Chapter Twenty Three — Huxley Family Dinner II

Third Person Pov

"Can you not start with the bullying, Reina? Do you always have to play the role of a wicked mother-in-law?" Liam hissed, with an eye roll.

He was already used to his wife always trying to play the role of an unbearable mother-in-law and he was sick and tired of it.

Reina threw her husband a death glare as soon as he called her out publicly. She didn't like that he had a habit of always reproaching her in front of her children and their spouses and she already made up her mind that she wasn't just going to swallow his disrespect today like she usually does.

"If you didn't suddenly ask our dear son to marry a good-for-nothing nurse, whose background isn't even befitting enough to our servant, much less our daughter-in-law, maybe then, I wouldn't be such a wicked mother-in-law to her. I will never accept someone like her into my family and I do not care what anyone thinks of me," Reina blurted out, much to everyone's surprise.