Chapter Twenty Nine — Nagging Wife

Third Person Pov

Brian was seated in a bar with a million and one thoughts running through his mind. He noticed that Emerald had been giving him an attitude for a while now, and he couldn't even bring up a conversation with her because he knew that she wasn't going to respond to him.

For every time he tried to talk to her about something, she would say things to him that would eventually end up pissing him off and he'd find himself getting even more aggressive with her even though that wasn't his intention from the get-go.

He knew Emerald was greatly bothered by Marlene but he couldn't understand why she is so insistent on knowing who Marlene was when they have only met once and he and Marlene didn't seem to look like they were that close. Or so he thought.

He had been so deep in his thoughts that he didn't even realize when his friends arrived and it wasn't until one of them patted him on the back that he was finally able to snap out of his thoughts.