Chapter 33: Interrogate

'Huh!' Wang xi looked below and saw the array shining brightly. But he didn't activate the array so how did it activate on its own? He didn't understand what is going on and in the next second his face became so pale as if it had lost all its blood. He couldn't believe what just happened.

The people in front of him whom he was just going to kill started regaining their strength. The seal placed on them by array has disappeared but that isn't the main issue, His own Qi is now sealed. He can't use his powers anymore.


Stephen looked at his body. He has regained his power. As an Emperor he always has powerful bodyguards around him so when Wang xi appeared with the bait of the realm beyond he couldn't keep his calm. He decided to follow the group to see if it is real or not. He never imagine that such an event would occur. All his bodyguards became useless without qi they are just muscular giants. But who expected the sudden turn of events when they regained their powers and saw Wang xi losing his they didn't hesitate anymore. Stephen ordered his guards to capture Wang xi quickly, he felt like being humiliated just now. Never in his life, he has faced such a situation not even when he competed for the throne with his brother and sisters. He was smart and sneaky from childhood he took care of his competitors with ease and gained the trust of his grandfather to become the Emperor. In his grandfather's view a person to possess those qualities to become a figure of power one can't be naive even with great power otherwise will be plotted against.

Wang xi was captured without any further issues. All the leaders of various factions surrounded him with bloodshot eyes. Never did they expect to be humiliated like this but it happened, seeing the people around them gave them some peace of mind.

'Yeah! If we've ho suffer let's suffer together.'

'I am not the only one tricked so it's okay.'

They consoled themselves and then started discussing what to do with wang xi.

"We should kill him as soon as possible, we don't know if this guy has any more cards." Someone from storm empire suggested. He still felt a shiver down his spine when he thought about his Qi getting sealed. He didn't dare underestimate Wang xi. None of them did. They've never heard of an array that can seal the power of Core & soul fusion realm experts so they didn't dare waste too much time fearing that Wang xi could've reinforcements too.

As the Emperor of the Orion empire Stephen has the highest status here so all the people silently let him interrogate Wang xi.

"Why do want to kill us all? Don't make a stupid excuse now." They had already heard that Wang Xi wants to kill another person for that he lured all of them here but they didn't believe it. How can it be so simple? This man must've hidden intentions.

"I've already said. There is one of you that I wanted to kill but I don't know who he is." Wang xi tried to look tough. His heart is in pain as his plan has failed and he still didn't understand how it happened but he was sure that it must be that other fellow who did it, no one could do something like that besides him. 'Is that fellow in star force realm?' he thought but even an ordinary star force realm expert couldn't reverse an array like this fellow did just now. Thinking about this his heart started beating faster. He regretted targeting a star force realm expert. He must be seeking death going after someone of that stature.

At this moment Vishnu is communicating with Arthur "Are you sure he just won't expose me like that?" Just now it was Arthur who gained control of the array and reversed it, It cost him some precious spiritual power but there was no other choice. When Arthur mentioned about arrays inside the cave to Vishnu he already knew that it was a trap so he asked if Arthur could do something about the array if not his only choice was to take Chen Jiaxin and run but thankfully Arthur could do it. Sometimes Vishnu even wondered if this old man was a god or something.

'Fallen god maybe?' shaking his head he dismissed that thought. There is no god in the universe only powerful cultivators who have such power that you'd treat them as gods. Vishnu want to reach that height so that no one could harm his interest. Cultivators are a bunch of selfish people if you're too honest and self-righteous you'd face an early demise.

Now that Wang xi is captured Vishnu wondered if he'd spill the beans he is still not sure if Wang xi knows about his identity as a disciple of Elemental Heaven Sect and if he knows and tells these people then he'd be in huge trouble so he could only reluctantly kill all these people. He has the array under his control now so he could easily kill them if he want. As the exit is still blocked no one could leave this place.

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As the interrogation is underway Daniel suddenly thought of something "Is it true that the realm above Core & Soul fusion is called star force realm?" he came forward and asked. His question drew everyone's attention.

Yes, earlier wang xi has mentioned this realm so either he knows something about it or was just spouting bullsh*t. But seeing the Array some people thought that there must be someone who has reached that realm otherwise how could an array seal all of them?

Wang xi was avoiding answering their question about Vishnu so when he saw that topic has changed he answered them readily.

"Yes, After the Core & Soul Fusion realm comes Star force realm and it is further divided into Nine realms. Once someone reaches this realm they can leave their planet and wander around the universe only using their body but it is still too dangerous." Wang xi started explaining to them the intricacies of Star force Realm and how it uses Stellar Energy rather than Qi which is why it is called such. He didn't get into too much detail as his own knowledge is limited too. Even though he is from a large clan, details regarding the Star force realm are guarded secret and only direct descendants or those who have shown potential would be able to know all the details. Sure with enough money, you can buy anything. The method to convert Qi force into Stellar Energy is a secret and someone like him isn't supposed to have that knowledge but when he killed the other two people he kept their storage rings and inside one of them, he found the method. He memorized the whole thing and destroyed it. He wouldn't risk anyone finding out that he has the knowledge. Even though he looked down upon everyone on this backwater planet still it doesn't cost anything to be careful.

The people there forgot all about being careful and listened to Wang xi. They wanted to get all information quickly and get rid of him but as the topic about the Star force realm started they all forgot about it. After Wang xi finished speaking one could see stars in these people's eyes but in the next second some started frowning "How do you know all about this." When this question was asked they all looked at Wang xi with varied different expressions.

'Is it true that he has a master in Star force realm then?' this was their thought if so they couldn't kill this man anymore if they do and that person finds out they would be asking for death. Still, they don't want to let him go that easily. This man nearly killed them, if they let him go so easily they'd become a laughing stock.

'Nevermind, No one is here to laugh at them anyway.'

"You must have the method to reach the star force realm right? Hand it over and we'll let you go." Luther from the Kamo alliance said. No one disagreed with him. If they could get their hands on such a method they could forget about this little grudge.

Hearing them asking for the star force scripture Wang xi was furious. Did they think Star force scripture is some candy that they can get just by asking? But Wang xi didn't show it on his face. Even if he is reluctant to give this knowledge his life is still more valuable.

"I've memorized the scripture. Let me go once we're out of here I'll give you the method."

"Do you think we're fools, if we let you out you would simply run away."

"Then We can just swear…." Just as Wang xi was about to continue the light of the array started flickering. Seeing this the already vigilant people didn't wait and directly slashed at Wang xi. With numerous wounds, his head flew out. Once it landed the array became silent too. Nothing happened, they didn't get sealed again but seeing Wang xi's head people couldn't help but let out a sigh.


It was a tremendous loss for them.