Chapter 25: Auction, Start

Vishnu along with Chen Jiaxin and Fenrir arrived at the Auction House. The lights on the street are all lit up, the sun is peeking from the mountain and the sky looked orange giving a pleasant view. The Auction house is also decorated with different colors of light giving it an aesthetic look. Many stalls are along the road which led to the Auction house's gate.

Vishnu handed the guards his V.I.P pass and immediately they were escorted through a different route. Seeing this many people looked at them with curious eyes. The people who are invited to the auction are either all wealthy, resourceful, or powerful people. So almost all of them knew each other or at least know their faces, seeing a new face here, it is natural to become curious.

Vishnu didn't mind these eyes and went inside the Auction house. He and Chen Jiaxin earlier went on shopping where she choose clothes for Vishnu. Vishnu didn't want something uncomfortable that would hinder his movements so they bought a Black robe for him. Yes, No matter how much Chen Jiaxin insisted on buying a Suit which is popular these days Vishnu didn't listen. He tried them on and found them uncomfortable.

Chen Jiaxin bought a Red and black dress which made her look like a fairy to Vishnu's eyes for a moment but he controlled his expression well.

The Auction will be held on the 1st floor but it is designed in a way that the podium on the first floor is visible from the second floor.

The V.I.PS get their private chambers on the second floor while on the first floor the common nobles, merchants, and some cultivators and alchemists sit.

Vishnu looked around his chamber. It isn't too big but enough for four people to sit and move comfortably. The Chamber has a large glass window in place of a wall through which one could see the podium for the auction. But if one looked from outside they couldn't see anything not even those with Ocular techniques.

There is a large couch in place, enough for three people and one at the side for a single person. There is also a table with a variety of fruits and foods. Vishnu sat down on the single couch while Chen Jiaxin and Fenrir make themselves comfortable on the other long couch.

Vishnu extended his spiritual sense to check if there was an array and formation through which one could spy on them but didn't find anything. He thought that if these chambers are made by taking Core & soul realm cultivators in mind then he couldn't possibly find anything even if there is something.

"Would you please check on it, Gramps?" Vishnu asked for Arthur's help.

'You only look for me when you need something, huh!' Arthur said but still extended his spiritual sense from the ring and checked the whole room and also didn't find anything.

"You know I've been busy these days," Vishnu said.

'Don't kid me here brat, All you're doing is getting all lovey-dovey with that Vixen over there.' Arthur is in the ring for who knows how long and it is natural to feel lonely after so long but after he found Vishnu, his life even though monotonous inside the ring isn't as boring as before as he could talk to Vishnu and observe various things. But Since leaving the sect they haven't talked much as Vishnu is always accompanying Chen Jiaxin and there is nothing to discuss as he isn't cultivating now and have no questions to ask Arthur.

"Okay Okay, From now on I'll give you enough attention, fine?" Vishnu joked as he saw the Auction is finally getting started.

A middle-aged-looking man appeared behind the podium. Standing tall at 6 feet 4 inches the man looked at the people in front of him with his pitch-black eyes. His short black hair along with his black suit gave him a professional look.

"Welcome, Ladies and gentlemen. I'm Jour Thames, your auctioneer today for this year's Qilin Auction. I'd like to thank you all first for coming here and making the occasion even more special. I can see that you're all getting impatient so I won't waste any more time. Let's start with the first product of the day." Thames said as two beautiful women walked onto the stage sliding a table whose top was covered in crimson cloth.

Vishnu looked on curious. He had heard from Chen Jiaxin that the opening product is one of the best things being auctioned.

"So for our first product of the evening, I present to you this bow made by Sir Odeus himself." As soon as Thames announced the girls put out the crimson cloth revealing the bow.

It was carved from wood and colored in black and gold, it emanated wood qi. There was some wind qi on the string of the bow as well. It is about 1.2m tall.

Vishnu looked at the Bow but he has no idea about bows so he couldn't tell if it is any good or not. Vishnu has heard of this Sir Odeus. He is called the Number one blacksmith on the entire continent. Unlike Alchemists where there is no clear Number one. And the sole reason is because his skills are said to be leagues above everyone else.

Arthur checked the bow. Even though he also never used bows but he could still tell if one artifact is good or not.

'This is certainly a very good bow for its Rank.' Arthur informed Vishnu.

"Yes, Our first product is a bow made by Sir Odeus and it took him more than six months to make. As you all must've guessed it is a Rank-3 Bow and is made of Everbone wood. This kind of wood can only be found in the core area of the magical forest where elves are found. It is said to be the best wood to make a bow as it is strong and flexible. But mind you it is a bit heavy so not everyone would be able to use it." Thames said. The last line was said in such a way that'd ignite the competitiveness among cultivators. No one wants to be called weak.

Vishnu looked at the bow and thought of something " Old man, There is no limit to birthing cores right?" Vishnu asked again, In his opinion having more options is better.

Arthur heard Vishnu and could tell what he is thinking as they have had this conversation multiple times already 'You better not, As I've already told you it gets much harder as more you have so focus on your elements first.' Arthur advised but Vishnu is Vishnu. He isn't the type to change his mind once he thought of something.

And so the bidding wars started.