Chapter 11: Senior

"Hey, Have you heard that a Gold-level Elder arrived at the sect with a Titan Wolf?"

"You just heard that? I saw when that Elder with the Titan Wolf and another guy were riding it too and guess what? There was a little Titan Wolf on that guy's shoulder. It means that not only that Elder got herself a beast she probably got her disciple a little one too! How lucky, I wish I could have the same master as him."

"Hah! Keep dreaming, That stingy master of yours wouldn't probably even give you a Rank-2 pill."

Chen siblings and Hogg were having dinner at a restaurant inside the sect when they heard all these. Chen He and Hogg looked as if they were going to kill someone right now.

Chen Jiaxin looked at them as if saying to keep their cool.

"Why did we have to give him that Titan Wolf. It was ours to take." Surprisingly Hogg was the one to speak up. Generally, he shows to the world that he is the calm and chill dude but only those who know him well could say for certain that in their trio the most cold-blooded and the one with the highest temper is Hogg. Chen He shows his anger and is arrogant but the one who holds a grudge and acts against them is Hogg.

Chen Jiaxin saw that Hogg is losing control so she exerted a little bit of her pressure. As one advances in cultivation, they develop a kind of pressure. It doesn't have an exact name but most say it is spiritual pressure. Just with this, one could suppress someone lower level than them.

As both Hogg and Chen Jiaxin are at the same level it didn't suppress Hogg but it did help in calming him down. At this point, the whole restaurant is sweating buckets as most if not all of the customers are lower level. As the pressure went down they felt a load come off but decided to just eat and leave.

"I didn't let him have 'our' beast, It was master who picked him. Even if we kept on pushing Master could have snapped at us.' Chen Jiaxin said She could even guess up to a certain extent why Veronica did that but even then it didn't feel good.

Hearing that their Master could have snapped at them Chen He and Hogg both shuddered. They could vividly remember the fight Veronica had with the Titan Wolf just a few hours ago and even then they had seen their Master angry. Even though she is one of the youngest Gold-level Elder in the sect her power is greater than the other fire element Gold-level Elder and could be considered top 5 among Elders.

"So we just let that brat get away with it?" Chen He couldn't accept that. As a young master of the Chen Clan, he is used to getting whatever he wants so this is unacceptable for him.

"Again we can't do anything to him. What? You think you can get away with killing a Gold-level Disciple of the sect and on top of that, even the sect master cherishes him too. We need to use this opportunity to get him to our side." Chen Jiaxin calmly assessed the situation and made a plan for it.

Hearing this both Chen He and Hogg couldn't help but look at each other for a moment. 'She wants that guy to join our side?' when they thought this they could imagine the possible future.

Seeing the two standing and the beauty sitting calmly the customers looked at them oddly. Even though they couldn't hear anything as the three have created a Qi barrier around them that didn't let any sound leak they found their facial expression funny.

Seeing that the two somewhat understood what she is planning Chen Jiaxin didn't say much, just informed them that she is now going to talk with Vishnu and they don't need to follow as they'd only cause trouble.

Vishnu arrived at the living room. The moment he entered, his eyes again looked at the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. Chen Jiaxin also looked at Vishnu carefully. Now that she took another good look at him this guy is even 2-3 tiers higher than her already good-looking brother. Most of the girls would fall for her brother in a heartbeat then what about this guy?

"What pleasure do I owe to have senior at my place this late?" Vishnu didn't want to waste time so he directly went to the topic.

"What's the rush? I'm here to see if you're settled properly. You're new to the sect right so as your senior I wanted to see if you're managing properly or if having any problems." Chen Jiaxin didn't want to directly state her purpose. She is used to having any man do what she wants them to do but she noticed that it isn't going to work for Vishnu so she wanted to take her time and get Vishnu on their side slowly.

"Oh! If you're curious then I do have some concerns."

"Ask away then. I'll help you within my ability." Chen Jiaxin felt good as this could improve their relationship.

"How can I create my faction and what are the things I need to keep in mind and how exactly this faction thing works and what are the benefits?" Vishnu directly asked away.

Hearing this Chen Jiaxin fell into a dilemma. She was here to ask Vishnu to join their faction but here Vishnu is asking her how to create his faction. This wasn't in her plans. If Vishnu created his faction and it gets bigger then one day it could threaten them and their interests.

The way faction works is that which faction gets more resources and resources are limited. So if a new faction emerges then it'd eat upon all the other existing factions' interests.

"If you want to create your faction, it'll be a long and hard process. You'd have to take care of many problems as well as take care of your faction members which could impact your cultivation speed so I wouldn't recommend you create one. How about you join ours instead. You'll directly become a top member as you're a gold-level disciple. There would be more resources to get on top of what you're currently getting from the sect. The way I see it, This is a win-win for both of us as we'd also get a talent like you. So what'd you say?" Chen Jiaxin didn't beat around the bush anymore. She feels that she needs to get Vishnu on her team as soon as possible otherwise this chance might slip away.

"Oh! Creating a faction could impact my cultivation speed. Then it certainly isn't worth it." Hearing this Chen Jiaxin's face lit up but before she could respond "But, I also don't want to join any other faction so the only way to get more resources is to become an Alchemist I think."

"Huh!" Chen Jiaxin became dumbfounded. Where did this logic come from?

"Becoming an alchemist would leave you with no time to cultivate and being an alchemist is tougher than you can even imagine. In the first place, why would you become an alchemist with your talent for cultivation being so high?" She couldn't understand Vishnu's line of thinking.

"Say senior, You've talked about not having enough time to cultivate but do we simply live just to cultivate or what? We're not cultivating 24*7 right? So we should enjoy what we like to do. And it's not like we're going to die early as our life span increases with each stage. You're in the core formation stage, right? So you could live 300 years naturally and you're probably not even 50 years old so why bother too much." Chen Jiaxin became stunned hearing this. Yes, what Vishnu just said was right. She still has a long life to live so why is she living like she has to get stronger every single moment? It is because she knows that without enough power she would be ravaged by those eyeing her always. With her beauty, if she isn't stronger than those who are waiting for a chance to have a go at her she'd become a slave to their desire.

"You're right, you don't have to work too hard if you don't have anything you want to protect. But if you have something and you're not strong enough then those stronger would come and snatch it away so keep that in mind."

Vishnu could see that it was sincere advice from her and he already has lost someone so he didn't refute her.

"Thanks for the advice Senior. So would you mind accompanying me to the alchemy association tomorrow after my lessons with the master end? I think you must've some connections there so you could help me out if there is something I don't know."

"Well sure, Even though I don't know much about alchemy I do have some connection. So let's go after training with master ends."