
-Early the Next Day-


One of my earliest memories was actually food related. My parents took me to my uncle's restaurant. It was an amazing steakhouse. Well, the Mac and cheese was amazing at least. I haven't been there in a while.

This particular night, I remember my uncle asking if I wanted to see what the kitchen looked like. I was a little kid so I got super excited.

I was absolutely mesmerized by all the chefs preparing food in an orderly fashion. They were all responding to the head chef in unison.

"I need two porterhouses, one medium and one medium rare!"

"Yes chef!"

The orders kept coming in at such a rate that I almost got left behind in the middle of the kitchen as I was put in a trance by how much food was being made. Of course, my uncle came back and grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the way.

I then laid my eyes on a huge metal door with a latch on it and I insisted on seeing what was inside. It turned out to be an industrial refrigerator where produce and liquids were stored.

When the door opened, the wave of cold air smashed against me as every hair on my body stood on end. I remember shivering before my uncle closed the door and laughed.

"Padawan Soryn, are you coming?"

I snapped out of that fond memory after hearing Master Zallow's voice, glancing through the ramp that had just opened in front of me. It was then that I realized what sparked that flashback. Illum was fucking cold!

With each gust of wind, snow would get carried into the belly of the shuttle we took to get here. It was a small ship that was more than enough for a party of four. It had a hyperdrive and light weapons.

Fortunately, I had a parka on. Otherwise, I'd need to find three kyber crystals to replace the two that would freeze off while leaving one to construct my lightsaber.

My mind was racing, wondering what color my lightsaber would be. Would I bed blue like Obi Wan? Green like Qui Gon? White like Ahsoka? Maybe even purple like a certain badass motherfucker. Supposedly he actually had that engraved on his lightsaber.

Then, another idea came to mind. "Master Zallow, how is constructing my lightsaber going to work?"

Ven turned to me before looking back towards the cliff in front of us. "How do you mean, young one?"

I thought for a moment before replying. "Well everyone's lightsaber looks different. I'm sure that the electrical components are standard parts across all lightsabers, but is there a catalogue I'll be choosing the rest of the parts from?"

Ven turned towards me with an eyebrow raised. "A smart one, aren't you?"

I shrugged. "I'm an engineer, what can I say?"

Ven nodded, wearing a slight smile on his face. "There is indeed a collection of parts you can choose from. Various hilts, clip styles, and many other things. Is that what you are asking?"

I nodded, glancing off towards the temple. "I'd like to design and fabricate my own hilt, if possible."

Ven chuckled. "You wouldn't be the first, my Padawan. Most have not been successful but if you are as good an engineer as you let on, I'm sure it shall come to fruition."

He took a deep breath and turned back towards the cliff face. It was covered in a deep layer of ice. There were no openings, no caves, no signs of anything. What were we doing here?

Ven raised his right hand, keeping his fingers pointed forward but still relaxed. "Come, Soryn. This is not a job for one."

I tilted my head slightly, confused as to what he wanted me to do. Nonetheless, I still followed his instructions.

He nodded. "Let the force guide you. Through it, you will find the answer you seek."

I closed my eyes, calming my excited thoughts. It was a bit more challenging than usual since my thoughts weren't regarding mere distractions as per usual. They were directly related to what was currently happening. On top of that, pure excitement is a strong emotion.

No matter the challenge, I still cleared my head. Immediately, I noticed that it felt like something was calling to me.

Making use of my meager capabilities when it came to the force, I called back, urging whatever was calling me to be pulled forth.


Ven spoke after this first sound was heard. "Very good, my Padawan. I might just be able to make a Jedi of you yet."

I opened my eyes and glanced towards him. I was just in time to see his body shudder in a brief bout of intensity.


He really was a Jedi Master. His abilities with the force were absolutely incredible. I was able to create but a mere crack in the ice while he was able to bring the whole cliff crashing down.

Ven glanced at me. "Come on, don't let up now."

I nodded, filled with newfound determination. What he had, I wanted it. Not for the power, but for the way the force appeared to impact his temperament. He was just so calm. It caused me to wonder what that would feel like.

Leaving those thoughts behind, I refocused upon the task at hand. This time, rather than prodding gently, I pulled with all the might I could muster. The results… unbelievable.


With what I would consider a full sprint from myself and a light jog from Master Zallow, the sky piercing wall of ice was torn asunder.

Snow was dislodged from the ground, dispersing through the air and washing over us like a wave. Thus, the world around me turned white.

The thirty seconds it took for the snow and ice particles to clear felt like hours. The anticipation had built up to an insane peak.

As the air cleared, an incredible structure made of stone was revealed. A massive archway carved with intricate details towered over what appeared to be the entrance. Two statues reached to the skies, each one holding a lightsaber. They shared the duty of guarding this sacred ground.

Ven sighed. "This never gets old. Welcome to one of the oldest Jedi Temples that remains standing. Let's head inside."

I nodded with a blank expression, still frozen from shock and awe. One foot after the other, I followed my master into the temple.

The interior of the temple was even more magnificent than the outside. The main room, which we had just entered, was circular. Surrounding it were many statues similar to those outside in all but size.

On the far side of the room was another archway. This one, however, did not have an opening within. Instead, a facade of ice was laid bare. This ice… it looked different from the rest. I wasn't quite sure why, but it almost looked younger, more fresh.

Ven's voice broke me out of my thoughts. "Soryn, let me explain to you how The Gathering works. Behind this door of ice lies a system of caves within the glaciers of Illum. This world is special. The entire core of the planet is made of kyber crystal. Much like what makes up the core of a lightsaber but countless times larger."

"We are not sure why, but this planet is strong with the force, a nexus of sorts. Kyber crystals form naturally throughout its crust. For thousands of years, since the Jedi of old, younglings have come here to participate in The Gathering. Each one emerges from these caves in possession of their very own kyber crystal. This is a secret held to utmost importance by the Jedi Order. None can ever know of this world. Might you have any questions?"

I nodded. "How long do I have in there?"

Ven nodded. "A great question. There is no set amount of time but it is always within the space of a few hours. Anything else?"

I wore a wry smile. "Any tips on finding my crystal?"

Ven laughed. "Only the force can be your guide once you enter. Beware, however, that you may have to face a great trial in order to retrieve your crystal. We must begin now as our source of light will not remain for long."