Chapter Thirty Six — So he cares for me?


Emerald had woken up about ten minutes ago but seeing as there was nobody in the room, she sat quietly by herself and engrossed herself in her thoughts.

She still couldn't believe that of all places that she could have fainted, she just had to faint right in front of the paparazzi and now, she's probably on every news tabloid.

'Wife of Billionaire businessman, Brian Huxley, faints at the premiere of his newly sponsored movie'

She could already imagine herself being a laughing stock to every person in the world and she couldn't help the feeling of depression that overwhelmed her. The questions that the reporters were asking were questions that she could not respond to and because of the blinding lights and the sudden attention that she wasn't used to, she couldn't stop herself from falling to the ground and completely embarrassing herself and Brian.