Swarmed II

(Sorry for the delays guys. Worked my second job on Tuesday and then had a date last night so I had no time to write until my lunch break today. I'll do my best to get another out tomorrow.)

-1:42 AM, July 5th, 2054-

-Nakh'Tahli Mountain caves, Kessel, Outer Rim-







I took my hands off of the controls for a moment and pressed on the button to open the command channel. "Captain Kane, sitrep."




I clicked my tongue in frustration. "Tch, fuck. The cruisers have nothing to spare. Vi, sitrep on exfil."

Violet quickly replied in the channel. "All engineers and equipment are safely in the caves. Structural reinforcement at 50% and climbing. The garage will be ready in 5 minutes. When can you extract me and the others from the base?"

I nodded. "Maintain position, we'll get you all soon."

I then swapped to crewman comms. "Madison let's pick up the stragglers." I disabled the comms channel since the next person I needed to talk to was in my tank. "CREWMAN, GET MOVING!"


Hmmmm, I wonder if these tanks could handle a turbolaser. Would they flip over from the recoil? On second though, one of those wouldn't even fit on here. From what I've seen, the full assembly is huge.


The impacts and resulting blasts of my cannon caused the bombers own munition to turn against them. The explosion was remarkably larger than anything else taken down thus far.

Do I have bad luck? Nothing ever seems to go right in this galaxy.



This was supposed to be a simple operation. No one outside the board of directors even knew where we were headed until we arrived. Whoever sent the spies must have been lying in wait.

Who is attacking us though? Was it necessary to attack one of, if not, the strongest guilds in the galaxy? Oh, God help whoever they are when we KDY starts delivering units.

Also, why are they attacking now? Wouldn't it be better for them to take the planet from us after we have the mining operation running? Better yet, just take an unoccupied resource planet!




The tank slid to a halt as the ramp opened up. We had arrived at our former base camp to extract the last of our guild personnel.


The sound of dozens of footsteps found it's way into the gunners bay. They were loading quickly which was good.

I turned my head and yelled. "CREWMAN, WE MOVE WHEN FULL!"



I cleared my throat before grinning and activating the PA system for the tank interior. "This station is Main Base. This is the express train to Nakh'Tahli Mountain Caves. When you exit the train, mind the gap."

-1:57 AM-

-Garage, Nakh'Tahli Mountain Caves, Kessel, Outer Rim-

"Thank you for riding with ANV Transport. Enjoy your stay and mind the gap when exiting the train."

After enjoying myself that one last bit, I stood up. Throwing my hands up, I used the force to throw open the hatch above me.

I leapt upwards, soaring through the air and landing on top of the tank. We were now inside the caves that ran beneath the mountains.

Even after a quick observation, I was impressed by our efficiency. Within these few hours, the cave was outfitted with everything we needed.

Lining the walls were lamps strung with electrical cables. The walls themselves were quite rough. Jagged edges jutted out into the slightly chilly air.

While they made enough space, the cutting job was obviously rushed and horrendous. I couldn't blame them due to the time constraints.

They at least and time to reinforce the walls with wood. Despite it still being timber, it would do the job for now.

Well, almost everything we needed was here.

I opened the command channel through my comm. "Vi, how are we going to close the garage?"

I waited for several seconds but there was no reply. Sighing as I turned around, I complained out loud. "Fine. I'll do it myself. Don't complain later."

I closed the comm channel and faced the crowd of people. "EVERYONE AWAY FROM THE EXIT!"

My hands slowly reached out as everyone scurried away from the large opening. I felt around through the force and found the edge of the ceiling with my eyes closed.

I grasped it with all of my strength and pulled.


The wall of solid rock began to crack and crumble before our very eyes. It wouldn't hold for long.


The overhead rock wall completely collapsed, sealing the entrance with heavy boulders. Now, explosives or a well employed push from the force were the only ways out for my precious new toys.

I examined my work with a smile as I hopped down from the tank. Quickly, I identified someone that would have what I need.

The man was holding a datapad and appeared to be recording something into a report. He seemed like the admin type.

I walked up to him. "I need a map."

The man glanced up at me and shrugged. He then reached into a pouch on his belt and took out a datachip.

I smiled and snatched it from him. "Thanks!"

As I walked away, I plugged the chip into my smartcomm. Fortunately, it automatically downloaded the data.

A 3D map of the cave quickly rendered on the display with a few locations marked. All the way in the back was the command center and safe area.

A total of 8 tunnels led outside. Chambers were located in each of the intersections and fortifications we're being set up everywhere. With us literally being surrounded by rock, it was quite easy for us to fill up the HASCO blocks.

One of the tunnels was much larger. It has been labelled as the choke point. This is probably where a large resistance would be mounted. There was also a FOB marker in the chamber that was a short distance behind the choke point.

Hmmmm, where shall I go? Eenie meanie minie mo, catch a…

Rachel yelling through the command channel interrupted my thoughts. "ENEMY APC SQUADRON SPOTTED AT ECHO 3-8-7."

I sighed and nodded. "Well, choke point it is."