Chapter Twenty Seven — Who the fuck is Marlene?

Third Person Pov

Brian didn't understand Emerald's sudden attitude towards him. After they arrived home from the dinner at his family house, she treated him with even more disdain than before and he just couldn't understand why she was being this way.

As far as he was concerned, he had already given her stipulations before they got married that she wasn't allowed to work. So, he saw no reason why she should be surprised or upset that he refused his brother's offer to let her work with him.

His brother was a very important fashion designer with a lot of fame and Emerald getting involved with that world wasn't going to sit well with him or with his father. His father had specifically instructed that Emerald wasn't allowed to work and the best he could do for her was to offer her a position in the department store so she doesn't feel too bored.

"Emerald wait," Brian called out, halting Emerald in her tracks.

"What is it?" Emerald asked, not hiding the irritation in her tone.