Chapter Forty Nine — Fear & Poverty


The nerve this man had to call me immature when he was the most immature and unreasonable man I have ever met.

The more I looked at him, the more furious I became with each passing second and I just felt like giving him a tight slap across his beautiful but annoying face.

"Allow me to correct that thought, Brian. I'm in no way trying to act like the whole world is against me. I just want to have my breakfast and peace and having you anywhere around me makes me very uncomfortable. I don't see how it's a problem for me to want to have my breakfast away from you," I retorted, keeping my arms folded across my chest.

"And why is it suddenly a problem for you to have breakfast with me? If there's something I did wrong or something you have against me, why can't you just man up and talk to me about it?" he asked.

I scoffed.