Chapter 9: Little Wolf

The fight between Veronica and the wolf is coming to an end. Even though the wolf is stronger than Veronica normally, In its weakened state it couldn't compare. Veronica is now trying to bind the wolf so that she can tame it as she didn't want to hurt it too much which could ultimately cripple it.

As Everyone's focus is on the fight they all forgot about the newborn wolf. The Chen siblings and Hogg just thought that the child must be in the cave and shouldn't be even able to walk properly as it is a newborn so they didn't rush inside the cave to claim it as that could trigger the mama wolf to target them.

The little beast peeked out of the cave and looked around to see what is happening. Even though it hadn't developed its intelligence yet, instincts are there. It could feel danger but at the same time, something attracted it. It looked around and saw a Human with black long hair with beautiful blue eyes. Even though it didn't know what that human is but it felt an attraction toward it.

It took a full circle around the fight and ultimately reached the human.

Vishnu was standing far from the fight and far from the Chen siblings and Hogg too. As he didn't have the desire to claim the beast he didn't get involved with them as misunderstanding could happen.

Arthur is explaining to Vishnu about arts and spells but he also noticed the little wolf. There is no way anyone could hide from his spiritual sense. If Arthur wants he could cover the entire continent with his spiritual sense to see what is happening where, but as he is only in his soul state he couldn't waste a huge amount of spiritual energy for nothing or he'll vanish. As the little wolf neared Vishnu Arthur finally informed him. He was also curious as to why this little beast is coming near Vishnu. He scanned the entire beast but couldn't find anything out of ordinary.

As soon as Arthur informed him he turned to see the little wolf just 5m behind him. Its fur was a mixture of white and black, unlike its mother which was white and green. But he knew that beast's fur could change upon growth but the cute innocent silver eyes attracted Vishnu. Even though he is not the kind of person who is swayed by appearance but the little wolf looked too cute to ignore. Vishnu took a step forward and took the little wolf into his arms.

Now in his arms, the little wolf looked straight into Vishnu's eyes and started smelling him. Vishnu didn't think too much. Even though it would become a ferocious beast it is still a newborn now.

Arthur was dumfounded upon this interaction. What is this? No matter whether a newly born or not a ferocious beast is ferocious because it is in its nature. Other than the beasts of the same species it'd always resist other ones so it is an unimaginable thing what is happening currently. He tried to think about why it is happening but couldn't come to any conclusion. 'Are the beasts of this planet mild in nature?' that was his thought.

At this moment the fight between Veronica and Mama Titan wolf also ended. Veronica didn't hold anything back as she was finally able to bind the beast. She had a satisfied smile on her face as she turned to the look on her disciple's face. She was sure that they must be impressed and she specifically wanted to see Vishnu's reaction to all this. As a prodigy, he must've been proud so she thought she needed to tone down that pride and show him the reality. She could see that Chen's siblings and Hogg looked at her with admiration in their eyes. They no longer felt reluctant to share this prize money as they saw what this wolf could do. Then Veronica turned to see Vishnu and her smile froze.

Seeing her like this the other three also turned towards Vishnu's side and they froze too. Seeing this odd behavior The Titan wolf also turned to see what is happening then it froze too, no longer struggling against the fire ropes which were somehow not burning her but still keeping her in her place.

Vishnu looked at all of them then waved his free hand while the other hand held the little wolf. "This little one seems to like me" was what they heard before coming to their senses.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Chen He roared as he charged toward Vishnu and the little wolf. Frightened the wolf bit Vishnu's hand. A bright light sparked and entered both Vishnu and the little wolf. Angered Chen He was about to strike Vishnu when a Fire rope appeared out of nowhere and held him into his place. Veronica still dumbfounded looked at Vishnu and then at the little wolf alternatively. She couldn't comprehend what is happening. Like her everyone present Man or Beast alike were confused.

What just happened? This guy comes out of nowhere and takes half the treasure for himself like no one's business. Hogg after understanding what happened started seething. He is normally a chill guy but this was unacceptable to him. Chen Jianxin also didn't know what to do. On one hand, she wanted to take Vishnu on their side but now the man himself has stolen their treasure. Yes that little beast on him was a treasure in their eyes. That is a beast that will reach Rank-3 upon adulthood. That was like having an extra core & soul fusion realm cultivator at their helm. How could they keep their sanity?

Vishnu didn't think about all this stuff. His thoughts were on the light that entered his body after the little wolf bit him so he directly asked his old man.

"What was that light gramps?"

Arthur was also momentarily stunned by the events but he also came out of it and when he heard Vishnu's question he didn't know whether he should laugh or cry. How one so ignorant is so lucky at the same time 'It is a binding contract. Focus inside your sea of consciousness and you'll see something accept it and this little wolf will become your contracted beast.' Arthur explained it in simpler terms but what he didn't say was that, this kind of contract could only be initiated by the beast and it is usually more beneficial for both parties.

When one uses the more general Master-Servant contract it hinders the beast to reach even greater heights in power than one could have and this kind of contract also slightly affects both party's souls a little bit, but no matter how small, things regarding soul are very intricate and mysterious, maybe it could be harmful but there is no evidence in thousands of years of a long history to support that theory.

As Arthur said Vishnu was about to focus his attention on his sea of consciousness when he was disturbed.

"Are you trying to steal the newborn wolf from us?" It was a question in all their mind and Chen Jianxin asked it.

"Mmm! Why would I want to steal it? It was this little guy right here who crawled out of that cave while master and that titan wolf were fighting. Did you guys even see me go inside the cave or does it look like I'm forcefully holding this guy to me?" Vishnu didn't know where this misunderstanding came from but he still explained he even held his hand out but the little wolf was holding onto it like a koala then it jumped onto Vishnu's shoulder and sat there like it owned the place and started licking his ears.

Veronica, Chen siblings, Hogg, and even the mama wolf didn't know how to react to seeing all this. They could see that it was this little guy who is clinging to Vishnu as if he was his daddy? They turned to look at the mama wolf and seeing it like that they all felt bad for it.

"Now that misunderstanding has been cleared, How do you guys want to handle the situation? This little guy here initiated a bonding contract with me and I intend to accept it." Vishnu made his choice. He liked the little guy, It's cute and even though he has Arthur now he still feels lonely sometimes even though he knows that cultivation is a lone journey but he didn't want to go with norms he wanted to have at least one person who would be by his side. After his parents and sister's death although he didn't want anyone close to him to die but that didn't mean he shouldn't be making new relationships.

"Huh! What do you mean by you're bonding with this guy? Who permitted you? It was us who found it, It was us who'll be getting that little beast." Chen He and Hogg didn't back down. So what if the little guy wants to bond with this bitch, even if the contract was made they could simply kill him and take what is theirs to begin with.

"Oh! So what? You guys are going to force me? How would you do that cause I'm not giving it up. Kill me?" Vishnu also didn't back down. Even though he knows that he is no match for these guys but he still had confidence, Why? Because there is someone here who couldn't let him get harmed or killed or consequences would be unimaginable.