Chapter 113: Drifting

Vishnu and Jiaxin started hunting together. As they entered deeper and deeper into the forest more and more Rank-2 beasts started appearing. Vishnu also started cultivating the Darkness element. His talent for Fire and Darkness is Exceptional while lightning is high. After the Fire core reached peak level his cultivating speed increased so he could reach the peak of Darkness element faster which would then help the lightning core to reach peak faster too.

Jiaxin is also cultivating her wind element using the method Vishnu gave her and her speed has increased compared to before which is astonishing in her eyes. After spending roughly a week in the inner region they came across a valley. It was covered in fog so visibility was low. Vishnu looked inside the valley and could feel a sense of danger inside. He didn't think that anyone in this place could harm him but his senses told him otherwise.