Chapter 23: Arrival Of Giants

After Leaving the Auction the house Vishnu took multiple detours to get rid of any followers. He changed his disguise multiple times and when he became certain that no one is following him did he return to the inn. His hard work was unnecessary as Vans didn't send anyone to follow him as it could easily offend him if he found out about it. And Vans was sure that Vishnu had to have his alchemy knights. Even though he couldn't sense their presence in the auction house they could be waiting outside. So he refrained from taking any action.

At the inn, Chen Jiaxin was waiting for him with puppy eyes. Vishnu looked at her and didn't understand the reason for that gaze.

"Well here is the V.I.P pass to enter the Auction." Vishnu took out the card Vans had given him and showed it to Chen Jiaxin. He has already checked if it has any tracking function but he didn't find anything and Arthur also didn't mention anything so he was sure that it is safe.

Chen Jiaxin looked at Vishnu surprised. It has only been a bit more than two hours since he left and he already got it. She became impressed by Vishnu's resourcefulness.

"How did you get it?" Even though it wasn't that hard to guess she still asked.

"How else? Just showed them some things and it all worked out." Vishnu didn't think much about the interaction he had with Vans, other than the tea which tasted good. 'I should ask for some of that next time' He thought.

"Oh! Anyway. So you'd also have money to buy things during the auction. I've never attended one myself but from what I've heard from the elders of our clan they showcase some miraculous things ranging from artifacts and cultivation methods to some rare ingredients and even beast babies. You can get almost anything you want there." Chen Jiaxin looked excited as she thought of this. She looked at Fenrir who was comfortably sleeping on the bed.

Vishnu saw that and understood, Earlier he had taken Fenrir from them. Even though he didn't do it purposely the fact remained that if he didn't interfere Fenrir could've ended up being her beast.

Feeling Vishnu's Emotion Fenrir got up and looked at Vishnu. As it has now taken the size of a cat it looked like a little fox somehow. Fenrir jumped onto Vishnu's shoulder and licked his face.

"Yeah, Yeah I understand. I taste good right?" Vishnu smiled. That's right! Fenrir is his and in the cultivation world if you pass up opportunities you may never get the chance again. Who knows whether he could've ever gotten another beast as great as Fenrir.

Vishnu looked at Chen Jiaxin "If they've got a beast which attracted your attention just tell me I'll buy it for you." Vishnu said. At least he could do that much. He didn't care about money. If he wanted he could auction even more Alchemy products that are taking place in his storage ring.

"You sure about that? Rare Rank-3 Beast's babies cost much more than you can imagine." Chen Jiaxin was still unaware of just how much wealth Vishnu has.

"You don't have to worry about that." Vishnu smiled as he gave a pat on Chen Jiaxin's head and left with Fenrir. He still has three days until the auction and he has this whole big city to explore. Fenrir jumped on top of his shoulder in excitement. He too can't wait to try out different foods.

Chen Jiaxin looked at Vishnu's retreating back with flushed cheeks 'Stupid idiot' she mumbled as she followed behind Vishnu.

A big carriage entered blue cloud city's gate. It didn't enter through the gate which Vishnu's group used but through a different much larger gate. There is no queue in front of that gate.

As the carriage entered the city the people who are waiting in the common line to enter the city started talking among themselves.

"Who is that? They entered through the Special gate?" A person asked.

"You idiot! Didn't you notice the white tiger flag? They're from Ammar Alliance." The guy in front of him replied.

"Oh! But why are they using the traditional carriage rather than Qi powered Vehicles?" Another person asked.

"You didn't even know that? They had to pass through the outskirts of the Magical forest to come here. They can't possibly travel using a Qi-powered Vehicle through that place." The same guy who answered before replied again.

"It looks like you've been to Ammar Alliance before."

"Of course, My uncle runs a small merchant group and I've traveled with them multiple times. But I must warn you guys If you didn't join a sufficiently powerful party, crossing that forest is almost impossible and Everyone will die." The man said in a dramatic tone.

At this point, Another Carriage came and entered through the same gate the previous carriage had used.

"Are they also from Ammar Alliance?" The previous guy asked again.

"Can't you see it has a Thunder Eagle flag on top, It belongs to Kano Alliance?"

As they kept discussing one after another carriage, and Qi-powered Vehicles entered through the special gate.

The first two carriages which entered stopped in front of the same place. It was an inn. One of the best in the whole city.

People started coming out of the carriages. The first two people out and stood on both sides of the carriage then, A pink-haired, blue-eyed beauty came out of the carriage which had a White tiger's flag. Her pink hairs reached to her waist. Her figure was something that'd make men drool at sight. And the face which housed the beautiful blue eyes looked perfect. After the woman came out another person came out of the carriage. It was a middle-aged man with long black hair and donned a short beard. On his waist was a saber. The eyes of the man scanned the whole surrounding. The person responsible for driving the carriage came near this person and bowed " Master Ateos, Should I take the Lion horses to the back of the Inn?" He asked.

The man looked at him and nodded.

"Freya, Let's go. Take some rest for now. The Auction won't start until the evening."

The pink-haired girl Freya looked towards another carriage stopping near them.

"Shouldn't we greet them first father?" She asked while having a smile on her face. But those who know her closely would shiver at that smile.

"No need. We don't have any business with them. Don't waste time, Let's go." The man said as he turned around to leave. Freya smiled at his father's remarks and she also turned to enter the inn.

"How harsh Daniel? You should listen to your daughter. It seems she has more manners than you." A voice sounded as someone walked out from the Carriage with Thunder Eagle's flag.