Chapter Forty Seven — Immersed in Loneliness

Third Person Pov

Brian halted in his steps as soon as he heard what Emerald's mother had to say.

Was she being serious? Did he just hear correctly or were his ears playing tricks on him? He wondered to himself, unable to fathom what exactly she was thinking.

He had already banked on the fact that his marriage to Emerald would be ending in about a year or at most, a year and a half but listening to Emerald's mother tell her that she had to stay married to him for three years just didn't make sense at all.

"You're joking, right mom? I mean, you can't be serious right now, mother," Emerald stuttered, and Brian could hear the pain and disbelief in her voice. He had a feeling she was just as surprised as he was so he couldn't blame Emerald or think that this was also part of her plan.