Chapter 153: Crown

Time slowly passed and the time given to people passed. At this moment above Redbud city, the leader of the people who came out of the spaceship gestured for them all to enter the spacecraft. Even though they felt there could be some kind of trap but when they remembered that these people could easily crush them as if crushing an ant they felt they were not even worthy to set up a trap. With a wry smile, they all entered the spaceship.

The Inside of the spaceship was made out of some kind of blue alloy. Some passageways lead to different parts of the ship. They followed the group and arrived outside a door. The leader pressed his finger and released his energy a bit and the door opened.

The others silently followed behind. When they entered the room they saw a massive round table with around a hundred chairs. There was a strange device on the table. The leader told them to take a seat. All the people silently sat down at the far end of the table.