Advance and Secure III

-10:51 AM-


I tightened my grip on the strap that hung down from the ceiling to maintain my balance. That explosion shook the tank violently. I had no doubt that it was a direct hit. We were still driving, so it couldn't be that bad.


The tank slid to a stop, the ramp opening without delay. Heavy blaster fire from the tank's turrets continued thinning the defenses, making our charge just a little bit easier.

Everyone started running out. Despite it only being 2 dozen people, it felt like a lot more.


The tank shifted a few inches across the ground as another rocket hit its hull. Several people that were running down the ramp fell over.

I spun around, seeing Lloyd on the ground right behind me. I grabbed his arm. "Come on, Brooks. You can nap later."

He grumbled as Mahmud laughed. Without looking back, I ignited one of my lightsabers and started sprinting towards the outer edge of the base.

Every other step, I waved my saber. Every wave of my saber, a blaster bolt was deflected into the ground. With each step, I was closer to the outer edge of the base. Mahmud and Brooks used me as cover, firing a healthy number of shots from behind the screen that was my lightsaber.

After several seconds of running for our lives, we reached the back side of a tent. I swung my lightsaber, slicing open the wall before rushing inside. Fortunately, it was empty. My two companions quickly followed me inside.

I walked to the front of the tent and peeked through the flaps. Checking both the left and right, I found a lot of enemies running but no one looking in this direction. They were all focused on the frontal assault.

With a quick glance back, I waved two fingers forward. "Let's cross."

We rushed across the path, reaching the next set of tents in just a few seconds. I looked around again to get a grip on our surroundings. If we crossed one more path, we would be in the central section of the base that was mostly made up of prefab structures.

All around us, swathes of enemies were rushing towards the outskirts of the base. Fortunately, they were all taking the open walking paths. None of them were watching the spaces between the tents.

I shrugged and waved again. We then rushed across another path, quickly entering the space between some tents that neighbored prefab buildings.

We rushed up to the wall of the closest building and leaned against it. All three of us needed a moment to catch our breaths.

I pressed my ear to the wall and found it to be silent inside. This one was empty. Thus, we moved to the next one.

We moved from building to building as we made our way towards where ANV command used to be. Every building was empty.

That was until a building that was adjacent to ANV command. There were guards on either side of the door. In addition, they had different emblems on their chests than the others. I was too far to see it but they were definitely not green nor tree like.

I held up a fist, stopping my two squad mates in their tracks. I silently moved around another building and approached the prefab in question form a different angle. Then, I pressed my ear to the wall.

Although muffled, I was able to hear a voice. "Sir, our losses are mounting. We can't hold this position for long… Yes, sir. We will hold out as long as we can."

Bingo. This was an officer.

With great care to remain quiet, I hopped up to the roof. Ahhh, I wish Sirius was here. He's way too good at this stuff.

Upon reaching the side of the building with the door, I took out both of my lightsabers. I looked down and saw the two guards on either side of me.

I stood up, then then walked off the roof, holding both of my lightsabers in a reverse grip.

*Bzh* *PSHT*

The instant that both of my feet hit the ground, I pushed my lightsabers back, stabbing them both through their chests, killing them quickly.

I then spun around, pulling my lightsabers out before throwing my hands forward to call upon the force.



The door was ripped off the hinges as it was sent flying into the building. A pained grunt came from inside as the door slammed into whoever was inside.

I slowly walked inside, glaring at the enemy officer with a hint of anger in my veins. With each step, I saw the fear grow in his eyes. He was trembling.

Once I was standing over him, I moved the tip of my lightsaber right beneath is nose. "Who the fuck are you people?"

There was suddenly a spark in his eyes as all of his fear disappeared. It was replaced by determination. I could feel through the force that he was at peace. Then, his jaw shifted before he spoke. "You won't get shit out of me."

Before I could reply, his mouth started foaming. He then twitched for a few seconds before becoming still. His eyes were glazed over and his breath no longer flowed. He was dead.

I shook my head and clipped my deactivated lightsaber to my belt. "Tch, it was just a question."

I knelt down next to his body to examine it but hesitated for a moment. His aura felt cold and malevolent. Even the lingering energy within his body felt dangerous. This man… He was no ordinary soldier. He wasn't force sensitive but I had no doubt that he has had some decent exposure to the dark side.

With a quick look at him, our suspicions were confirmed. There was a second guild. This emblem was… intimidating to say the least. It was a skull with flames in its eyes. In its mouth, two cutlasses were held. Surrounding that was a ring with various runic looking symbols.

I took out my smartcomm, snapped a picture of it, and sent it to command. That was the best I could do for now.

I stood up and looked out the window before sighing. "Ughhh, this makes this a lot more complicated."