Chapter 84: Control

The Exploration team has searched the whole planet and has made a detailed report. They have also searched through the forests of the planet. There they've taken every beast's blood and see if there are any special ones among them but the result was as expected, All Common-grade beasts. Beasts are divided into three different grades- Common, Rare, and Legendary. The Phoenix, Dragons, Krakens….. Are Legendary beasts. They have the potential to reach the realm beyond the Star Force realm. Similarly, Rare beasts are those with the potential to reach the Star Force realm or Rank-4 and above, and the common beasts are those at or below Rank-3.

The potential of beasts could be determined using their blood. All civilizations have the data of almost all bloodlines discovered to date. The High-level civilizations have publicized these data so Sun-Alliance could also determine a beast's potential.