose his successor and finally left.

By that time, the sect has amassed enough power to stand tall among other major sects even without their founder.


The Elemental mountain was divided into 5 levels by the sect. The higher one goes up the mountain the denser Qi becomes.

The bottom of the mountain was kind of a city on its own but only those who are members of the sect or those allowed can stay there.

Above is the outer area where Bronze-level disciplines live. Above that comes the Inner area where Silver-level disciplines and Bronze-level Elders stay.

The core area comes after, but it is divided into two sections- The lower core area and the Upper core area. In the Lower core area, Gold-level disciplines and silver-level Elders stay, and in the Upper core area Gold-level Elders.

The top of the mountain is the residence of the Sect Master only.

Vishnu went to the Upper core area to meet Veronica. He didn't have any problem passing through as the guards have been informed beforehand.

Veronica's Mansion was almost twice as big as Vishnu's and it had a large artificial pond with a large empty land which Vishnu theorized is for training.

Outside the Mansion there were two guards but as they saw Vishnu, one of them entered the mansion, probably to inform Veronica that he is here.

Vishnu waited outside. after some time the guard returned and told him to enter the manor.

The inside of the house was just as astonishing as the outside. The furniture with a slight red accent showed that she truly liked the color red. Vishnu seated himself on a sofa that is probably made from some exotic beast and enjoyed the tea served to him.

As he finished his tea three people entered the house, Two male and one female. one of the males has blue hair with black eyes and stood around 5 feet 11, the guy is undeniably one of the most handsome figures Vishnu has ever seen even though he could be considered one or two notches above that guy but he never paid any attention to his looks.

The other guy looked plain in comparison to the blue-haired guy with black eyes and long black hair and a height of above 6 feet but the ferociousness in his eyes could be seen by Vishnu easily, This is a guy who has at least murdered in hundreds in cold blood.

The girl who looked to be around 21-22 years old and about 5 feet 6 is also a beauty. She had the same blue hair as the first guy and black eyes with a figure that'll make most men drool at the sight. Her assets are above average, to say the least.

Vishnu didn't know but, The blue-haired man and woman are both siblings and are from the Chen clan so they are very proud. the other guy is Hogg, he didn't have a great background but is talented and hardworking enough to become a gold-level discipline.

Vishnu glanced at the three but his gaze stayed a little bit longer on the girl. He is currently at an age where all kinds of things come to mind as he hasn't experienced 'it' before. But he soon calmed down, any cultivator who could only think with their lower half would die sooner or later and Vishnu wasn't the type to sway over hormones easily.

"Oho, Looks like our junior brother is finally here," said the girl. Her voice sounded like it could calm people's nerves but Vishnu didn't miss the slightly sarcastic tone in that voice. He could guess who these guys are from that one sentence, most probably his seniors but as he is not the social type he just kept quiet even after seeing them.

"Heh, looks like he has some guts to ignore us like that" the blue-haired guy snapped. He has never been ignored in his life so his temper flared up for a second but he soon calmed himself, 'Well he is the most talented guy to ever appear so that much ego is understandable' he said to himself.

"Let me introduce us, junior brother, I am Chen Jiaxin and this is my brother Chen He. We're both from the Chen clan and this big guy here is Hogg, also your senior." Chen Jiaxin is confident in her looks and decided to start a conversation with this mysterious junior brother of his who just appeared out of nowhere and has shaken the entire cultivation world.

"Hello, I'm Vishnu. Nice to meet you" Vishnu said then kept his silence. He isn't the friendly type and decided to keep his distance from others.

According to Arthur old man, now that his talent is known by everyone. most people will try to get close to him just to get benefits out of him or to harm him so he decided to stay out of trouble.

But Vishnu didn't expect the girl to be so persistent, for the next 15 minutes she kept chattering to him as the other two guys just sat on the sofa and watched like some kind of entertainment show as Vishnu kept trying to ignore her but just couldn't.

At this moment Veronica finally came down. In truth, she has been watching these four from the moment they arrived but wanted to see Vishnu's reaction to all this. If Vishnu acted high and mighty just because he has great talent then she would have to train him to bring him down a notch but Vishnu just saved himself from that torture.

"Well then, It seems you guys have met each other already. Vishnu they're your seniors so if you need any help don't hesitate to ask them, they've already created their faction in the sect while you haven't so it'll be helpful."

Vishnu tilted his head in confusion 'create a faction within the sect?' It seemed to him that he has missed something from the book.

Looking at Vishnu's confusion Veronica smiled mischievously, She has got a general understanding of Vishnu's behavior and she could guess that if left it as it is Vishnu will probably not create his faction.

"Every gold-level discipline could create a faction themselves or join hands to create a faction. These three here have built a faction together so if you need any help to create your faction just ask them or you can just join their faction."

The first thought in Vishnu's mind was 'why bother?' He simply didn't want this hassle but when he thought of his sister, How she was all alone when that terrible thing happened and he was not by her side or how his parents were assassinated a new fire ignited in him. He must create a faction strong enough that'll protect his loved ones from now on. Even though he didn't have anyone by his side but in the future, there'll be people and he can't be with them all the time so for that reason he must build a faction.

'You better create a strong faction kid, A faction is there to help you in long term' Arthur also suggested the same from the ring. Their mind is connected so they could talk like that without Vishnu having to send a part of his consciousness into the ring.

"Then when I start to create my faction and come across any problems I'll look for you," Vishnu said looking at them. Veronica was taken aback, she didn't think Vishnu will agree so easily but she became interested now. 'Is this genius creating a faction simply out of necessity or is he looking to change the power balance of this sect?' If this is the 1st one that'd be boring but better for the sect but if this is the 2nd one 'hehe, looks like it'll be fun."

"Alright enough chit-chat, Chen He, Jiaxin, and Hogg Why are you guys here?"

"Master when we were exploring we came across a Titan Wolf who has just given birth, As it has just given birth it is weaker now so we thought the three of us together could have a chance to tame it and the newly birthed but it is stronger than we expected and we couldn't even take its child." Chen Jiaxin explained.

The moment Veronica heard that her eyes started shining. It is a beast even she couldn't have normally but now a chance has presented itself.

"So you want me to help you capture that beast, but what would I get in return?"

Chen Jiaxin gritted her teeth, Chen He and Hogg also didn't look too comfortable because they knew what veronica want. Anyone who could solve their problem would want it. 'Titan Wolf' It is a rare beast that only lives in the core area of Blood Hill Mountain range but it has come out of the core area to give birth and this is a chance if missed only regret will remain.

The core area of Blood Hill Mountain range is a place where even their sect master with all the elders together wouldn't dare to enter cause only death will be the outcome.

"You can take the adult Titan wolf master, we'll take the newly born one." Even though she tried to sound sincere and respectful everyone could see that she isn't, but nobody paid any attention.

"Don't think too much, the child will probably make you more money than a grown one, and if you don't want to sell it one of you can tame it and reimburse the others" veronica said trying to sound like a magnanimous person.

At this moment Vishnu and Arthur were communicating about what is this beast. The way both parties sounded it felt like a rare beast but even Arthur hadn't heard its name before 'Probably a native beast within the mortal realm with a mutated wolf bloodline' Arthur theorized. There is no way he could recognize every single beast in the universe especially if their species haven't even surpassed the mortal realm.

'Let's just see, what is so special about this beast?'