The Impossible Weapon

-2:15 PM, December 20th, 2054- 

-Santon Foundation Compound, Colorado- 

I glanced at the open holocron on the workbench just a few steps away from where I stood. My eyes lingered for a moment before I looked back at the red-hot metal on the anvil before me. 

With my hammer raised in the air, I struck. The ring pounded my ear drums as a dull vibration raced through my bones. 

Again... Again... Again... 

I struck the metal with a steady rhythm. It continued to be shaped under my will. 

I paused and examined my handiwork. The contours seemed correct. The dimensions were just as I had drawn them. 

With a nod of satisfaction, I put the hammer down on the tool rack adjacent to the anvil. Using a pair of tongs, I carried the metal to a barrel of oil. 

Then, I dunked it in. Flames shot out and brushed against my thick leather gloves. I began to count. 1, 2, 3... 

Physics was the paint with which our universe was illustrated upon the canvas of reality. When mysteries wore the mask of magic, the math to explain it had just yet to be introduced. 

I pulled the now warm metal out of the oil bath and placed it on my work bench. With quenching complete, it was time to move on to the next step. 

I sat down upon the floor and shifted to cross my legs. I then rested my hands on my knees. Then, I paused and wiped the sweat from my forehead before closing my eyes. 

My will was imparted upon the force as I began to manipulate the various components on the workbench above me. I didn't need to see the parts. I just needed to feel them. 

As a species, we like to think that we have a thorough understanding of the world and universe around us. However, each and every time, new discoveries seem to shatter reality as we had known it. 

I opened my eyes as the results of my efforts over the past week and a half floated before me. I willed it to slowly rotate so I could examine my work. My eyes scanned across it, scrutinizing it down to the tiniest detail. It had to be perfect. 

This was my third attempt at assembling. Each time there was something that didn't meet my expectations. Each time I took it apart and melted down the components that were not up to standard. 

There were many aspects that had to be considered. The contour of the wood, the smoothness of the metal, the blending of the materials, and the seamless transitions between them. I refused for there to be any gaps, any uneven surfaces, or any other imperfections. 

Mathematics, and the physics it attempts to explain, are beautiful. They take the world around us and break it down into the tiniest of pieces. Every action and reaction begins at the lowest of levels. That beauty lasts forever as the universe is eternal. Unless... the math breaks. 

My eyes narrowed as I pulled my creation into my right palm. Without hesitation, I pressed the rectangular button on its side. 

The violet light that I had become so accustomed to filled the dimly lit room. The happy hum of energy flowing within the palm of my hand brought comfort to my weary mind. 

I looked into the blade with immeasurable satisfaction in my heart. A smile formed on my face. In that moment, I had just changed the world. 

-End Volume 4- 

(Alright fuckers, listen here. Join my discord. Check my Twitter, @arn3wman, to find the link in my bio. No one has suggested any content from this time period to go into, so I've already finished fleshing out Volume 5. Volume 5 is most likely going to be much longer than any of the preceding volumes so strap in for a wild ride. I'm very excited for what is to come so I hope you'll all continue with me on this journey through the galaxy. Thank you all for sticking with me and I'll see you in a year.)