Chapter 27: Griffith

Vishnu saw a head. The head looked like a human head so he didn't understand why is it there? 'Could it be the head of some other rare species which looks like humans or has a head that is the same as humans?' Vishnu thought.

"As you all know It's been 21 years since this head is being showcased here. But there may be some who don't know the history of this head and are wondering why is it here so let me explain, Even the body of Core & Soul Fusion realm cultivators gets decomposed in 5 years. But as you can see it has been 21 years and this head is still like this. The first being we could find a way past the Core & Soul Fusion realm and the second reason why we put this in here is because no one was able to break open this head or even harm it. We know that certain products could be made from bodies of cultivators and this one being indestructible could very well be used to forge one of the strongest artifacts but no one has been able to do it. Some used it to test DNA and various research but still no use as all the blood has dried up already. The head was found in Storm Empire but no one knew how it appeared or whose head this is. Now let's see if someone wants to have this head and test. Maybe they could find out the secrets of the head as it has been 21 years already and the head can't possibly stay in this state forever. Our starting Bid is 500 Qi stones." Thames announced. It is a high price and everyone knew that. The king of that kingdom bought it for 1100 Qi stones at that time and when he auctioned it the next year it only fetched him 830 Qi stones and after every single time, the price has only gone down. So opening bid of 500 Qi stones is a high price.

Vishnu looked at the head but is not very interested. If even Core & Soul realm experts couldn't do anything then what could he do. Arthur spoke to Vishnu at this moment.

"Buy it." Is all he said but Vishnu didn't ask further. If there is anyone who would know about that head here, that person is Arthur. Vishnu placed the bid of 500 Qi stones.

"Woah! Chamber 3 has bid 500 Qi stones. Looks like at least someone is interested in this." Thames said but in his mind, he was sure that as this is that person's first time he may be thinking he could grasp something from the head when others couldn't.

Chen Jiaxin looked at Vishnu. She didn't understand why is Vishnu buying it "Why are you wasting that many Qi stones for it. Even those of higher cultivation base couldn't find anything." She said. She thought that Vishnu is just curious and wants to see the head up close.

"Don't worry, I know what I am doing. And isn't it just 500 Qi stones? The Alchemy products that were auctioned earlier I've made around 1200 Qi stones from those alone and more are still left so no worries." Vishnu assured Chen Jiaxin. When she heard that Vishnu has made 1200 Qi stones just like that she didn't know what to say for a moment "Sigh! Whatever, It's your money. Do what you want to do." She gave up.

Vishnu smiled but didn't say more. Only he knows that he has someone who recognizes that head. Vishnu looked excited to find out what it is. Nobody else placed any bid for that head and Vishnu got it at 500 Qi stones.

Lin who lost to Vishnu during the bid for the bow looked at Vishnu's chamber and laughed "What an idiot. That guy is probably new here and just bought anything that caught his eyes." He thought that Vishnu probably has too many Qi stones to spend and is just buying anything. It was not only his alone's thought. Most people there thought that way otherwise there is no way one would but that head.

Vans the manager whom Vishnu meet to discuss his alchemy products being auctioned was also there attending to some guests. He also thought that as Vishnu has not been in contact with the world he is just curious about that head and would be in their auction house next year to auction it.

"Who is that man in chamber 3 Vans?" asked a golden-haired man who is sitting on the single couch. This chamber is almost twice the size of Vishnu's one. There are a total of 5 people in there other than Vans.

"You know I can't mention such things, Lord Steph." Vans said as he smiled. Nobody would dare to ask such questions here but the person in front of him asked because he is the emperor of the Orion Empire, Stephen Griffith. There are only four empires and the Orion empire could be said to be one of the strongest and it was mainly due to two reasons, the Elemental Heaven sect and the Imperial family. Elemental sect is the strongest sect in the empire and could be considered top three in the whole continent as they consistently produce great talents who reach their potential. On the outside, it could be seen as the sect only has 15 gold level elder or high-level Core & Soul Fusion realm cultivators but the water runs deep and the hidden power of the sect is such that no one knows maybe only the sect master as once the previous sect master retires they reveal all the secrets to the one succeeding them.

And then comes the Imperial family of Orion Empire also called Griffith House. They're the ones who established the empire almost ten thousand years ago and are the second oldest Empire now. After the Alchemy revolution, almost all the empires fell and in their ashes, the Orion empire was built.

Stephen looked at Vans a little surprised. Sure Qilin auction house generally doesn't reveal such information to others but him being the emperor still held some privileges but Vans here didn't hesitate once to refuse him that he can't reveal the identity of the man there.

Curiosity is naturally generated when one ends up in such a situation but as an emperor his control over emotion is excellent but that is not true for everyone there.

"Vans, The lord of Griffith house the emperor of Orion Empire asked you a question and yet you dare to refuse!"