Sector W7, Part 2

Chapter 2: Aeincha, the Lilliputian Who Was Equal

Sector W7 Treehouse

The sun was rising over the town of Water 7, and its morning rays sparkled off the enormous fountain. Aeincha was up early, dressed in warm white pajamas as she tiredly trudged down the halls of their base, rubbing her eyes. At her size, it took a lot longer to get down the halls of the treehouse, but she still managed to make it to the kitchen. The tiny girl gripped and climbed one of the cabinet doors and made it onto the counter. From there, she looked at the top of the fridge and took out a grappling hook, launching it to the top. She held tight and climbed her way up, then threw her grappling hook to open one of the upper cabinets. She threw the hook to the cabinet's ledge and climbed inside.

There, she found a cereal box of Rainbow Munchies that was three stories high. She threw her hook to pull the box over, and a bunch of the colorful pieces poured out. She picked up one and munched away. That was all she needed. With that, she jumped her way down, and once on the floor, she stared up at the towering refrigerator, as high as a skyscraper. The massive door was shut tight, and was very heavy to the tiny Lilliputian. She would struggle greatly trying to pry it open. By then, she would be too tired to get what was inside.

"AEIN!" Aeincha screamed. A terminal on the fridge's door beeped and accepted the passcode. It immediately came open on its own. She smiled brightly and began to climb her way up the fridge's many platforms. She reached the glass of milk that was twice her size, with a bendy straw sticking up. She jumped and gripped the edge of the milk glass, climbing up to reach the straw. She opened her mouth very wide to fit the entire end of the straw inside. She inhaled with all the strength in her little lungs, and the milk slowly rose up. It was able to reach and enter her mouth, and Aeincha felt her head swell, closing her mouth tight as some milk spilled out. She fell on her back on the fridge's shelf, and the huge swell of milk forced down her tiny throat, and into her tummy. "Hoooo…" She sighed in relief.

With that, she jumped out of the fridge, and yelled, "CLOSE." The door snapped shut. "Ahhh… well, that's my daily exercise!" She beamed. She began to walk to the couch to watch some TV when she felt some light quaking. She looked right, seeing her leader, Numbuh W473R Chimney, bare feet, raggedy clothes, and eyes shut with tiredness. Aein sported a smile. "Hi, Chimneyyy!"

"Hey… Aeincha." She spoke very groggily, but her wide grin still showed. "You need help getting breakfast?"

"I got it by myself!" she grinned.

"Oh… yaaaaawwwn. You could've asked me for help."

Aeincha looked curious. "Chimney… your hair."

Indeed Chimney's pigtailed hair was unraveled, revealing her hair as extremely disheveled and unkempt, so big and puffy that it was almost as big as her. "Ahhh… I took off my braids last night. I don't have a comb."

"Ha ha ha ha! I'll braid it for you! Lie down!"

Chimney lay back on the couch with her head hanging over the right armrest. Aeincha lifted a giant comb with both arms, using all the strength in her tiny arms to pull the right half of Chimney's hair over to its side. Once finished, she dropped to the floor and tossed her grappling hook up over the combed-down hair. Still holding one end, she climbed up the hook's end, and began to wrap the rope around the thick, strong hair. Once it was scrunched enough, Aeincha grabbed a group of bands and walked to the end of Chimney's pigtail. She struggled to pull the bands around the huge hair and pull them back to their proper spot. She repeated this with the other bands until Chimney's right pigtail was puffy like it should be. She proceeded to repeat this entire process with her left pigtail.

When Aeincha finished, Chimney still had her eyes closed, her mouth hung open in tiredness. As Aeincha stood on her face, she sported a humorous smile. Chimney's mouth was so big and wide, she was always worried about falling inside. Chimney could swallow her whole. Of course she wouldn't do that.

Aeincha hopped over the giant mouth and approached her friend's feet. Chimney's toenails looked very dirty, and Aeincha could pick up the smell. "Your toes can use some work, too!" she beamed. Aeincha went to grab a file, still having to lift with both arms as she began to smoothen Chimney's toenails. She also got a can of nail paint, carefully painting her friend's toenails a shiny red. Afterward, she stared at her reflection in the shiny, red nail, giving another smile. "Good as new!"

Apis, Aisa, and April were up shortly after, rubbing tired eyes as they walked in. "Hey, what's going on?" Apis asked.

"Oh… Aeinchan's just fixing my hair." Chimney said tiredly.

"Do you guys want a pedicure, too?" Aein asked.

"Sure!" The girls (minus April) grinned.

Apis, Aisa, and April all sat on the couch as Aeincha began work on all three. She washed Aisa's messy red hair, scrubbed the bottoms of her dirty feet, painted Apis's fingers white, brushed her hair, wrapped April's pigtails, and patted her dolly face with powder. "Hm hm hm!" Apis laughed. "You're really good, Aeincha!"

"Thanks!" the girl beamed, starting to paint April's nails blue. "I've been thinking of going to beauty school when I get bigger."

"Oh?" The girls looked baffled.

"Um… older." She corrected. "For some reason, I'm just really into appearance."

Apis looked a little concerned. "Um… that's great, Aeincha. But don't you think you're a little… small?"

"Hm?" Aeincha looked up. "Well, I was never too small for our missions."

"I know… but, I mean, you being your size, it might be hard to fix so many big peoples' hair or nails, and you might get tired."

"Well, that's why I practice with you guys!" Aein smiled. "So I'm ready for it!"


"Besides, at my size, it's easier to see the messy marks, so I can get every single detail! I wanna take cosmetology to brand new heights, despite my size."

"Well, if you wanna follow Kweeb." April said simply.

"Aaaahh! Aeincha'll do just fine, on'nanoko-chans!" Chimney assured, making Gonbe roll over for a carrot. "If Aeinchan wasn't tiny, she wouldn't be special. She'd be just like any other boring on'nanoko-chan."

"Gyom-gyom." Gonbe nodded, successfully earning his carrot.

"Hm-hm-hm! Thanks, Chimney!" Aein grinned.

Chimney looked confusedly as Gonbe ate his carrot. "I still don't see why a cat likes a carrot."

"Gyom." Gonbe shrugged.

Suddenly, the treehouse flashed red as alarms blared, and the tiny Lilliputian fell over in shock, her tiny ears taking the impact the worst. "Oiii! What does Cheren-chan want??" Chimney exclaimed, running to the TV. Larry MayHence's face appeared onscreen.

"This is Moonbase calling Sector W7. There is a KND shipment of candy under attack by Candy Pirates close to your sector. You are ordered to fly out and stop them ASANow."

"Oi, give us a little warning when you're gonna go all blare like that!" Chimney shouted angrily.


The transmission ended as Chimney faced her team with a serious look. "Let's GO, Sector-chans!" The other girls got off the couch, and Apis carried Aeincha as they followed Chimney.

Middle of the ocean; candy shipment

The R.O.C.K.E.T.-T.R.A.I.N. came speeding toward a pirate ship and 4x4-tech ship. The pirate ship had candy decorations and a Jolly Roger of a pirate skull with big lips, surrounded by candies. Chimney set the train on autopilot as the five operatives + rabbit leaped out and landed perfectly on the KND ship's deck, with Aeincha hanging onto Apis's shoulder. "Oi, kaizoku-sans! Better step away from the candy or else!" Chimney exclaimed as they all glared.

"Gyom, gyom!"

"Oi, is this wot the Kids Next Door have for backup??" one of the candy-crazed pirates asked. "I's just four wee tykes and a rabbit!"

"HEY!!" Chimney screamed. "Gonbe's a cat, and you mean FIVE wee tykes!"

"Wot? Five?..." The pirates looked down, and finally spotted the Lilliputian on Apis's shoulder. "Ohhh, look a' that, lads! It's an even WEE-ER tyke! This'll be easy!"

"Says you!" Aein yelled, leaping off her friend's shoulder and dashing to bite the pirate's leg.

"Yooo-owch!" Chimney then leapt to kick the pirate in the face, flinging Aeincha off as Gonbe jumped up and caught her. Aisa pulled out an Impact Dial and aimed at some incoming pirates, pressing the button to blast a series of rapid gumballs as if it were a G.U.M.Z.O.O.K.A.. April dodged as some pirates tried to whack her with candycane swords, slipping behind and painting pink symbols on their backs. The pirates began to feel weak, falling to their knees in depression.

Apis looked up and saw a flock of seagulls overhead. Using her telepathic abilities, she called the birds down, and they began to swarm and peck the faces of the pirates. Aeincha was surrounded by a group of towering pirates, but kept a confident look as she ran and jumped, avoiding their sword-swings and stomps. With that, she ran and leapt onto Gonbe's back, riding the rabbit horseback style as she made Gonbe pounce and kick off the pirates' faces.

Chimney knocked the leader of the bunch down and grabbed his shirt collar, readying her fist. "Send our message to Stickybeard-san!"

"We don't WORK for Stickybeard-" Chimney punched and knocked him out.

"Ohhh… B-Boss…" One of the fallen pirates groaned.

The battle was watched by a large figure from the other ship. Suddenly, a very fat pirate, with black hair, a big mouth, and exposed belly took a mighty leap and quaked the KND's ship upon landing. "Arrrr, what's the rest of you lot doing, ahhhh?" he asked with sort of a lazy, out-of-breath tone.

"Oi, who the heck are you, Fat-san??" Chimney questioned.

"Gyon, gyom?"

"I be Commander Fat Jack, ahhhh, and Ah think you little munchkins needs a wee tutorial." He took another mighty leap, creating a shockwave that knocked the children over. Aeincha was the first to recover, feeling the quakes strongest as Fat Jack stomped her way. Chimney ran forth with an aerial kick, her foot coming in contact with the pirate's big belly only to bounce her way. Aisa aimed her Dial and launched a barrage of gumballs, but they had no effect on the squishy belly as Fat Jack leapt in attempt to smash her, running away just in time. April ran to try and paint something on his belly, but Fat Jack released a "BUUUURRRP" of dark green gas that swallowed April's face. The 12-year-old coughed and was punched away by the fat pirate.

Gonbe ran forth, carrying Aeincha on his back as the rabbit leapt and bit his buckteeth through the pirate's belly. Aeincha began climbing the squishy substance, going to Fat Jack's face and tossing her grappling hook to his eye. "NNN!" The pirate smacked her off, then grabbed and threw Gonbe away. Aeincha landed on her front, trying to recover, but the enormous pirate stomped forward and squished her tiny legs beneath his boot, and her tiny bones cracked like sticks.

"OOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!" Aeincha's never felt more pain in her life.

"AEEEIINCHAAAAAN!" Chimney screamed, mouth wider than ever.

"Hnn-hnn-hnn." A wicked grin appeared on the commander's face. "Sorry. I's means to squish the rest of you." He lightly raised his boot over the rest of Aein's body.

"AAAAHH!" Chimney leapt forward, full of rage, and kicked the pirate dead in the nose, knocking him backward slightly.

"Oi, Boss, we got the load, so let's go!" a pirate yelled from the ship.

"Arrrr, this be the end you'll hear from me for now, ahhhh." And the pirate mightily leapt to his ship, making it shake. Sector W7 only watched as they sailed with the candy.

Aeincha lay on the deck as her four towering friends stood around and looked down with saddened eyes. "Aeinchan?" Chimney said, still grinning even though she was sad, as she bent down and scooped her friend in her hands. Aeincha's legs were squished flat, and blood dripped. She was unconscious as the friends exchanged worried looks (but April looked the same as always).

Moonbase Hospital

Aeincha was lain on a hospital bed as doctors tried to fix the tiny girl's legs, having to use magnifying glasses to do so. They also invited Melody Jackson and Haruka to help. Melody helped to ease the pain with Water Healing, and Haruka stuck her fingernails into Aeincha for a Healing Sting. Since Aein was so small, a regular dose of Haruka's poison was more than enough for effective results. The rest of Sector W7 stood by the entrance as Chimney clutched a doctor's coat. "Oiii, Numbuh Medical-Jargon-chaaaan! Is Aeincha-chan gonna be okay?? Is she gonna live the rest of her life like Mr. York-san?!"


The doctor pulled Chimney's hands off and said, "Your friend will be fine. Thanks to these two, we were able to treat her legs just in time and she'll be on her feet again in a couple days. Just give her bones time to heal up."

The doctors proceeded to wrap Aeincha's legs in bandages; or tape. Whatever they used for her. "Well, I guess I have tonight's headline." Melody said.

Haruka spared her a glare before lightly picking up Aeincha in both hands and setting her in a tiny wheelchair. "Here you go, Aeinchan!" she said positively. Haruka knew about Aeincha's dream of being a cosmo, even though she was so small, and Haruka could relate to that. Haruka wanted to go in the medical field and use her poisonbending to treat people. Although if it wasn't for Lee, she wouldn't have decided this.

Haruka carried the tiny child and carefully placed her in Chimney's hands. "There you go. Just let her rest up!"

The three girls and rabbit (not April) smiled at their sleeping friend, feeling extremely thankful.

Sector W7 Treehouse

"Mmmmm…" The sun was setting over Water 7 as Aeincha began to awaken. When her tiny eyes opened, she found the enormous, smiling faces of Chimney, Aisa, and Apis looming over her (and April's frowning face).

"Oi, Aeinchan's awaaaaake!" Chimney exclaimed.


Aeincha sat up and found herself on the living room's couch. She felt a numbness in her legs, and found they were wrapped in bandages. "The doctors said your legs would be fine after a few days." Apis explained. "That was a close call though!"

"We'll file the mission report about this Fat-san later." Chimney said. "But le's watch some TEEEVEEE!"


"Chimneeeeyy!" Aisa yelled. "Aeincha probably wants some peace and quiet! You feeling okay?" she asked her friend.

"Hm hm! I'm fine!" she said with a light smile. She looked away and frowned. "Actually… I've been thinking."

"Mmmm?" Chimney moaned as the girls looked curious.

"Well… I almost died today. I could've been killed. And, well, I haven't really been the most helpful in fights. Maybe…Maybe I shouldn't go into cosmetology."

Needless to say, the girls were surprised (even April, though she didn't show it).

"I mean, not like this. Maybe I could do things better if I was bigger. I'd be able to fight better on missions and you guys don't have to waste time carrying me around."

"But… Aeinchan. You're our tiny spy." Chimney said. "How you gonna be spy if you're not tiny??"


"I'll just spy the normal way! I'm already agile enough!"

"But who's gonna help fix our train??" Chimney questioned.

"We could always train hamsters. …Do we still use those?"

"No no no!!" Chimney shook her head furiously. "We can't be Sector W7 without our Tiny Spy!! YOU'RE STAYING tiny!!"

"Why not?!" Aeincha yelled. "You guys always insist on helping me get breakfast! And you didn't even think I could GO into cosmo! Me getting bigger would change everything for the better!"

"But… it just wouldn't be the same if you were bigger." Apis said. "I mean, it's just…"

"Well, I know I'll be bigger than my parents and everyone else… but, it would just be hard to fit in in this world. It's like when people who move to America have to learn English. If I'm bigger, you guys won't have to worry about me. If we go to Mrs. Chariton's…"

"NUH-uh!" Chimney shook. "As your leader, I ORDER you to stay tiny!"

"You can't order me to do that!"

"Can too! I'm BIGGER than you!"

"CHIMNEY!" Apis and Aisa shouted.

"You wouldn't be ANY good to us if you were bigger!!"

"What?!" Aein screamed, suddenly hurt.

"The reason you're cool is BECAUSE you're tiny! It's what makes you special and THAT'S why we're Sector W7!"

"Whaddyou mean?? How can I be any different if I'm not tiny?? Except being less of a burden!"

"We never thought of you as a burden." Apis told her.

"Yeah. You're actually pretty fun." Aisa said.

"I don't care. Lilliputians don't have that Kateenian pride. We were supposed to stay hidden from the world to begin with. And maybe this is why. If I stay part of this sector, I need to get bigger."

"If you get bigger, you ain't gonna be IN this sector!" Chimney shouted, becoming more angry while her face grinned. "I'm kicking you OUT if you do that, Chan!"

"Why would you?!"

"Because you'd be going against your LEADER! I won't accept you if you're any bigger than my face! YOU'RE STAYING TINY!!"

"Gnnnn!" Aeincha was getting more angry. "Why can't you just understand?!"

"Why can't YOU?! The ocean's always been blue, but it's never changed! Trains are powered by coal, why should that change?! YOU'VE always been tiny!! And you're NOT GONNA CHANGE!!"


"Are you not listening?! BAKA-CHAAAAN!!"


Apis got between them and touched fingers to both their mouths. "Both of you stop! You two are best friends! You shouldn't fight like this!"

"She is not sounding like my best nakama now!" Chimney shouted.

"Well, I'M getting tired of your big mouth!" Aein shouted.

"Uuuugh!" Apis groaned. "Sigh… I think we all need a while to calm down. Aeincha… I'll take you to your room." With that, she lightly gripped the tiny child and carried her away.

"Fiiine! Baka on'nanoko-chan!" Chimney yelled.

"Gyoooooom!" Gonbe was still furious.

Aeincha's Room

Apis set her friend on her giant (regular sized) bed and pulled the covers up over her. "You needed to rest, anyway." She said.

Aein lied back on her huge, thick pillow and sighed.

"I'm sure Chimney didn't mean what she said. She's just… I mean, we're all so used to you being small… it's hard to see you as otherwise."

"Well, if she isn't worried about my safety!" Aein yelled.

"It was just one mission, Aein. Everyone gets in accidents like these. Even Fybi, remember? You don't have to change your life."

"Why is the whole thing such a big deal, anyway??"

"Hmmm… to be honest, I'm not sure. When we first met you, Chimney didn't even KNOW you were tiny! Remember?"


"Anyway… whatever decision you make, I'll go with it. But… you should still think about it." And with that, Apis left Aeincha in her room in the dark.

Aeincha rolled to her side and tried to clear her mind. This whole event put a lot of memories through Aeincha's head. When they first came here from Lilliput, she didn't have friends for a while.

Aeincha was 2 years old when her family sailed from the Bermuda Triangle on their toy-sized boat, made of whatever scraps they could find. The whole journey, Aeincha's head rested in the window, staring wonderfully at the vast, endless sea. She wanted to reach out and touch the huge waves, but was far too short. And if she got in, she wouldn't be able to swim.

They landed at an old scrap yard on the coast of Water 7 and settled into a gap within the wall, having enough space to set up a bed, kitchen supplies, anything they needed. "Welcome to your new home, Aein!" her father smiled.

"How come we moved again?"

"The economy in Lilliput is running down. That's why we're taking the simpler life as Borrowers. We'll acquire only what we need and be able to survive."

Aein couldn't help but stare at the thousand-foot tall fountain in the distance, and the huge, bustling town built around it. "Can we make new friends here? ?" she asked excitedly.

"No." Aeincha frowned as her father led her away. "Humans wouldn't take well to seeing people like us. Borrowers need to stay hidden."

Aeincha entered the entrance gap of her new house, head down in sadness. She heard someone walking, turning around as she spotted a human girl, about her age, with pigtails, sandals, and a wide grin on her face, walking with a little blue rabbit. The human girl had a huge mouth. Huge enough to swallow Aein whole. Do all humans have a mouth like that? Is that what they're for?

Aeincha stepped a bit closer as the girl dove into a pile of rubble, only her bottom half sticking out as she shuffled around. She came out, holding an old train lever. "Aaaahh! This should work!"

"Gyooom!" the rabbit agreed, and with that, they walked away. Aeincha remained hidden as she watched them leave.

Aeincha lived on Water 7 for 2 years. She found out the girl's name was Chimney, and she had a friend named Apis. Whenever her parents were out borrowing, Aeincha would sneak out and look for these two. They usually hung around the scrap yard. Every time they came, Aeincha would hide and watch them play. The two had lots of fun together. Aeincha wished she could join in that fun. She didn't have any friends to play with since she moved, and she wanted to play with them. But she felt what her parents said might be true. They were so big compared to her. She wouldn't fit in right with them. They wouldn't accept her. But they looked so nice. And Aein really wanted to play with them.

"Oi, Apis-chan! Are all our crates loaded??" 4-year-old Chimney asked, pretending to drive a small train made of stone and scrap.

"Our crates are just fine!" Apis smiled.

"Greeeaat! Let's haul these doggies to Candy Land nooooww!"


Aeincha watched again as the two pretended to pilot the train. Every time she watched them, it made her hurt that she couldn't have fun with them, too. Aeincha finally wanted to do something about it. She couldn't stand seeing them have fun and not have fun herself. She wanted to take a chance and be friends with them. But she was still afraid they would say no. With a deep breath, Aeincha summoned the courage to walk out and approach them.

"Gyuh-oh!" Chimney exclaimed. "The wheels' malfunctioniiiinng! We're getting BUMP-py-y-y-y-y-y-y!"

"WhoooOOOaa-oooOOOOaaa-oooOOOOAAAA!" Apis wobbled around on one leg.


The girls immediately ceased playing, looking for the source of this voice.

"OVER here."

Chimney and Apis looked down and finally spotted the voice's owner. Chimney hopped over the wall of their train, her bare feet landing flat on the ground, and approached the small girl, bending over as she stared questioningly.

Aeincha felt so nervous. This was the first time a normal human's noticed her, and it was her first time being so close to one. She had no idea how they would react. She was afraid they wouldn't accept her. She struggled to bring up the words… but she did. "Um… I was wondering… can I play with you guys?"

There was no answer right away. Chimney and Apis remained silent, looking at each other questioningly. Aeincha already felt she knew their answer. Her head faced down, disappointment and sadness on her face. She knew she wouldn't be accepted. She was far too small. She could never fit in with them. It would never work out. She felt stupid for even trying. Because of her size, they would never accept her like-

"Okay! Sure!"

Aeincha's head shot up in surprise. She couldn't believe her ears. Suddenly, she was lifted lightly in Chimney's hands, the pigtailed girl running around and back onto her pretend-train. Chimney set Aein down by her feet, under the fake controls. Aeincha remained confused as Chimney returned to "driving" her "train." "EAAAHHNN! The tracks are ending!!" Chimney screamed. "We're gonna drown!! Apis! Activate the brakes!!"

Apis pretended to pull on a lever. "It's no use! The brakes are broken!"

"Gyaaah! Quick! Repair-person! Hurry and fix the braaaakes!"

"Huuurryyyyy!" Apis wobbled as the train "sped faster".


Aeincha shook back to reality. Apparently she was the repair-person. "R-Right!" she turned and bent down before the wall, pretending to crawl through a tiny opening and repair broken wires. "…Ahhh, here's the problem! Someone left chocolate in here."

"Daaah… that was me." Chimney admitted.

"Okay! The brakes are fixed!" Aein announced.

"Apis! Hit the brakes!"

Apis nodded seriously, pulling as hard as she could on the fake lever. Chimney shook from the imaginary force as the "train" was slowly screeching to a "stop". "NYUUAAAHH!" Chimney was blown back by the force, knocking Apis over. Aeincha held tight to the floor to avoid blowing back as well.

The "train" was mere "inches" from the broken "ledge", but it "stopped" just in time. Chimney and Apis recovered, shaking their heads and smiling brightly at their "success". As Aein opened her eyes, she was grabbed in Chimney's hands as the hyper girl raised her in the air. "WE DID IIIIT!"

"YAAAAaaaay!" Apis raised her arms in victory.

"Gyooooooom!" Gonbe was just as excited.

A bright, excited smile appeared on Aein's face. As Chimney kept her sky-high, she stretched her arms and legs in victory. "Yaaaaay!"

That was the day she first met Apis and Chimney. The first time she spoke to normal humans. They were so big. She was nearly 2 inches tall. But they accepted her as if she was as tall as them. They didn't seem to take notice in her size at all. All they saw was just a new potential friend who wanted to play with them. …In fact:

"Oiii! That was FUUUN!" Chimney exclaimed as the three gathered off of the pretend-train.

"GYoOOOOoom!" Gonbe exclaimed.

"I thought we were gonna CRASH for a minute!"

"Good thing we had our trusty repairwoman!" Apis beamed, smiling down at Aeincha. "Ooh?..." A look of realization appeared. "I'm sorry! I don't think we got your name!"

"Yeeaaah! What is it??" Chimney grinned.

"Gyoooom!" Gonbe followed.

"I'm Aeincha!" Aein smiled.

"Hi, Aeincha!" Apis greeted. "I'm Apis! This is Chimney, and her cat, Gonbe!"

"Uh… cat?" Aein looked questioningly. "It… looks like a rabbit."

"Nnn… rabbit?" Chimney was confused.


Aein laughed, "Ha ha ha! Anyway… it's nice to meet you all!"

"So are you new here?" Apis asked.

"Well, kind of. My family moved here from Lilliput. It's an island of little people, like me. My parents say there's a lot of us around the world. But we mostly stay hidden from regular humans."

"Nnn? Little people?" Chimney kept her excited grin as she and Gonbe looked closer at Aeincha. There was something different about her. Something Chimney hadn't noticed before. But she couldn't put her finger on what. She stared harder and harder at the green-haired girl. And Aeincha smiled back. …Finally, it dawned on her. "AAAAHH!!!" Chimney screamed in utter panic, and Gonbe mimicked. "Y-Y-You're… TIIINYYYY!!"


Apis and Aein stared disbelieved, anime-sweatdrops appearing on them. "Chiiimneeey! Of COURSE she's tiny!" Apis pointed out. "She's nearly ANT-size! She's no bigger than your pinky-toe!"

"Aaaah! You KNEW?!?" Chimney took Apis's dress, looking furious. "Why didn't you tell me?! Look at her! She's so tiny! I could've stepped on her with my feet! How could you, Apiiis!" Aein giggled happily at their antics.

"Ah ha ha!" Apis laughed. "But I thought you knew! I mean, why else would you make her a repairman?"

"It's just a JOB no one had yet! We needed one, and SHE came along! NO ONE told me she was TINY-"

"AAAAHHH!!" Aeincha screamed, shivering with utter fright.

"What? What is it??" Apis asked as they looked down at her in surprise.

"Y-You guys are…" Aein shivered, pointing at them fearfully, "GIAAANNNTS!!"

"AAAAAAAH!!!" This news took Chimney by great surprise. "I'M GIAAANNT!"

"Gyooooom!" Gonbe was equally surprised.

"APIS!!" she took her friend by the shirt again, "WE'RE GIANTS!! We might STEP on people! AAAAH!" Chimney looked down frantically, stomping her feet about aimlessly. "KOKORO-SAAAN!! Are you THEEERRE?? I THINK I STEPPED ON YOOOOUU! AAAAAHHH!..." Chimney began to run around the field uncontrollably. She stopped when she collided with a wall, and fell flat on her back, alongside Gonbe. Seagulls began to flap over their faces, as Apis and Aeincha burst into laughter.

That memory put a smile on Aeincha's face. Back then, Chimney didn't know she was tiny. …Well, she acted like she didn't know. She never understood Chimney sometimes.

Aeincha knocked on the door to her house one day as her parents answered, looking worried. "Oh, Aeinchan!" her mother exclaimed, bending over. "Where were you??"

"'Hoy, Misses Aeinchan!" a voice said from above.

The parents looked up, and- "AAAAAHHH!!"

Two human girls, one with a huge, wide grin, and one with a thick mustard-yellow dress, towered over them. Aein's father stepped back in fright while her mother quivered. "Mom, these are my friends!" Aeincha smiled. "Chimney and Apis! Oh, and Gonbe!"

"Gyooooom!" The blue rabbit opened his mouth wide, startling the parents more.

"It's okay! They're nice! They're really fun and they took me around the city!"

"Are…Are you… sure…" her father stuttered.

"Calm down, Dad! Tomorrow, they wanna take us to try Grandpa Banban's super salty meat!"

"It's so SAAALTYYYYYYY!" Chimney screamed.


Chimney really scared her parents. They were more comfortable around Apis. They've both been really great friends since then, but Chimney especially. She remembers when they went to Arctic Training, and met Aisa.

Sometime after they entered Arctic Training, they met with a barefoot girl with a brown, dirty dress and wings. "Hi there!" she greeted back. "Who are you guys?"

"I'm Chimney-chan! This is Apis, and Aeinchan!" the grinning girl introduced.

The winged girl looked more closely at the shivering, tiny girl on Apis's shoulder. "Ohhh! I thought you were a parrot!"

"Mmmmm!" Aein shot her a playful grumpy look.

"I'm Aisa! I'm a Nimbi!"

"Nnn? A Nimbi?" Chimney questioned.

"Gyom-gyom?" Gonbe asked.

"You know! A sky person!"

"But why are you here??"

"LINE UP, troops!" the Drill Sergeant thundered, and all cadets lined up in a straight row, standing straight, and Aeincha hopped off Apis's shoulder and did the same. "It's your first day of training." He spoke as he slowly paced and studied his cadets. "When you graduate from here, you'll hopefully be full-fledged troops, good at combat, spying, or whatever field befits your…" He noticed an empty spot in the line up, looking down and spotting a very tiny girl. "What the?! Who the heck is this?!"

"M-My name's Aeincha." She spoke with a frown. "I'm from Lilliput."

"You can't be in the Kids Next Door like that! Adults will waste you in centiseconds!"

"Heeeeyy!" Chimney shouted. "Who says she can't be in here??"

"I do." He stated. "She wouldn't last in the big field. I'm taking her to transport and having her sent ho-"

"NAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Chimney furiously tackled the older boy, shaking him by his shirt collar. "AEINCHA'S STAYING HEEEEEERRRREE! SHE'S STAYIN' SMALL AND KICKIN' YOUR TUSHIIIIIIEEEEEE!"

"Ack-ack-ack!" he choked. "Okay okay, fine!" He pushed Chimney off. "See how long she lasts!" he yelled, standing and brushing himself. "Don't whine to me if she gets stomped!"


Aeincha was able to use her tiny size to her advantage. She easily dodged the training robots' shots and crawled into their circuitry to disable them. When her team battled other teams, she was able to best the opponents by sneaking up, and tickling them from under their clothing, getting them distracted so the others could run and attack.

In the end, she was allowed in the KND, Sector W7, as Numbuh 76.2. Chimney raised her high as they all cheered in victory.

About a year as a team, a girl named April joined, because her team had been decommissioned. But for the next 2 years, Aeincha had fun with her new friends.

Aisa held her little friend and ran around the treehouse, and Aeincha screamed as she felt like she was flying like an airplane. She was then seated on Gonbe's back, holding on tight and riding him like a horsie. Later, Aeincha sat on the lap of Apis's dress as the religious girl held her copy of the sacred texts open in front of them, reading a page. April was later bent over, looking closely at Aeincha's feet as she carefully painted her toenails different colors. Chimney was then eating popcorn, and when she got a kernel stuck in her teeth, she put Aeincha inside her gaping mouth so she could get it out.

Finally, all five friends and rabbit were riding down one of Water 7's many waterslides, from the top of the fountain, zooming at high speeds toward the ocean. April was in the back, the only one not cheering, Apis in front of her, then Aisa, then Gonbe, then Chimney, with Aeincha seated on her lap. They zoomed straight into the water below with a great splash. Unfortunately, Chimney was the only one who could swim, but they came out okay.

These memories made Aeincha realize: maybe she reached this conclusion too quickly. It was only one mission, and it apparently wasn't fatal. She had so much fun with her new friends, and her small size made it better. It really wouldn't be the same if she was bigger. Her friendships were practically founded because of her smallness. She wouldn't wanna change that. And Chimney didn't want that to change either. She decided… (End song.)


After an hour passed, the W7 team came into Aeincha's room. "Oi, Aeincha-chan…" Chimney spoke first. "About what I said in there… I'm sorry-"

"Don't worry, Chimney." She stopped her. "I've been thinking… maybe I overreacted. It was only one mission. And my legs'll be fine in a few days. If I wasn't small… maybe I wouldn't be any good."

"Oiii, I didn't mean that!" Chimney shouted. ("Gyom-gyom!")


"Hm hm hm! Don't worry, Chimney, I know what you meant! I mean… this is why we're Sector W7! We all have something that makes us different! Chimney's half-mermaid, Aisa's a Nimbi, April's 12, Apis is an Arceist, Gonbe's a weird cat-"


"-… and I'm really tiny!" she smiled brightly. "I don't really care if I'm too weak to fight now. You guys accepted me even though I was small. I can't get rid of what made me different. …I'm staying tiny!"

"That's our Aeincha-chan!" Chimney exclaimed as she raised her friend high.

"Aaaaahhh easy, Chimneeeyy!"

"And if we ever see that fatty again, we'll pop him like a balloon!"

"I've got a new idea for a picture now…" April said.

Somewhere on the sea

The pirate ship sailed into the sunset as Fat Jack munched and chewed on a big, red lollipop when his phone rang. He answered, "Hello? Oi, Captain."

"Did you obtain the sweets?"

"Yeah, Mama, ahhhhh, I got 'em right here. Ah'm bringin' 'em in."

"Was there any trouble?"

"No, Mah, it was jus' some pesky kids."

"Hmmm… interesting. Well, as long as they get to me shortly. You did well, sweetie."

"Mmmm, thanksh, Mah. Ah'll see you in a bit." With that, he hung up, and proceeded to eat his lollipop.