Chapter Seven — Discomfort

It's been three days since I last spoke to Brian or had any kind of contact with him. My dad has been the one keeping me up to date with the wedding preparations even though I had absolutely no interest in knowing anything. Apparently, the wedding wasn't going to be happening in Las Vegas because Brian's family wanted to hold a huge wedding ceremony and they didn't think that Las Vegas was the best place to hold their first son's wedding ceremony.

My dad also informed me that my soon to be in-laws were flying back to the country for the first time in almost eight years and the reason was because they wanted to meet their daughter in-law, which unfortunately is me. He mentioned that they would arrive two days before the wedding which is happening in the next five days and that I had to prepare myself mentally because Brian's parents weren't exactly the friendliest people in the world and asides from being unfriendly, he mentioned that I might be looked down on should in case they don't find me worthy enough to marry their son.

Although I found his words ridiculous, I decided against saying anything because I didn't have the time or the strength to pick a fight with him. Whilst he was busy preparing for a wedding that didn't even feel like I was a part of, I was busy with rounding up things with a few of my patients before I had to say goodbye to my job.

I had just arrived home from work after a tiring day of dealing with a few patients and letting my colleagues know that I would no longer be joining them from tomorrow because I was getting married. Most of them seemed shocked and disappointed cause they didn't think I was the type to quit my job just because I was getting married and they even went as far as speculating that I was pregnant but I simply debunked their assumptions and told them clearly that I was quitting to focus on my married life but I made sure to add that it was only temporarily.

"Good evening Miss Dawson," Mariana greeted as soon as I walked into the house, snapping me out of thoughts.

"Good evening Mariana. Is there a problem?" I asked, wondering why she just kept standing there like she was waiting for me.

"Your family is waiting for you at the dining table and your father asked me to let you know when you arrive," she informed me and I scoffed.

"Don't tell me that he actually expects me to show up there? Let him know that I have no interest in being a part of that ridiculous setup," I said to her and she sighed, almost as if she was expecting my reaction. There was absolutely no way I would join my parents for dinner when I know very well that they wouldn't shut up about the stupid wedding and keep trying to give me guidelines on how to present myself publicly.

"Your father asked me to let you know that it's very important that you join them for dinner and I was also asked to inform you that if you do not comply the easy way, that he would have you dragged out of your bedroom," she said and I could not believe that old man had the audacity and the effrontery to actually threaten me.

"Alright fine Mariana. Let them know that I'll be joining them as soon as I take a shower and change out of this," I told her and she simply nodded before walking away and I went up to my bedroom quickly to fix myself up before going down to hear them out.

I walked into the dining area and unsurprisingly, my parents were seated there and for a few seconds, they didn't even notice that I had walked in as they were too engrossed in whatever conversation they were having. It was after I pulled a seat on the far end of the table that they realised that I had walked in and finally paid attention to me.

"Oh, welcome sweetie," mom greeted cheerfully and I knew that smile on her face couldn't mean anything pleasant for me.

"No offence mom and dad but, can you both just get to the reason why you made me come down here? I really don't have the energy to chit chat with either of you," I stated quickly, not exactly interested in playing a happy family when I couldn't even stand looking at their faces.

"You don't have to be in such a hurry dear. Won't you at least have dinner first?" mom asked.

"I've already had dinner," I lied. "Why am I here dad? What's going on?" I asked my dad directly since he's probably the one who has something to say to me.

"I called you here because I wanted to discuss a few things with you concerning your wedding," he started and I rolled my eyes.

"I already said that you people can do whatever it is you feel like doing cause I have no interest in getting involved," I told him for the umpteenth time.

"It is your wedding Emerald, not ours and we can't keep doing everything for you," mom chimed in and I scoffed.

"Really mom? You know, for a wedding that's supposedly mine, you seem way more excited about than I am and I'm the bride! I already made up my mind to deal with all of this but, don't try to force me to participate in the arrangement cause I don't want to," I told them clearly and I could hear mom cursing under her breath, something she usually does when she's pissed and irritated.

"I'm not going to force you to do anything that you don't want to Emerald but, you do have a wedding dress fitting scheduled for tomorrow and you don't exactly expect your mother and I to randomly pick you a wedding dress. Clear your schedule for tomorrow and make sure that you prepare yourself because you can't miss it," dad said and I let out a frustrated groan. I definitely didn't want to pick out a dress because it was only going to make me feel even more horrible, especially since the entire wedding wasn't real anyway.

"Do I really have to go? Can't I just have my measurements taken at home and you can help me pick any random design?" I asked.

"We thought of just letting you do that but that can't happen because Brian himself is coming to pick you up tomorrow and he insisted that he'd like to take you for the fitting. He even booked the appointment himself," mom explained and I frowned.

"Why would he even want to do that? Couldn't he ask me first?" I wondered out loud.

"Can't you just see it as him making an effort to be a proper husband to you? You don't really have to overthink everything Em," mom defended and I'm not even surprised by her thoughtless response.

"You really should think sometimes mom cause trust me, the day you start thinking instead of just saying any nonsense that comes to mind, you'll come to realise how ridiculous you sound. If that's all you two want to say to me, then goodnight and don't bother coming anywhere close to me cause I don't want to speak to either one of you," I warned them sternly before walking out and heading back to my room.