Chapter Seventy Nine — How do I make it up to you?

Third Person Pov

Brian was confused as to why Emerald was accusing him of hanging out with Marlene when he had not done such. He could tell that she was not lying and that she really believed that he had gone out with Marlene but he was very certain that she had mistaken him for somebody else.

"So what you're trying to tell me now is that you didn't go out with Marlene and that the person that I saw with her was somebody else?" Emerald asked to confirm and Brian nodded his head to confirm.

"You know what, I didn't come all the way here for us to have an argument over something like this and if you still don't believe me completely, feel free to ask anyone that works with me where I was that day and we can even go to the restaurant to confirm if that is going to help you feel better," Brian responded, feeling rather uninterested in having any more reasons to get into an argument with Emerald.