Chapter Forty One — A Pest Named, Marlene.


After weeks of wondering and pondering over who the fuck Marlene was, I have finally gotten the answer to my question and I now know who she is and why Brian was so protective of her.

If you're thinking by chance that I got the information I now have from Brian, well, think again, because that bastard had his lips sealed until the very end. I had thought threatening him with his father would finally trigger him to talk but boy oh boy was I wrong.

If threatening him did anything, it probably only made him a hundred times more upset and not only was he upset, but it also seemed like he would murder me the first chance he got. The look of hatred he had in his eyes for me was something that I'd never seen in any man and I just knew that my relationship with him had worsened a thousandfold.

That night, Marlene ended up confirming that she was indeed pregnant and as soon as she did, she had run off like she had been found guilty of a crime.